
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Life happens

Rejoice in the Lord always. -Philippians 4:4

Although things may not go as we have mapped out in our mind and things happen to bring tears of sadness to our lives, it is important to turn to the Lord and lean on our faith instead of depending on things of this world to make us feel better such as over eating, consuming alcohol in excess, going on a detrimental shopping spree- mind you a little retail therapy never hurt anyone, but spending as much as a car payment is too much. 
Sorry, for the interruption in the posting, things have been happening in my life where for a minute or two I really just needed to take a break and reorganize my the old saying goes, life happens when you are making plans. For now I am adjusting to my new normal and making the best out of things, even feeling positive about things to come. It would be easier if I was back to my normal self and able to put on 2 tennis shoes instead of 1, but we are at the end of week 2 post op and things are progressing well.
I personally not believe that it is the last day of  January already, please don't forget to wear red tomorrow in support of women's heart health awareness..women tend to present differently in the event of a heart attack vs men so please inform yourselves and be aware of your numbers to include your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, weight (and the distribution of where that fat is located on your body). 
Do you know that walking even just 20 minutes a day can have a significantly positive effect on your health? Shoot for a minimum of 10,000 steps a day if at all possible. I know that many of you are most likely knee deep in winter weather now and fitness goals may be tough to reach, but do what you can each day..sometimes it is not the big overarching goals, but the small steps and wins along the way that keep us motivated and going..
Alright, it is time for me to get my 200 weight exercises in for the day..then working down my checklist of things to accomplish for this 24 hours period, really more like 9 hours, as I tend to call it a day about 6pm..
Make the most out of this Thursday..or take a breather- whatever you need to do for you and your inner peace.

Wishing you all a blessed day, 


Friday, January 25, 2019

Life is complicated..let's work on making it simpler! is already almost noon! Have spent the day with changing the dressing to my op day # 10..whoop whoop..I am ready to get back to functional! And some other stuff like reading, eating a healthy breakfast, playing with my grand-baby, etc... However, I am so relieved to actually have time for all of my coursework these I consider myself blessed for not only the ability to take the time to hopefully end up with a functional/pain free foot, but also to have time to do what I need to and want to do..

The above fat cat is Marli Queen of Everything..she is 1 of 4 rescues (2 cats, 2 dogs) that allow us humans to reside with is her snuggling up on my lap and giving me cat nuzzles this morning that inspired this post..along with the reading from my Simple Abundance book that a dear friend gave me for my birthday this past here is quote from the book that I thought you would enjoy..

Year by year the complexities of this spinning world grow more bewildering and so each year we need all the more to seek peace and comfort in the joyful simplicities. 
-Woman's Home Companion 1935

Can you only imagine what the author would think of the world today in 2019? Such a fitting view they had even back then..the fact that life is crazy and can get so very complicated before we even know what is going on wish for each of you today is that you are able to find 5 to 15 minutes to just sit and appreciate the view-even if it needs to be done behind closed eyes if you are not able to go outdoors. 

What can you do to make life simpler? I have never been much of one to hold onto stuff, so de-cluttering is not really where I need to focus is on making whole foods and turning my home and yard into an oasis- how can that make life simpler you ask? By bringing a sense of peace and calm- my job is pretty high on the stress ladder, and my quest for higher education also brings a certain amount of stress with it- especially as I watch the student loan totals rise, but both bring a high level of satisfaction also- I need our home to be a place where I cannot wait to be, a place where the rest of the world disappears, and all is good.. one of my learning goals for this year is how to build and cultivate a herb garden in pots/containers- simple life- home cooked food, getting my hands in the dirt, NOT having to depend on a trip to the grocery store to supply us with fresh herbs..setting up my craft/sewing room- letting my creative juices run free, surrounded by items that bring only joy! See where I am going with this? What would help simplify your life? Feel free to leave a comment regarding if moved to do so-who knows who you will inspire!!

Wishing each of you a blessed day!



Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Expand your Mind!

Good Morning to everyone!

