
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

It's a pool, it's a mess..No wait..I think it will be a Patio!!

 Hello to all of you!! Wow..this summer is shaping up to be super busy..we have moved on from the first project of redecorating the Masterbedroom to the back yard..which will include a privacy fence along the back and an enlarged patio..we are knee deep into it..well, tell the truth..Matthias is knee deep into it.. as I give ideas and freak out about the mess and condensed space for the dogs...for those of you who know me personally and my slightly OCD tendencies you are probably nodding your heads in understanding..if not laughing outright. I find it interesting and a bit amusing that when we have a large task at hand such as firewood..or now the building of a patio.. that most of the materials seem to end up in the driveway making it impossible for it to be used. At any rate I am grateful that Matthias is motivated and the weather..though hot is cooperating so we can make some progress here ..We are looking forward to sitting outdoors in jammies and drinking coffee without scaring the neighbors so early in the day..I am speaking for myself reference to bed thing about having short looks like crap until it is washed and gets a smidge of product with a few seconds benefits of the hairdryer!! I have finally broken down and bought some of those stretchy headbands to disguise the mess until showertime..which ALWAYS comes after a minmum of 2 cups of coffee..;D !! As I arrived home from Kaiserslautern I was so suprised with the yard..all of the plants have absolutely exploded..the berry bushes, grape vine, strawberry thing about living where we do--plants of all kinds do really, really well.
Speaking of where we most of you know..things have not always been so easy for me here but upon my return I came to the realization that my mind and soul have FINALLY settled in here and Ostfriesland has become home for me..even though I will always be an outsider to quite a few of the people I encounter here..I have slowly but surely built a life and found my way here..yesterday was Tafel Tag..where I do some volunteer work at a food distribution center and since the weather was so amazing I rode my bike..and enjoyed every second of taking the backway along some water ways and next to sheep, cows, and horses..
and could not help but thinking about how blessed I am..and we are..we found each other from worlds apart and have found a way to make it work though tons of stress, lots of red tape, and even some folks working against us..granted as the days, weeks, and months pass I sometimes feel like we are trading places..I am taking on more habits and traits that are considered to be German as Matthias is picking up habits and tastes that are considered to be more American....who would have thunk it??!! Interesting how things work themselves out! I had been told a couple of years ago that this transformation from thinking I will never accept this location at home to doing so would take about 5 years..and lo and I am this month at the 4 year mark!!..
Okay..time for me to get outdoors and help while I can before my travel schedule kicks off again next week..for all of my fellow Americans I wish you all an amazing and wonderful 4th of July!! and for all of you that serve, have served or will serve in the Armed Forces..a very special Thank I know that those fireworks and the meaning of the day take on a completely different feeling once you have worn a uniform and developed families which are not blood related- but grown out of a sense of respect, trust, and belonging.. within whatever branch you serve in..God Bless!!!

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