
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Night #1

 Good Evening to everyone..tonight will see me looking the first of 5 night shifts in a row in the has been a few years since I have pulled this off..but with a healthy dose of coffee before hand and doing my best to stay hydrated throughout all should be hoping my sleep - wake pattern adjusts as needed. I have to admit that I skipped my workout today as I elected to clean the house from top to bottom instead..somehow, some way in my justification mind lugging my vacumn cleaner and the mop bucket up and down stairs qualifies as some form of exercise!! But my workout yesterday was good..I have added some new moves into the sessions..such as Dumbbell Goblet Squats, Bent Overrows, Suitcase Deadlifts, Dumbbell Overhead Presses and Donkey Kicks. I must say after being pretty much out of the work arena for the past 3 plus years I had gotten really spoiled to having quite a bit of free time to fit everything into my daily schedule without too much stress..well..that has all changed..and in a crazy way it is really good for me. I am feeling more organized already!!So..time to get moving..see you tomorrow..after my workout and weigh in. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Just 1 Question...

Good Morning to you all..I am a little on the frustrated side this morning after some of my experiences yesterday... from some of the people that I encountered. Once more..of has to do with the fact that I was not born and raised here and my accent is different. Not 1 but more than a couple people took it upon themselves to make fun of me while I was speaking. My question this morning is who in the hell made a large percentage of the people here think that it is acceptable to be outright rude?? To be critical and demeaning to others at the drop of a hat?? I am not..repeat..NOT a freak of nature, I am a human being, living in a different country..attemping to build a life for myself know what?? I could be the kind of person who refuses to learn the language and live off the state as a non functional part of society and take advantage of my status here as a "Scheis Ausländerin" but I don't and have never considered it. Since week 1 over 3 years ago I have fought this fight on a continual basis and you know what?? I am tired of the petty, stupid things that people say and do. I an not rude to you and where I come from..yes..that would be Texas..we are taught from a very young age to be nice to others and have respect for your fellow human beings..silly me, I thought this was a universal thing but apparently I was wrong. I am not outright critical of others, I am not rude, and I attempt to have respect for others until proven that they do not deserve my time or effort. I am once more baffled at how some people conduct themselves regarding other human beings..
  So,now that I have gotten this out I am going to get on the treadmill and work up a good sweat and release some of those feel good endorphins so that I can once more tackle another day..and for all that continue to be critical and rude to me?? Guess what?? You will not will not break me.. I have already lived through way more than most ever will and with those experiences and the influence of other strong females in my lifeI will continue to grow as a person and strive to be better and learn something new everyday...

Monday, October 27, 2014 outlook!!