I started the day with some exercises, writing in my journal, reading, and eating a "throw back"  breakfast of Cream of has been years..made it with almond milk, golden raisins, and a smidgen of real butter..was so good-like a hug from the inside out! The weather here today is stormy and heavy rains are expected, makes me want to crawl back under the covers, but I have a few things to accomplish today before I will allow myself that luxury. Even though I am on "home bound" status during this post op period there are still things that have to be done to stay on track for both NP school and the leadership course I am in. Too bad I am not yet able to walk without the help of this knee scooter, there are a couple of closets upstairs that I am wanting to organize- the wrapping closet and the gift closet. LIFE HACK tip here- start buying after Christmas to get great deals on gift sets and winter items for next year. I personally shop clearance sales all year long to keep my gift closet stocked..makes birthdays, etc..easy and big celebrations such as Christmas fairly painless as far as the shopping rush and expense.

During some of my reading this morning I came across a quote that resonated with me ..

" A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions"- Oliver Wendell Holmes

This prompted me to think of my experience when writing a history paper yesterday (part of the leadership course)- I have to admit that I spent a fair amount of time yesterday being a bit grumpy that I had to write said paper but got it completed and submitted-ahead of schedule even! Anyway, during my morning read when I came across this quote, it made me stop and think for a minute that I should actually be grateful to learn something that I would not normally seek out. It makes us more well rounded, and even able to have conversations that we wouldn't have been able to engage in before when we learn something new and step outside of our comfortable bubbles and routine interests. Moral of this story- from now on I will be grateful for learning requirements, even if not in my primary area of interest!

This sparked me to make a list of learning goals for this year:

vegan cooking/baking
increase German language skills
learn Spanish
learn how to sew
increase my computer skills
learn how to paint
learn how to make and cultivate a herb garden in pots

I wish you all a blessed day and one filled with opportunities to learn even 1 new thing!


PS..would love to read about what you would like to learn this year..feel free to type a comment!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Transformation Tuesday

Good Morning to each and every one of you reading this. I know, I know..I have been off of this site for almost 2 years..and I have missed it..I have allowed life to get in the way..all of the stress and busy work, the blah blah. To sum it up..I had become a product of our society and gotten sucked into the stress, feelings of depression, and an underlying current if constant irritation of trying to have it and do it all. 
For some crazy reason, when I woke up this morning I had this overwhelming urge to reconnect with the world outside of my own head and get back on track to live an INTENTIONAL and GRATEFUL as a result, FSF has re-emerged and hopefully will reconnect with previous readers and connect with new is way too short to be lonely and isolated, even when surrounded by others.
Today started with some coffee and quiet time.. I have been writing in my journal like a mad woman lately and it is really helping to get all of the thoughts, plans, goals, inspirations, etc down on paper..I am also back on the path to optimizing my health and fitness status..but, here is the kicker..I am on post op day 7 after having foot surgery..the 3rd one to my right foot. So far so good, I am being as compliant as possible with the doctor's instructions of being non-weight bearing to this site..But, regardless of this small hindrance I am setting a goal of losing a total of 32 pounds and 11 inches off of my waist measurement over the next 8 months. Yes..I will provide the beginning lbs and inches later in this post! Somehow along the way of the past 2 years I have justified cramming whatever I wanted into my mouth..flavored coffees, ice cream, chips, fries, etc..My stress level has been high and so has my denial voice. NO less than 10 months I will turn 50 and my goal is to be the best that I can be..both INSIDE and OUT!! 

So..starting goals are as follows: 

  8 large glasses of water daily  
  200 weight exercises (with 8 lb weights)      
  2 cups of tea daily- whatever kind, no sweeteners
  no more creamer in my coffee                                                      
  4 meatless meals a week  
  cut any form of concentrated sweets down to a minimum                                                                
  no more cream/dairy based sauces/dips  
  journal daily      
  work on my vision notebook 
  have fun trying new things, products, foods, cooking methods
 spend time on my skin care regime
 read something inspirational
 take a good dietary supplement/multivitamin daily 

****as I am for the time being dead in the water as far as walking/running I will be concentrating on upper body strength for the time being****

Here are stats (a bit embarrassing, but we have nothing if we don't have transparency!) 

Starting weight  156 lbs

Upper arms 12 inches
Waist 33 inches
Hips 39 inches
Upper thighs 23 inches

I am so excited to begin/continue this journey with each of you..please post a response if you goal is for this site to be both and inspirational site and a sounding board..a safe place to be us!!

      Verse for the day..and my life verse.....I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.
                                                                     Philippians 4:13

Sincerely, FSF