
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Ready to Rock this Weekend!!

 Good morning to you all!! In this crazy, busy world we live in it can be really difficult to start our days in an organized manner..much less to take time for inspiration and motivation..oh, and while we are at it..lets throw in positivity training..some of you are is filled with rainbows and fuzzy unicorns..but if you are like me sometimes you have to work on remaining positive despite what life throws at you. Some days this comes easy breezy and somedays..well..somedays I just really shouldn't have contact with the general public- or deposited on an island, somewhere in the tropics..alone..!! However..that being said, I am making a (refreshed) commitment to myself to start everyday with God's word, prayer, a bit of journaling and super charging my body and it's functioning with awesome nutrition and more staying warm and comfy in my jammies ; you all know I started my Herbalicious Lifestyle back in February..and have had great is high, inches are gone, a few pounds have disappeared BUT..I am now ready to kick it into high gear..ready for more weight to go away and to really optimize my nutritional intake so I have been doing a lot of reading..and keep seeing articles referring to I have compiled a list for all of you who are also in the quest for awesome goes..Spinach, Probiotic Yogurt, Carrots, Tomatoes, Black Beans, Coconut Oil, Blueberries, Walnuts, Oats, Cinnamon, Wild Salmon, Avacados, Olive Oil, Flax and Chia Seeds, Kale, Apples, and Tea. I am also going to throw Mango, Papaya (seeds included), and Pinapple in there.. know as a Herbalifer on the weight loss quest that includes 2 shakes a day for me but that also includes healthy food..and if you have to eat why not eat a superfood or 2?? And..DON'T forget the H2O..stay hydrated and flush your system!!
I have also been putting my blender to use upon returning from my mini vacation..found that eating in the hotel and in restaurants everyday for about a week had left me feeling sluggish..and that is with a "S"..

Wanted to share a couple of recipes with you all..


handfull of spinach (sometimes here in Germany fresh is hard to find so I substituted frozen-note here..fresh is optimal)
1 granny smith apple-medium
green grapes-20 or so
3 kiwis-can use green or gold-I used a combo of both                                                                             2 scoops of Herbalife Vanilla Protein Powder
2 frozen bananas
approx 2 Tablespoons of Chia Seeds
Almond Milk-to desired consistency

Blend and enjoy-makes 2 smoothies


5 lg chunks of Watermelon
2-3 Apricots
2 frozen Bananas
2Tablespoons Flax Seeds
2 scoops Herbalife Vanilla Protein Powder
Almond Milk- for desired consistency

Blend and savor!!-makes 2 smoothies

   I will continue to work on new recipes to introduce these foods into my daily eating plans so stay tuned!! As far as my smoothie recipes-why do I always make enough for 2? So I can have one for later in the day or to share of course?? My husband is not so a health freak as I am but evvery oce in a while I like to suprise him with something like this..slow and steady not only wins the race but also forms new habits!! ;D Am currently doing some reading on clean eating..will let you know what I the way.. all of this nutrition awakening in myself has opened a door to a new interest I never knew I had..yea yea..we all want to eat healthy but I want to take it to a new level and actually study about this talked to my academic advisor at Liberty University yesterday and will be adding Health and Wellness courses to my degree plan..super excited about this..not to mention how that will enable me to help those even more who want to join the Herbalife family!! Alrighty is off to an awesome beginning..time to hit the treadmill and work on my abs..80 % Nutrition 20% Exercise..challenge for you all today..minimum of 10,000 steps!! 

      He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.
                                    -Proverbs 11:25


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