
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Eating well, self discovery and feeling awesome in my skin!!

 Good Morning all!! With all that has been going on..4 year anniversary, Max's diagnosis, changing my Master's focus, making the decision to be a housewife vs focusing on my career..(good thing as it took tons of stress off of my marriage)...basically climbing down out a pile of stress and anxiety that had been building for years now..I realized that I completely forgot to do my week 5 weigh in and measurements..sorry for that but the results of all of this change have been amazing otherwise..I am no longer fighting an up hill battle to maintain my American lifestyle in Germany..and for the acceptance by the majority of people here..well, lets just say I have better things to focus on. Now that I have come to fully understand all of this and have begun to cut things out of my life and realized that all of that other stuff really doesn't matter as long as my marriage is healthy, my kids are safe, and the people who need to be in our lives are..I must say..I never in my wildest dreams would have expected to experience the discrimination that I have experienced here..but, not all of it has been bad for has opened my eyes to a lot of things, has given me a heck of a lot of insite to my own personality, morals, and beliefs..not to mention personal determination and inner strength that I, (even though I have lived through some crap before)..was not so sure I had in me..and even though I have choosen to no longer beat my head against a brick wall..or a door that just needs to be and remain closed...most of the time dragging my husband with me..I have come out with a clearer focus of what is important and sense of calm as I have never felt before..and we are better for these changes.
And so you ask..what does all of this rambling have to do with all of this wonderful food and healthiness in the pics included?? Because it has to do with being healthy inside and out, doing what you are passionate about, making a positive impact in the world around you and not remaining caught up in the hamster wheel of what everyone else expects from you..don't hear me wrong here, we all have have to abide by the rules and regulations of society, most of us have to work, we all have to responsibility after about the age of 3 to be responsible, well behaved human beings that play well with others and share our toys..but I am talking about the sense of passion and freedom that can come after we have spent a few decades on this earth..after we have gone to school, had a career, raised our kids to adulthood..and hoped for the best..These things don't have to huge..or even large..for 
getting a degree for the fun of something you are really interested in, learning a second, 3rd, or even 4th language, traveling or just exploring the town in which you live, taking pictures of the budding flowers and trees of spring, cuddling wth your dog, cat, goldfish..okay..that I wouldn't recommend..but you get my drift..planting a rosebush, creating..creating it with paint, stones, fabric, plants, or food!!
My creative outlet for the week has found it's way into the kitchen..I have baked, found new recipes, spent hours in the grocery store looking for new ingrediants that I had never before used..such as Gorgonzola cheese and Radicchio..this week I have mixed a salad with fresh figs and baby pickles for a delicious result..who knew?? I have spent hours lost in books on the sofa with my 4 footed kids, left my laptop turned off in the office for hours if not a complete day and have spent time with colored pencials with my nose in a coloring book drawn specially for adults..have sent my husband to work with homemade bread, apple muffins, gourmet pizza, and made a lasagne with fresh spinach, goat cheese, and a Bechamelsoße that would have made my mom proud!! But all has not been fun and games..the treadmill has paid it's dues and for 2 days I have stacked firewood that will now dry for 2 years and be ready to heat the house in..2017..and through all of this cooking, baking, and creativity my Herbalife products have been there..2 times a new mixer is a very happy piece of kitchen machinery..protein powder, vanilla shake mix, soymilk, and oh the fresh fruits that get mixed in there!! and as a snack..results..numbers I don't know and won't know until the end of the week but I know that my jeans are looser and I continue to feel more comfortable in my skin..I must say..all of this being healthier, not only on the inside but out is a great feeling!! I wish you all an amazing day...turn on some music, pour a glass of grateful for what you have..and of course.. ;D Don't forget to share your smile!!

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