
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Looking both forward and back...

Good Morning all. ..another year comes to an is early morning here and everyone except for me and the critters are sleeping..thought I would start planning the menu for this evening..and there you have it..Grünkohl and Sekt..of course there will also be other snacky items but the main course be eaten while watching Dinner for One..will stay pretty traditional. parents who are..I read middle aged..what the ???..will be bringing in the New Year at home while keeping the large chicken..oh, dog...Missy to be exact.. I mean.. company while the fireworks are going off. Last night started the first of 2 or 3 with one of us sleeping downstairs due to her phobia of the noises related to..but who knows what this poor dog has gone through previously..Poor Baby.
I wish you all much happiness and many positive things for 2015..for some of you- just like me.. I am sure you look forward to a new year as a new start, a fresh page to reach new goals, conquer bad habits, do things you have never done before, and maybe even visit new places..the limits are only what we set our minds to. 
I, personally am thankful for many things that happened this year..the amazing people that are in my life and bring quality to it, those that were not really so positive but taught me a lot about myself and my strengths, weaknesses and levels of tolerance, occurances that no one wants to go through but have made me and some of the members of my family better people for the experience, my deepening relationship with God and the blessings that are taking root in my life as a direct result, the wonderful things that are happening in my immediate family's lives..and the opportunities for growth..not to mention the goals reached!! I am looking forward to what 2015 being an improved version of myself, taking more time to stay connected to those I love, expand my knowledge base and skills, and help to make the world that we live in a better place.

                             Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;
                                   the old has gone, the new has come!
                                                                         2 Corinthians 5:17

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Another year over....almost !!

Good Morning all!  I hope each of you had a wonderful time with family and friends over the past few days.Wanted to share some images to wrap up the Christmas season as we head into the new year..Max the Wonderdog relaxing on his throne and Melissa..I am happy to report made great progress this year..she took and opened her own presents and then even played with them!! Not bad for a street dog from Romania!! Marli the Terror Cat promptly batted her new toys under the fridge..but during my cocktail making process on Christmas she discovered the fun of playing with the ice cubes that got away from me..:D The other fun images were found in store windows or in shopping centers..The picture with the windmill is a really good representation of the area where we live!  Once more it is early morning here with just myself and the critters awake..well, they are actually napping but I am taking full advantage of having the house to myself before the other human occupants are awake..I must say however that this morning for some reason I was really missing a couple of my favorite TV channels from the states..The Travel Channel and Food Network..they were my go to's in the mornings and evenings before we moved here..
I have to confess that we un-decorated the house yesterday..I know some of you have the ability to leave your Christmas decorations up until after New Years but as hard as I try I cannot bring myself to do that..generally everything is down the day after Christmas but this year we were not home so the 27th it it is time to break out the new journals and calendars for 2015..I adore this tradition..organization at it's finest!!
 The rest of Germany has snow..not us though..maybe within the next couple of days..I hope that it is cold enough this year to go ice skating on one of the lakes not too far from us..Enjoy your Sunday and I will see you all tomorrow!!.. Time to get back into my eating and exercise routiene..and let me tell you..I am more than ready!!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Not so silent very early morning ...

Good Morning first of all the  weather here has been a little crazy for the past few days. ..lots of rain..and now it is stormy with wind..this means the larger of the 2 pups..and a Missy the giant chicken cries and paces until at least one of us wakes up to go downstairs to sit with her...and and don't you know it works like a charm every time! I must say however in the early hours I take a few minutes to just sit and enjoy my surroundings..especially now with all of the Christmas decorations. Not sure what the day will bring as the above mentioned weather has made it much more attractive to stay snuggled all  warm at home vs venturing outside. .which is a shame due to the fact we are missing time going to the various Christmas Markets but sometimes just taking a little bit of time out at home can also be good. Okay..time for a second cup of coffee and then I hear a treadmill calling my name...Enjoy the weekend.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Now I am really in the spirit!!

