
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Okay, over it..time to get to work!!

Hi there!! Yes, yes, yes..I know-have been out of the loop for quite a while now, but am completely and totally back with a vengence and SUPER motivated. The broken toe in July, and living more out a suitcase than in my oun 4 walls, sitting for hours in front of a computer or reading and writing, or spending almost entire days driving from 1 location to another really got me off track of my health and nutrition goals..the positive is..will finish my first Masters in May of 2016--that is right around the corner!!, have had awesome experiences and worked with amazing people, and last but not at all home for over 3 weeks at one time now (had to cancel an event to do so, but found it very necessary for myself, my mood, and my poor husband who has been holding down the fort alone for about 4.5 months now). is the deal--in a couple of days will be hitting another year mark ...can I really almost be 46?? That is soooo flippin old!! My mind doesn't feel 46..but then I look at my beautiful Mom who just turned 70 and think, "If that is what 70 looks like, it can't be that bad!!"..Way to age wth grace and gorgeousness there Mom!! ;D. Had the priviledge to work with a young woman this past week who informed me that 40 is old-she will soon be 29- mind you-had this come from anyone else I would have perhaps been offended but was instead inspired to get back on track and be an example of how not old 40 plus and above can be!! Hugs to you MS-I think you are amazing!! Also spent some time with some new friends who are in my age group who absolutely rock..tent group from Ukraine..a bunch of Diva types but hands down second to none, and my life is richer since God put you all in my life!!
 About the work part-ask me how I started this day..creating and health and nutrition journal, hitting the treadmill, working my arms until I literally felt a cold rush go through my muscles, and working my abs until they burned like fire!! The results? I FEEL AMAZING!!! It has been since July since I purposely worked up a good sweat and I had really almost forgotten how good it feels and how all of those feel good hormones start rushing aound inside your body to put you on a natual high. The numbers I saw on the scale and on the measuring tape were no suprise as I have been a HUGE slacker since my lack of grace and coordination and are as follows:
Weight- 158.62 lbs/72.1 Kg    BMI  23.8
Chest- 40 inches
Waist- 33.5 inches
Hips- 38.5 inches
Thighs- 23.5 inches
Upper Arms- 12 inches
Okay-with that being shared now for my goals:
Weight- 124lbs/56.36kg     BMI  19.5
Chest- 36 inches
Waist- 27 inches
Hips- 34 inches
Thighs- 17 inches
Upper Arms- 9 inches

Now for some new recipes: 

Pictured here is a breakfast smoothie which I have named Southern Sailing:
1 cup Pineapple juice
2 scoops vanilla protein powder (I use Herbalife products)
1 Apple (red)
1 Banana
1handfull Yellow Raspberries (grew these in our garden!!)
1 sml container Activa with cereal 
Blend and enjoy!! The protein powder kept me feeling full for several hours.


 Pictured here is my dining room table, the proof that changew and improvement is we all know, when we are cleaning out and organizing things always look to be a disaster area before the fine tuned organization comes in--for me this represents brainstorming, realigning my goals, inspiration and motivation to take my life in a slightly different direction than it has been going recently. 

Read a quote by Zig Ziglar this morning which kind of hit the nail right on the head..

  "Unless you have definite, precise, clear set goals, you are not going to realize the maximum potential that lies within you."

For me personally this is huge as life has presented a series of twists and turns which have lead me to apoint where I need (and want) to redefine who I am both personally and professionally ..the courses I am taking this session have opened my eyes to some communication skills and goal setting skills which I have begun employing in my life..not everyone is enjoying the fact that I am learning to say NO and stand up for myself but the time is now!!

 Pictured above are the Herbalife products that I have been ignoring for a few weeks now--but are once more being utilized--awesome nutrition program-if you are interested in know more send me a message.

The green and yellow goodness is my Spa Water of the day-a good friend tried this and said as a cleanse this was amazing so I am going to give it a try today!!:

Sliced Cucumer with skin on 
1 Lemon sliced--also with skin on--the taste may take a minute to get used to but the benefits are great!!
Fresh Mint (from our garden)
Fresh, grated about delish!!!
1 pitcher Water 

Drink thoughout the day...enjoy the hydration and freshness!!

 Healthy eating revolves around eating fresh, locally sourced products, staying away from chemicals and preservatives, and basically not eating crap-chips, candy, sodas, products which are mass produced, decreasing fat and carbohydrates-staying hydrated, minimal consumption of alcohol--water is our friend as is eating the rainbow as I like to call it--see first pic in this post--fruits and veggies with a wide range of colors and textures. I try to eat a mostly plant based diet (yes, I do have episodes where I consume meat, mostly when traveling) which I know is not for everyone-I do not drink milk from cows as it really upsets my stomach, and try hard to stay away from white bread, and like to try new, plant based recipes-will be sharing with all of you as the days go by. Am working hard at incorporating more calmness and downtime in my life as I have learned over the years that I am not plesant to be around when I am stressed which tends to happen when I am super busy, overloaded with time commitments, and do not make time for my self and just to be..hence the candles below-I light them in the mornings since arriving home and take in their scents and mood they produce while reading or doing coursework.

Below is a pic of today's journal page-the good, the bad, and the ugly--my weight, measurements, goals, exercises, what I plan on consuming, and my elimination is going-yes, I went a nurse and a person who has issues with this it is important to be aware. KNOW your bodies, how they work, how they feel when things are goining smoothly, how they feel when you have too much stress, are not eating the right foods, not drinking enough H2O, or when you are doing all the right things, and they are functioning well---self awareness is the key, generally our bodies will tell us what we need or are missing. I am looking forward to getting and staying back on track with all of you..hearing your stories, gaining inspiration, maybe even helping others along the way!! (JC..we are so going to to this together!!) Have a blessed day..and ..Don't forget to share your smile!! You never know whose life you may touch!!

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