
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Brain block is the worst when you have a deadline!!

 Guten Morgen !! in the final 3 days of this session for my courses, have 1 fairly large project left and despite all of this my brain is is like it is just tired and refuses to function..kind of like Max the Wonderdog when he doesn't really feel like going for a walk so he just stands and doesn't budge. But on the positive side-made the pup treats from the last of the pumpkin puree-these called for rice flour which turned out to be a bit difficult to work with and pumpkin oil which was a little on the pricey side at 10 Euros for a bottle..but the results were worth it-the fur babies scarf these up and come back for more! I tried one also-would be really good with one of the more intense flavored cheeses that are out there.

 Since no coursework was getting done after about 1500 yesterday I found my way back into the kitchen to make a Vegtable Lasagna that turned out to be pretty husband had 2 servings!! I expect like most dishes like this it will taste even better today once the flavors have had time to meld together!!

The mornings have seen me on regular dates with my treadmill, had bumped the distance to 6.4 km and am scheduled for another increase this morning to 8.6 km, this is 5 miles-to all of you natural born runners out there that may not seem like a lot but for those of us who are not so the "runner type" but trying hard to get there ...this is a good-though short- distance and a small something to be proud of!! Of course after the run, and the fat is crying (sweat!!).. come the arms and abs. -the time spent taking care of my body like this every morning pays off, for the rest of the day I feel good and am sleeping like a rock at night.

 Did another closet clean oout and took the items to my new favorite store in Aurich..
It is called Secondhandboutique Finderlohn..a second hand store with newer clothes (for both women and men!) and accessories with brand names, the owner is awesome, super friendly, loves her customers..and I would guess knows everyone's first name!! The store is not so large but very tastefully organized 
and easy on the eyes..for me personally going into this store is a small peice of joy every time!! Am super excited as I was there on Monday, bought a new outfit, belt, and small bag..but saw another bag that I did not purchase as it is a bit larger..more of an weekend bag but could not get it off my mind..she sent her a message and she is holding it until tomorrow for me..I promised myself that this purchase would be my "yeah-you finished the project" gift to myself!!; a bit of incentive for me to get on the ball after this morning's workout!! and who doesn't love cute clothes and all the trimmings at great prices?? Will post pics of the goodies tomorrow!!

Alright..time to get on with the blessed, don't forget to share your smiles and have a great Wednesday!! 

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