Good Morning all !! What a whirlwind the past couple of days have been..Tuesday was a day spent packing the car with goodies for the animal shelter..both for the wonderful people that are there for the babies that are not so fortunate to have yet found their forever homes but of course also tons of snacks for those babies along with some new bedding for them. Then spent several hours witha friend that I do not get to see often enough with our schedules but when we do get together it is non stop talk and smiles..light and deep conversations..all is open game..and that fits us perfectly!!..she suprised me with a gift of some homemade yummies and a soap & lotion set that I had on my things to purchase list..Love you Sandra!!!!Great minds think alike!! Yesterday saw Max having his first spa day with a professional since moving here 3.5 years ago...I must say he is even more adorable than before!!...and of course the dog salon had tons of dog related objects for purchase..hence the new Max pillow covered with pups!! Along with a few other goodies for the 2 for under the tree..which speaking of ..we found a gorgeous tree yesterday also..but since the weather here has been nothing less than cold and very wet here for the past several is still in the netting in the garage drying out a bit..check Marli making sure it is upto her standards !!She decided it was okay and is now back on her perch watching the birds feasting outside the window..and we thought by putting birdfood out we were just helping the birds..who knew it would result in endless hours of entertainment for the smallest family member??!! We found turkey for Christmas dinner would have thought I had won about a million bucks...and I am more than sure people thought  I was crazy snapping a picture of my shopping cart!! In the US a turkey is easy to find..that is not always the case here...but with stuffing, sweet potato cassarole,and green bean cassarole it is a must to have a turkey as the centerpiece. Our neighbors surprised us with homemade stollen and a huge tin full of an Ostfriesland Weihnachts tradition of New Years delicious!!..and an unbelievable amount of work..See pic is too bad we do not have smellablog in this case!! Today had been set aside to venture out but the day is once more just yucky and wet so we will spend the day at hubby enjoying his new PS4..his first gaming system 45!! But I must say it is pretty awesome as we can also watch movies, series, and play DVDs on it!!..Hopefully decorate the tree and maybe I will start making my first ever Christmas candies..fudge and caramels..finally broke down a purchased a candy thermometer so now I have everything needed..wish me luck!! And yes..besides all of this Christmasing I have been sticking to the exercises and consuming lots of H2O!! Have a wonderful day and we will talk again tomorrow!! more piece of good news..found out yesterday that I got into the MSN program at Liberty University..will start classes in January!!..emphasis Nurse Educator!! So excited!!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Woo's Monday! !

Good Morning all. ..let me tell you all about my amazing day so be honest the day started out with me being a little bit of a grump..due to the fact that I did not sleep so well last night but then after a couple of cups of good strong coffee I broke out my Prayer Journal and Bible..and while getting both of these from the bookshelf I found a Praise and Worship CD that I had purchased from an independent artist while we were in Chattanooga this past fall..and let me tell you is it good..after my worship time I got on the treadmill and did 8km..was a sweaty mess when I finished but let me tell you..after the 2 things combined I feel nothing less than absolutely amazing this morning..I am enjoying a fresh, super healthy breakfast..see pic below.. as we speak and am proud to report I have also organized the fridge and written a letter to my oldest son this morning. On the schedule for today..find a new recipe for Eggplant and make Homemade Applesauce...goal..use up what we have before I load the house down with food for Christmas!! ;D Not to mention make some tasty gifts!! Have just finished the first out of 8 planned bottles of water to be consumed..must flush out goodies consumed at Christmas Markets!! So..I wish you all a wonderful week before Christmas..share your smile with everyone you never know what battles someone may be fighting!!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Santa Baby !!

Good morning all!! Traveling back in time to this time last year when our youngest played Santa!! Not bad for a young man with approx 0% body fat if I must say!! ;D This morning started at 0400..the good thing about this is that so far today I have cleaned the entire house, done some laundry, answered some emails, played with Marli the terror cat..consumed my daily coffee quota...and it is only 0630!! The house smells like a citrus grove and Santa Baby is playing on the stereo..and maybe just maybe there is a splash of Baileys in my last cup of coffee !! I am by no means a regular consumer of alcoholic beverages but the season just requires certain treats..The critters are sleeping all snug in their beds..or on the couch and we have a day trip to Groningen planned for later today..this city is in the Netherlands..or Holland for some of you know that there will be photos to come. We are hoping to find a Christmas tree this weekend has been rainy here for the past few days and we didn't want to bring the water in with a wet tree..but as this tradition is super late this year we really need to get busy in this area..So..all of you Fluffy readers..I wish you a wonderful day..for whatever you have planned !!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

What a way to start the day..

