So, it has been pointed out to me over the past 2 days that I apparently show every single emotion that I happen to be feeling on my face..that is when I am not practicing the good ol'southern "bless your heart" expression. Sometimes this can be good..for example, when it is joy, happiness, or love..not so good when my mind is thinking "what the heck???". I would like to be able to say that I am always happy, always kind, always accepting..But, as I am human, fallen, and pretty darn broken.. this is not the case. Many times I feel flat out irritated, have a lack of tolerance, and wish that I could escape with my critters to an island never to be seen again.
With this being said..I am grateful for being called out on my non verbal makes me more aware of the work that I need to do on myself to more like the woman God intended me to be..
James 1:19-20 states..
My dear brothers and sisters, understand this; everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger, for human anger does not accomplish God's righteousness.
Talk about a wake up call..while reading this verse I had no choice but to acknowledge my lack of following His command in this area..but, am happy to report that with knowledge of my expressions and a positive thought process, yesterday was better..with this verse on my mind the entire day. Sometimes it was a struggle, as it is so easy to get caught up in the stress of the day, or to be exposed to another's negative outlook, or when a process does not work..but I have no desire greater than to be an example of God's grace and love and to be able to share what He has done in our lives with others..and I a cannot do this if I have a
face that is twisted in irritation. Life is by no means perfect..but with every experience, success and heartbreak comes an opportunity to grow in faith and to grow closer to Him. I feel that with each new chapter ..sometimes each new paragraph.. in our lives we are afforded the chance to touch others and get out of the boxes which we sometimes find ourselves in.. and that alone is a blessing. For today the verse that jumped out at me is as follows...
Isaiah 43:19
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.
I wish you all an amazing Wednesday..don't forget to share your may even have a positive effect on you if the day is less than stellar..and it will most certainly brighten
Be blessed!
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