
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Had to take a minute and a few deep breaths....

Hey guys..I had to take a few and rethink where my life is going, what I want out of it, and how to get you all know I had my "Probetag" at the hospital about 45 minutes from our house this past Tuesday..I wasn't holding my breath but I have to admit that I did get my hopes up as if they weren't interested, and knowing how my schedule is ahead of time the fact that I was getting a chance to work an entire day..for free..surely that was a good sign..right?? Well, no, it wasn't actually. The nursing manager of the dept where I spent the day working wanted to give me a chance, and was willing to work around my schedule but the overall nursing manager was not..but I have to give her credit as she interviewd me a second time, asking me the same questions about my schedule as were asked in the first, wonderful people I managed not to let the tears fall until I was in the car, drove home and laid on the couch for 2 days..I just want to be able to work as nurse again and take care of that really too much to ask?? Very frustrating here for me about now..but the week got better..I picked myself up shook it off and went to the Auricher Tafel on I do every friday when I am home..for those of you that read Fluffy on a regular basis you know the previous 2 fridays were a bit frustrating with the ignorance and prejudices against Americans but I thought..surely they have said all that they can say and this day is going to be a good day..not just no but hell no..the same man that insists on spouting his great knowledge of the states proceeded to tell me that I am fat. WOW..really?? Now, I am the first to say that I could stand to lose about 10 pounds but by no means am I a whale that grew legs and am now walking the earth...but what do I expect..really?? ..after more than 3 years of being given dirty looks, talked about, and of people being openly critical I have come to expect no less..but guess what?? These wonderful people will not win, they will not break me and I will indeed have the last laugh somehow.. someway... is Sunday..yesterday I spent a wonderful day with my husband and now I am at work for a little over a week..would rather be home but it is what it is..and I must do what I need to do for the time anyrate I am glad to be seeing my co workers.I have set up my hotel room, office to go included and am about to finish up the 4th week of my way behind where I wanted to be timeline wise but after the fantastic week I had I am super happy to have gotten as much done as I have up to this point..there is nothing a couple of cups of coffee can't fix, have some inspirational music on and all is in order..Will be postiing on Have flip flops will travel either tomorrow or Tuesday from our outing on wasn't a trip but just some fun for the day somewhere we had never been is to having a better week than last week, keeping our heads held high when we encounter the rude people of this world and making a positive difference..this life would be so much better if everyone would first consider that everyone is fighting a battle of some sort before making mean, nasty comments!!

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