
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

After a long break..I am so happy to be home!!

Hello to you all!

 After almost a year FluffyseeksFirm is up and running again. Since we last spoke life has taken some major exciting turns. We have moved from Germany to Chattanooga, Tennessee..a town that both myself and my husband are absolutely smitten with. I finally finished my first Master Degree in Human Services Counseling with an emphasis in Life Coaching..have begun working on my goal of becoming a certified Health and Wellness Coach and will be starting a life for the past 19 years since becoming a nurse..of beginning my Master of Science in Nursing in January 2017. For those of you who previously followed FluffyseeksFirm you know that I am insanely crazy about my fur babies..yes, all 3 made the trip back to the US with us and are doing well..Max the Wonderdog is almost 16 years old now, but still brings much love to our home. Melissa and Marli have also settled into living in the South nicely.

I have found an amazing church home here in Chattanooga..City Church. What a blessing to my life this location has become..I am super excited for the fall small groups to start up to not only grow spiritually, but to meet new people and form new relationships with others who love God! This life though, wonderful is not always so easy and this year has been filled with not only positive happenings, but also some that has thrown some loops in the road which have left me feeling a bit unsettled and somewhat anxious at times..and this is where praise and worship time for me is so fill my tank so to speak when I feel less than gracious and even keel. I was able to attend JFest this past May -a great Christian music festival that takes place here every year (this was one of the reasons I was so excited about returning the Chattanooga!!) This year we were lucky enough to have amazing artists such as Jason Gray, Jamie Grace, and Zealand worship just to name a few. 

Today has seen my with my seemingly strange relationship with my scale..sometimes I am happy to see what she has to say and sometimes was a good day with a decrease from yesterday which was followed up with some cute workout clothes, a good workout which included a few rounds around the neighborhood, some ab and arm work and a breakfast full of protein and fiber. Good motivation and an encouraging start to keep the work up for the rest of the day..ladies, for most of us closer to the 50 year mark staying fit and fabulous is not always happens..hormonal changes happen..and lets be honest we sometimes just flat out tired..that is why with this blog and our conversations I really do not want to focus on what the numbers say, as with my experience sometimes they can make a day great or start us out feeling less than what we are (because perhaps we do not meet the standard definition of what the media says we need to be) and what God means for us to be..for example..this morning because my scale was nice I feel great, but yesterday when the numbers did not mae me feel so great this mood kind of stuck with me throughout the if it is okay with all of you I would like to focus on blessings, feelings of being energized and positive, and helping each you be a bit more motivated to feel amazing about who you are!

I would like to share daily 2 things that I am grateful they are 1) setting an appointment to go and speak with a leader of the Church on Thursday and 2) having a husband that makes it possible for me to grow as an individual.

I wish all of you a wonderful day..don't forget to share your smile!

   I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
                                                                        Philippians 4:13 


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