
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Friday, November 13, 2015

In respect to...

Good Morning..well, it is not really..upon waking up this morning I read that there were 5 separate bombings in Paris with over 100 individuals killed. While today's FSF was to be one full of pictures, nutrition tips, and celebrating being healthy..with what has happen I wanted to just say that the state of the world today is heartbreaking..bombings, the complete and total disrespect for life and just about everything else, the names of Christain holidays being changed so as not to offend, stupid arguements over red cups..not only did I read about Paris I was also treated to images of individuals living in the USA standing on the American Flag..without this point I don't even know what to say or feel anymore...and I am sure there are many more of you just like me out there..I personally struggle with feelings of anger, disappointment, disbelief..knowing that some of the things running through my head are not how I was raised to think or feel..but that was another time, another world. My heart is heavy and I am saddened for everyone affected by the events taking place...

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Wake up and work out!!

 Good Morning all!! is 0845..a bit of a late start this morning due to getting caught up searching for half marathon possibilities for 2016..but workout is done for the far as my daily goal of 20,000 steps..10,380 have already been taken!! Whoopwhoop..feeling awesome and motivated!! 
For all of you out there who have served in the US Military or are serving..Happy Veteran's Day..and thank you all for your service and commitment to do what only about 1% of the nation does!!
Breakfast this mornng was a vanilla protein shake and Kaki fruit..only got through about 1/3 of the fruit before I was 1 stuffed puppy..will make a great afternoon study snack. ;D
So..yes..while on my date with my treadmill I thought it is time for me to find out how it feels to run first a few 1/2 marathons and then progress to the full ones..found several for the spring here in Germany and am waiting for the late summer schedules for TN and GA as starting in July I will be stateside once more!! So excited for family and friends again!!..I have some educational and career goals (yes..I know I am closer to 50 and that technically I should be slowing down instead of pushing forward, happens!) that I just cannot quite accomplish here and my husband is such an awesome support system for very grateful!!! 
During my Bible study and conversation time with God this morning I came across the following verse which just hit the nail on the head this morning and gave my motivation level an extra push...
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.
                                                                    --1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Powerful words...

    I wish you all an amazing day and all the energy and concentration to accomplish all you want and need to today..don't forget to share your smile while being your awesome self !! 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

This kitchen is busy!!

 Hello all!! The weather has changed and therefore I have been spending a lot more time indoors than normal..and that means about every third day or so my kitchen explodes with healthy goodies!! Now, this is the first year I have ever worked with fresh pumkins..and let me just say that I am totally addicted. They so outrank the canned version in taste and color!! And as far as getting them opened and cleaned out..well..let's just say that you can skip about half of your arm workout for the day..but the results are oh so worth it!! These 2 pumpkins found a home in pumpkin muffins made with whole wheat flour and applesauce (instead of oil or butter)..with a bit of honey and molasses thrown in to substitute for the sugar..;D and also for pup treats to go with the continuation of the season..I love the feeling I get when I feed my fur children items that come out of everyday ingredients that I make for them..fresh pumpkin, eggs, and pumpkin good for them!
Have been using some ground turkey lately..made a yummy chili (not pictured..:C next time though) and some turkey burgers (pictured below) that took the guilt out of eating a served them with fake mashed potatoes..made with cauliflower 
 instead and some freshly prepared know what I find so amusing is that the man who informed me about 4 years ago that he wasn't a rabbit now consumes about 4 meatless meals a week..the stuffed mushrooms for example..perfectly filling for an evening where you don't want a big meal.
Have been hitting the treadmill on an almost daily basis (8.6 km) now for e couple of weeks..I do have today where I choose to give my body a rest but still deposit good, healthy foods into it..this morning saw a raw grain and oatmeal cereal with dried fruits and soy-rice milk..have my large bottle of H2O by my side and am ready to hit the the weather outdoors is grey and windy it looks like a perfect day to light a fire and some candles also to welcome the NW German winter in..on these short, dark days sometimes it takes some adjusting and creativity to not get caught up in the blues related to the dreariness outdoors. Okay..I wish you all an amazing Tuesday..I am going to increase my knowledge and spend some cuddle time with my fur babies!! Don't forget to share your smile!!

 Stuffed Mushroom Ingredients:

crumbled Feta Cheese
Goat cheese
Roasted Walnuts
Green Onions
Sea Salt
Fresh ground Black Pepper

Monday, November 2, 2015

Motivational Monday is here!!

Guten Morgen!! Today has started out awesome-8.6 km on the treadmill, ran 2 miles of that (3.2 km) in 18:18..have another fitness test in April and am setting my run time goal at 17:20. Wanted to give you all a glimpse into my day-food to be consumed, the Spa Water of the day..this time with fresh grated ginger, fresh mint, and sliced reading material..both for my university courses and for those personally chosen to assist me in  improving my life..Spiritual growth, mental health and increased self-confidence, nutrition and fitness wise. I am an avid reader of just about everything I can get my hands on, and besides FSF and Have Flip Flops will Travel-I keep at least 2 journals going at all times-one for health and fitness and one for personal growth and reflection..I am also a huge fan of coloring books for adults-studies are shown that this activity has the same affect on the brain as meditation-which I am also beginning to sit still for seveeral minutes at a time is really proving to be a challenge for me, but as the saying goes..practice makes perfect! The more I learn about nutrition and what we put into our bodies the more I am leanig towards a plant based diet minimal animal protien such as eggs and fish for the health benefits-have decided that red meat and pork products are out, as is anything that contains ingrediants that has been produced in a factory and are not natural (ie..chemicals)-so this means almost 100% of prepackaged foods are out, as is white flour and white sugars. At this point, with what I have learned I am just kind of disgusted with what I have previously put into my body. is a new day, a day to start taking super good care of this body and soul God has given me and I am excited to share this journey with all of you. Due to changes made in my life over the past few years my lifestyle and career has changed dramatically, I am, at the age of 46 years old, being given the opportunity to redefine and reinvent who I am and what I will spend the majority of my time doing- as a result of courses taken, material read, and information gathered I have definantly decided to focus on my next step of becoming a Health and Wellness Coach (as a 2nd career)..I had introduced this idea a couple of weeks ago and have done a lot of soul searching, prayer, and weighing of pros and cons (over months) and have decided that this is a door that God is opening for me and giving me motivation to work towards. 
 I do not think this will be an easy task as I have tons to learn, experiences to go through, and certifications and classes to earn and complete, but am looking forward to even more growth and change and being able to help others do the same.
So, time to hit the books-eat some healthy foods, hydrate and make today awesome. I wish you all a wonderful Motivational Monday and don't forget to share your smile!!