
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

In the Christmas spirit !!

Wanted to share some images of today..the first Advents candle has been lit..Christmas cards is keeping the house for dinner and a few minutes with my hubby..Will finish up the main Christmas shopping and hit the cook books tomorrow for baking galore..but for the rest of the day..enjoying the peace and quiet..critters are snuggled up..instumental Christmas music is playing...Enjoy your Sunday!!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Check list for Saturday...

Good afternoon to everyone..well..most of the items on my to do list for today have been checked off..all except for 1 and that was to spend time with my husband..this year as every year now is the time to cut firewood that we will use 2 years from now..optimal drying instead of being a football or soccer widow I am officially a firewood cutting widow..but as I have to travel to work I am sure he feels the same way..the difference is I have to do it year round..oh well..sacrafices have to be made sometimes!! So..things accomplished today..7 kms on treadmill, grocery shopping..this included Christmas prep..lets just say the people in line behind me were hating me but the cashier was loving the total!!, living room organized to accomodate the hopefully soon arrival of the Christmas tree, house decorated as much as possible without tree, and very first batch of Green Tomatoe Salsa.All in all I am calling it a successful day..tomorrow will be the start of making Christmas cards, a couple more artsy projects, and getting some work done on the computer..yesterday saw the beginning of the holiday baking..Banana Pumpkin Muffins by the mini muffin dozen..maybe will get the baking bug again tomorrow..let my honey know this morning that I need a second freezer!! Almost left out the best part of today..Christmas music has been playing the entire day..;D Wishing you all a Happy Saturday..Bis Morgen!!

Thursday, November 27, 2014 it's been a minute or 2...

Hello to you all..I cannot believe that it has been so many days since I have been here to  share what is going on with all of you..You would think that I could do better. Will be making a real effort to do so from now anyrate, for my ladies out there..I am not so a big promoter of one brand of anything ..unless it is handbags..Coach..or boots..Tamaris..but let me tell you, I have discovered an awesome, yummy smelling, glossing hair serum that is to die for..see pic right..I use it as a styling aid and every morning wishing I could use it like a lotion and head to the beach!! It works like a dream and adds lots of shine to my hair along with a bit of texture. 
I have also included a couple of pictures of a slow progression from the fall to Christmas theme occuring in our home..along with 2 sweet, tired baby dogs..the cat is on a crazy streak this morning..climing and jumping everywhere..that cat food must have some great protein in it!!
For me today is Tafel Tag..time to get to be of service to others on in a big way..I love the days I spend there..helping others, even in am indirect way really is good for the soul. :D
So, I spent about a week in the center of Germany and then headed to a second location to visit my youngest..was home for a day and then spent what we, as Americans know as Thanksgiving in a job interview..happy to report that the job as Emergency room nurse in a German hospital is mine..that is my true passion in the nursing rhelm and I am looking forward to starting after the first of the's to learning a whole new vocabulary auf Deutsch!! I must say..I always share with my co workers and sons how important it is to network..and this job is a direct result of doing just that.Sometimes landing that dream job is not only based on what you know but who you know!! 
As far as the thorn in my weight and the scale that will not budge..well, that is an ongoing work of progress..all I can say is that I will continue to hit the treadmill and the yoga mat and lift those handweights until I see a difference..the holidays will be a challenge..esp since we seem to already have a large supply of chocolate everything here at least I can counteract some of the indulgences..some of you may call it lazy, or undisicplined but sorry..I am calling it quality of life. I am fit and healthy..the number on the scale is just not to my liking. I will not be that person at the holiday events saying oh no..I can't eat's not on my diet....that my friends is not only boring but oh so annoying. Okay..Marli is now sleeping along with the pups..all is good in the world...time to get a little more done on the computer and then it is out the door for me today..I wish you all a wonderful, blessed day..Bis Morgen!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Social media sites and the lack of a life...

Good morning to you all..I realized something I checked my phone for the 200th time to see what was new on facebook..that I am addicted..due the fact that some days I do not leave the house..and even though I manage to always be busy I still crave contact with others in the "outside" world. addition to my daily workouts I am going to make it a point to only be on the social networking sites for a 5 minute period every morning and then that is it for the day..except for posting Fluffy and Have Flip Flops of course..and to to that I do not have to actually go on the other sites...because we know that being on social networking sites is not like really having social contact!!...It is time for things to start rampng back up with my travels both in my own backyard but also further out..and I need to start sowing and growing some of the relationships I have developed in this area..and maybe even take a couple of fun classes in the spring to meet some new folks.
I had a couple of crazy dreams last night where my husband actually took me back to the states and left me there..that makes me realize that I heard at a leadership course this past summer.."Grow where you are planted"..that I need to do just that..not to live in the "what ifs", and "maybe whens" really embrace my life for what it is today..would I love to be back in the states with my family and friends?? Without a doubt, but I also have family and a few friends here..time to celebrate that fact instead of focusing on how difficult some things have been up to this point here..lots of people dream of living the life that I is time for me to wake up and show some gratitude.
So, my dear readers of Fluffy..these are my thoughts for the day..I hope your Wednesday is just as wonderful and enlightening as mine is shaping up to be!!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Sunday. .a day of rest??

Not our Sunday..I woke up with this insane need to create something in the kitchen..which turned out to be Pineapple marmalade first thing this morning while drinking my was the second morning in row that saw 7 km on the treadmill along with the mix of abs, arms, and butt firming exercises that if they don't happen daily it is bad for my mood as if I don't have my early morning coffee quota!! Had noticed that I had also not been getting my praise and worship in on a daily basis like I needed to..that seems to happen when I find myself foundering around in my sense of added some inspirational music..Toby Mack, Chris Tomlin, Laura Story, Tree63, Jamie Grace..all of them and more into my workout about sending the energy and gratitude level through the roof!! Wow Wow Wow!! 

