
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

My goodness..time flys when you are all over Deutschland!!

I have no excuses other than I am busy for why I have not written, once more we are in Kaiserslautern, me for work and a class through the end of next week and my youngest son to do everything he needs to do to join active duty Army..test and appts scheduled for him the whole first of next week..super happy for him and the opportunities this choice will bring him in his life. Wanted to post a couple of final pics from our ski trip, what I think is a gorgeous black and white for the mountains and part of the lodge and one of my husband getting yet another view of the mountains. As we were not home for Valentines Day he suprised me with the wonderful bouquet of flowers a day or so after we got home, and as you can spring is really trying to my mind at least.. Fluffy has gone redder and shorter for a hairstyle, I needed a little more pep in my step and this was just the solution..and with the mid length I can still wear it up for work and in a ponytail for exercising or other activities..We booked a family room at the hotel here, it is basically a small apt with a full kitchen..okay downsized from what we have at the house but everything we need to fix real meals and real the first evening we were here we went to a store called mind you, I have lived in Deutschland for almost 3 years now and for the most part stores here are pretty small as compared to say a Super Walmart so my level of comfort in a large store is not what it used to be..well..I must say, this store is huge and Icould have spent about 3 hours just in the grocery part but after driving all day and a 2 hour meeting before going shopping we were pretty much on the well done any rate managed to get what we needed and some stuff that was just for fun..the moral of this story is..we are able to eat real food this time instead of that can only be put in a to go box or fixed in the microwave..pasta with fresh veggies last night..yum o..and did I mention that we have a full sized coffee maker..with European style way to start the day!! Need to make our way out into the world this evening, I am in need of a new pair of tennis shoes for outdoor training and Dalton will need specific socks for his PT uniform..after work sounds like a trip to Ramstein..not the town.. :D..okay, first cup of coffee consumed, my alarm just went off..time to hit the floor for some exercises and then off to hard as it is to be gone from home to be here so much I have to admit I like waking up everyday and having a schedule and someplace to be..cannot wait to start school and hopefully soon after working in the hospital..To all of you, have a blessed day and be awesome..after all it is Friday!!

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