
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Your dog ate what????

Guten Morgen liebe Leute! I wake up this morning thinking strange, I have 3 animals who love to eat Brusselsprouts or as we call it here in Deutschland..Rosenkohl. I probably had the 3 on my mind number 1 because Marli (the cat) was laying across my neck singing, Max (our 13 year old Lhasa) was fighting my feet for end of the bed space and Melissa (now 6 years old) was as always waiting patiently to go outside and greet the day..and as we are preparing to go on a much needed vacation they will have to go to a Tierpension..a hotel for animals..Missy has been with us a year now but she is still scared of alot and remains very shy when not at home or when we have company..for those of you who do not know her story she was a street dog in Romania for the first 2 to 3 years of her life and then she lived in the animal shelter for 2 years before we adopted her. She may never be a quote unquote normal dog who lays next to you on the couch but at the same time she has not a mean bone in her body and fits well with us..the little advances she has made and her joy when we join her after being gone or even just upstairs makes us smile on a daily basis..I am hoping that this time away will not be too stressful on her and maybe with Max by her side all will be okay. Anyway..back to the Veggie theme for the critters, as you all know, as I am Vegan and seek to live a pretty healthy life, not to mention that I seek to infuse as many fresh veggies and fruits into the manly side of the house as I can also..we always..well nearly..have 2 to 3 vegtables with every dinner that is cooked here, and since I cannot bear to see my fuzzy faced babies starving while we eat of course they partake also ...carrots, bell peppers, grapes, sharon fruit, name it they eat it. I personally find it wonderful as Missy most likely spent the first part of her life eating trash and who knows what else she could for Max..he has been with me since he was 5 weeks old..he has never known hunger..and Marli..well..Marli just thinks that she is a dog and a big dog at that..she tries to slap the food out of your hands!! So, next time something a bit unusual ends up on your dinner plate..Brusselsprouts for instance and you own a dog..why not share?? You may be suprised and they are super it makes a great story to share with people who come to visit or to share with other pet parents..because you all know..we as pet parents love to talk about our fur covered kids just as much as we love to talk about our regular kids!! Sometimes more as normally the fuzzy ones don't go through puberty and make us think we are losing our minds!! Enjoy your Tuesday and hug an does a body, soul, and heart way good!!

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