The next creative outlet is still in process..I am making Apple Butter for the first time takes a minute doesn't it?? In the middle of this process I decided to go ahead and set up the kitchen for Christmas baking and cooking..this means bringing the large butcher block island into the's usual home is the dining room..oiling the work surface..while I was at it..did the smaller island smarter not harder right?? The kitchen is now put back together and functional..Apple Butter is still cooking....:D

Matthias is finishing the guest room this afternoon..after the youngest moved out it was a remodel project..we are waiting for the overhead light fixture to arrive..after it is complete I will post know I will.. Really happy with the results so hubby did an awesome job!!
Tomorrow on the plan is Banana bread and most likely an Aplle Cinnamon bread..I love love love fall baking..all of this "canning" stuff is new to slowly developing an addiction!! all of you..I wish you a wonderful rest of your weekend..

Friday, November 7, 2014

It's Friday !!!

Hello was Tafel Tag...felt good to get out there and do some volunteer work. .I even had a pretty good conversation with someone who had previously been pretty critical towards me..I was shocked but am pretty happy about the progress ☺. My workout did not happen this morning and I had an exchange of emails with a really good friend that knows me well...with her positive words I realized that maybe I am too critical of I am taking her advice and enjoying just being me today...appreciating what my  life blessed I am
..and having a glass of wine in her honor..Love you GD!! Thank you for the uplifting message.
Did get the dogs out there for a short walk this morning. .Max was not really feeling it with the cold and wind though..If I had a cozy bed in front of the fire I probably would not want to go outside either!! So..tomorrow will see me back in the routine. .no plans for early in the morning. .I hope you all have a wonderful day and get your weekend off to a good start. .whatever that means to each of you!!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thursday's progress...

Hello gorgeous people. .I hope that you are having a great day so far. My step results from yesterday are..10,391 in all taken..this doesn't count my treadmill  time..that would not have the added benefit of moving throughout the day. Today the scale showed 71.4 kg..that is 157.08 lbs. Today's workout included 6.4 km on the treadmill. .50 crunches. .30 Russian twists. .50 knee lifts..50 squats with hand weights. .and 20 each of the following. .dumbbell goblet squats. .bent over rows..suitcase dead lifts..dumbbell overhead presses and 20 balance ball throws. Took the pups for a walk..then hit the grocery store. .happy to report that Sharon fruit is once more in yummy..our kitchen is an explosion of fruits containing Vitamin C. Okay..time to catch my guilty pleasure. .Shopping Queen. .Bis Morgen. ..

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Sometimes you just have to. .

Take some time..a step back and really re evaluate your life..where you are..where you want to be..and maybe even call time out for a bit until you can start to figure it out...this is where I find myself right now..for the first year i was here I was in shock, the second year and into the third it seemed like everything that could go wrong with my family did..and I spent a whole lot of time and energy trying to figure out how to fill the gap that leaving my family and friends and the life I had in the states had left in my life..that need to be comfortable, to have a purpose to get out of bed day in and day out..this crazy drive to try and recapture the energy and goals that I had before have continued..leading me to make some not so well thought out choices, spend a lot of time away from my husband, and making me more and more frustrated. I am calling time out..a time out desperately needed..some time to say to hell with trying to find a job that gives me the same satisfaction I had while in various ERs from one coast to the is not going to happen here..period. Time out to nuture my marriage for a minute..we knew with mixing cultures it was not going to be so easy but looking back I have made it even harder on us..with this constant searching, constant need to try and be more than what was right in front of me..for once in my life I don't have to fight and struggle to make sure everything is done for me and my kids is long time for me to realize this and enjoy my life and where I am right head is spinning..I don't know what my next step will be..thank goodness I can take a few and map out a plan..because I know me..I need some sort of life map..a plan..a goal..or 2..I just need to breath and count to a couple of thousand..realize that I cannot recapture my life for what it was before..I am in a different country, the culture and way things are done, the attitudes, the way of looking at things are completely different here.That is something that if someone would have asked me a little over 3 years ago I would have never..not for the life of me.. expected..I had lived all over the US..have gypsy blood running through my veins..thought that I could go and live anywhere and it would be easy peasy..Was I ever oh so wrong!!!! This has been really really hard. I was talking to one of my girlfriends last night, she is also married to a German citizen, she also gave up her life in the states to be wih a wonderful man and she is also struggling..missing having the small moments like meeting a friend at Starbucks for a coffee or meeting for a glass of wine ..too bad we live hours apart..:C. However.. in all of this not knowing where I am going..what my next life phase will look like..1 thing is staying flipping weight..BUT..I have not given up..even though I have days like yesterday where my highest goal is to brush my teeth and shower..only to put on a clean pair of PJs. So..once more friends and readers of Fluffy..I am gathering my strength and inner fight..have rearranged my workout area..see pics!! Made a chart, 1 week at a this point in my life that is what is manageable..anything more and I get off's weight..72.1 kg, 158.62 lbs, waist is 86 cm or 34 workout this morning looked like this::::5 km on the treadmill, took the pups for a walk, 50 of each of the following..crunches, bridges, squats with hand weights, jumping jacks..30 of each of the following..reverse push ups, chair dips, russian twists, leg extends, and scissors. So far I have taken 5665 steps today..will break out the Wii and finish them out in a bit for my goal of 10,000. I have to say..even though this weight is not falling off I am convinced that the regular exercise and sweat sessions are helping to keep my mood out of the toilet..that and seeing how happy it makes the fuzzy faces to get out and explore the neighborhood. So..wonderful people..until that I am in my time out I have time to write again!! Happy about that for sure....I think writing it all out gives me a sense of direction..