Hey guys..sorry for the not first thing in the morning post today but I have to come out with it..I slept until 0900 this morning..this is something I never do but I just after all of the traveling and working in the yard for several hours yesterday finally caught up to is the start of a new week, got in a great workout this mornning..4km on the treadmill, 60 of each of the following..crunches, bridges, squats with hand weights, knee lifts, jumping jacks and 30 scissors and russian twists..then I took the pups for a much needed and anticpated walk to smell out the neighborhood as it had been a minute!! Today sees me off to a new a nurse working here in Germany..this is a day I was beginning to think would never happen due to many faciliites unwillingness to allow me time of for my time with the Reserves..even this facility is a little hesitant but willing to give me a chance..for this I am grateful..just to be able to take care of patients again ..super excited. Have my lunch, book, nursing supply bag packed and am ready freddy!! Will be in training for a while, so they are starting me out on the late shift which is mid afternoon until about 2130 and then I will be working nights, just PT though so it will not be too bad.. am beginning the shop around for a more affordable not for profit online MSN program..just could not afford the one I was previously enrolled in without locking myself into some pretty serious debt and that is not on my bucket list in this point in my life!! Am feeling better after being back on my pretty strict eating plan..Vegan based..both physically and mentally as I did not follow it on vacation..almost impossible with eating almost every meal out. It is much easier here at home,made a huge pot of vegatable soup yesterday..add some hot pepper sauce..yummo!! So, it is time for me to get it together and head out the door as I have an errand to do before work but did not want to start the car more than what was absolutely necessary today..conserve our plant!! Refillable water bottle..check, watch with second hand..check, good mood and lots of energy..check!! Have a great Monday!!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Home Sweet Home has been a minute since we've talked hasn't it?? Today is the first entire 24 hours at home since returning from the states. .we went from temps in the 80 ' and low 90's with the sun making an appearance every day  to a chilly, overcast fall here in Deutschland. .first thing we did upon our arrival home??? The wood burning stove filled and lit..see attached picture. idea of a perfect fall or winter on..cuddles with a 4 footed baby or 2..and reading..or better..browsing cookbooks for holiday menu ideas! After unloading the car my honey headed out to pick up the critters from the pet hotel at Teirheim Hage..Missy came home just happy to be home..Max happy but wornout..and Marli was just pissed and full of attitude! ! All is back to normal today..everyone is happy and the fridge is filled with fresh vegetables. I am back on my workout routine after a 3 week break of flying, lots and lots of driving, eating meals in restaurants  more often than not, a few..and I do mean a few short workouts..but to compromise sometimes 20,000 steps taken in a day..and a whirlwind schedule.  So..the damage done you ask in my battle of the fat? Weight this morning. .72.2 kg or 158.84 lbs. My workout was obviously harder for me than before we consisted of 5 km on the treadmill ..and 50 of each of the following : crunches, bridges, jumping jacks, Russian twists, squats with hand weights,  and cross over knee lifts. Working on my 8 bottles of water for the day. Happy with what I came face to face with on the scale? Not so much but had a bad dream about 3 nights ago that I weighed 175 pounds so am happy to once more have a scale handy and to be able to get back into my daily routine. What I am happy about is that I was able to enjoy some tastes of home without beating myself up over it. We enjoyed playing,  visiting, and just taking it all in. We had 1 lonesome rose that looks  like it bloomed just a day before we came home..yellow rose of Texas!!🌹🌹🌹 For our travels and pics I invite you all to read my travel blog..Have Flip flops will Travel. .So wonderful people. .until tomorrow. I wish you all a blessed day. ...

Monday, October 6, 2014

Going to visit Mickey, and Minnie, and Donald....and Pluto......

Good Morning gorgeous people!! Today we head to Disney World..wait you ask..when did you go to Orlando?? On my 45th birthday of course,,who doesn't want to spend 17 plus hours flying or in various airports on their bday?? Just kidding..the jet lag this time is not horrible like it was in June when I was here..maybe it's because we are here on vacation or maybe it's because my awesome hubby is here with me this time..whatever it is it's fact it is working so well I am awake early enough to go find the gym here at the hotel before I go get a hug from my all time favorite disney character Pluto!! I must say..I am not feeling a day over 30 at this moment..we of course went to Wally World..(Walmart) yesterday and got coffee and other goodies for the room..found of all the crazy things..crunchy dried Okra..I love exploring grocery stores..they had a whole lot of different things from last time I was shopping in one!!Am happy to report I found my favorite flavored bottled water and big bag of trail mix too!! Doesn't take much to make my day!!Matthias on the other hand went straight for the smoked sausage and american style chedder cheese..doesn't take much to make him happy either!! Starbucks is can be so good!! We hit up Epcot the first day, were on the Boardwalk yesterday...So..where are the pics?? Stay tuned for Have Flip Flops will Travel to have a new posting by the latest tomorrow will be late as I see a visit to downtown in our future also!! Okay..finding tennis shoes..Bis Später!!

Friday, October 3, 2014

My how the time flies !!!

Good Morning all...2 days ago today felt like a punch in the stomach as today is the dreaded 45th birthday..but I must I am feeling good and the energy is through the roof. Scale as of yesterday was happy to hang out at 71.7 kg..even with dietary changes..but it is not trending upwards so I am happy with that..Activity log for the past few days is as follows. ..September 30th. .6.4 km, 40 crunches,  20 leg presses, 65 Russian twists, 50 bridges and squats with hand weights,  30 scissors and reverse push ups.  October 1st...6.4 km, 50 each of the following. .crunches,  bridges,  Russian twists,  squats with weights,  and standing crossovers, 30 each of scissors, leg presses,  and reverse push ups.  Yesterday's workout saw an increase to 7 km followed by 60 each of hand weight reps,  squats with balance ball lifts, Russian twists,  standing crossovers,  and bridges to round it out. You would think with all of that I would be exhausted but I feel really good. Today will be a day off to do something a little different. .like celebrate getting older! !! I wish you all a great day. .and for all of my readers in Germany. .Ich hoffe, dass ihr den Tag der Deutschen Einheit genießt !!!