
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Sometimes I feel like I am doing the Cha Cha on a daily basis!!

 Hello to all of you!! The weather here lately has been like a card game..some hands you win and some you lose..right now we are losing..but the plants are getting lots of water!! but I tend to only take pics on days we have a winning hand so here are some from the last week..a couple hours of sun here and there!! Enough to give me hope that the spring and maybe even summer will actually arrive here in NW Deutschland!! But let me tell you all..this weather can really have a crazy affect on my moods..all I can say is bless the folks that live where it is grey, damp, and not so warm for long periods of time..oh, wait..that sounds like us!! I am currently waiting for my husband to come home with a plane ticket to send me somewhere tropical, where the suns shines and above all it is warm..due to the fact that I have been a bit on the grumpy side for a minute now that it will be 1 May tomorrow and we still have to wear jackets when we go outdoors..:C..But enough of all I was fixing a nice, hot cup of cappucino a few minutes ago and looking around my kitchen with all 3 four footed kids looking at me..this of course is due to the fact that all 3 are on the verge of starvation due to only being fed a couple times a week!!..just joking..they are all so incredibly spoiled that truthfully I should be ashamed of myself..Marli the terror cat actually believes that she must eat every 2 to 3 hours or she will die of hunger..and as for the dogs..well, everytime I head towards the kitchen they follow as they know I am a complete and total sucker for 4 puppy eyes looking at me..but since I now make all of their treats myself I am okay with a few snacks a day..for you know..being a dog and such..!! But anyway..back to my original thought.. as I
was standing in the kitchen waiting on the coffee machine to prep itself I thought.."Wow, Tiffany should really be more grateful for the life you have, you have a great husband, 2 healthy sons, a beautiful home, 3 critters to snuggle with, and so many other things to be thankful for.." But here's the deal folks..I am human, I get discouraged because some of the aspects in our lives are not what they should be, contact with certain family members, our lack of close friends here, missing attending a church that I can really connect with, the fact that my nursing career is dying a slow, painful death due to circumstances out of my, etc., the fact that people in this area don't really care to be friendly to an outsider and are most of the time just flat out rude, the fact that I am, at almost 46 years old having to redefine who I am and find a purpose..I must say..had you asked me 4 years ago if I thought any of these things would be an issue and I would have said No. 
But, despite all of these issues for those that know me personally, or have even been following Fluffy for a while you know that if I am nothing else I am a bit stubborn and when I have a reason to persevere I will..funny how my personal boundries and values have chaged over the past, esp. couple of years..some things that have happened here would have sent me into a tailspin earlier and some things that probably wouldn't have bothered me so much..I have learned how to go from someone who was super independent and sometimes did not know how to compromise to being part of a team with role definitions I actually never thought I would see. But isn't that what life is really all about?? Experiencing new things, interacting and learning??
I am sure what we are experiencing is not such an oddity for a 2 culture couple..the struggles and then the positives that go along with it..would be interesting to talk to others in the same situation..
At baby boy will turn 20 tomorrow and then I get to head south to visit him later in the month..happy about this!! My first course for my Master of Arts in Human Services kicks off on the 11th, and I started learning Spanish via computer course also prepped to start learning Arabic as with all of the people flooding into Deutschland from Syria due to the fighting there translators will be needed..the redefinition of myself is on track..what a better way to live and hopefully work than helping others??
I wish you all, an amazing, blessed day..and when things are not so bright and shiny take just a minute to find 1 thing to be grateful will change the way you see things!!

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