Good morning know that you got a good workout in when the top of your feet were sweating☺So, I have it figured out..I am totally and completely a stress eater..I realized this ..after having this recurring thought for several months now as yesterday evening the more stressed and irritated I became over a pretty significant computer issue that I am having..and that we have spent I don't know how many hours on over the past few days trying to solve..the more crap I put into my mouth..yes,some of it was fruit salad but then came the M&Ms, cocktail peanuts, crackers..blah blah blah..It is no secret that over the past couple of years we have faced and continue to face some real challanges and it shows, on my butt, stomach, and upper the lack of name it..the older I get the less resistant I find myself to significant stress but I must say the workouts is like with every drop of sweat I see fall itis a cleansing process that allows me to face another day. That and snuggling and loving on the critters seen below..their unconditional love always makes the day better. is new day..can only do what I can do and try to find another way to accomplish what needs to be's mantra to myself..I will not let myself react negatively to the less than positive things that may happen today!!..this includes shoving large amounts of chocolate into my mouth..:D

Monday, December 8, 2014

Home again!!

Good Morning all! You know it is going to be a good day when you are on the treadmill and you WANT to run more the the preset time!! Of course it could have also been the extra energy provided by the handfull of Christmas M&Ms eaten while driving home yesterday..but hey..a girls got to do what a girls got to do to survive yet another 6 plus hour drive!! So..for this morning..workout..check, bathroom cleaned..check..Max the Wonderdog bathed and blow dried ..check!! Now for braving the very cold, foggy, wet weather outdoors to unload the car from a massive Christmas food shopping trip on the American economy..this could take a minute ;D I must say this weekend was really fun..hated that my hubby couldn't be there with me but we have accepted long ago that we will have a somewhat crazy marriage..but it works for us and that is all that matters. Did a few EKGs, went to my first ever military ball, attended a traditional Christmas party, got to welcome a friend home after a long time away..and basically realized that when I finally made it home to my husband and critters that life is pretty darned awesome and I am lucky to have someone who supports me so that I can do all of these incredible things without having to worry about if he will be still be there when I get home..some people  are not so lucky to have someone who will stand beside them through thick and took me a minute to be so blessed and it was well worth the wait!! Okay..time to get busy and reorganized..wishing you all an awesome, blessed day..Bis Morgen!!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

My goodness, I wish I could sleep!!

Good Morning to you all..and I do mean morning..once more I find myself awake and out of bed drinking coffee before 0400..always for various reasons..a cat walking acroos my head, a lonely dog wanting company downstairs, or a snoring husband. This morning it was the snoring husband that lead to a cat walking across my head. Today it is okay though as I promised one of my good friends that I would work out this morning..yes, I have been slipping this week..and after that I must leave on my seemingly often drive to a little further south..this weekend will be filled with lots of holiday events such as a Christmas Party and Ball..and of course as I am crazy for the Christmas Markets here I will be hitting at least 1..even if I have to go by myself...;D. So, last night I found myself placing a long distance call back to the states to as I put it.."rage" to the same girlfriend that encouraged me to get up and flex some muscle..not do due any 1 occurance but a series of small things that had been building up over a period of time..I must say, that afterwards I felt much better and so did she as she apparently needed to vent a little also..this long distance relationship is hard for us!! As women it is important to have these helps us to maintain sanity!! So, I am heading to today the living room to do some much needed push ups, situps, my workout space is occupied by sleeping creatures..Have a great Friday and I will see you all tomorrow..Bis Morgen!!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Baileys and baking...

Hello to everyone..yesterday saw a workout and grocery shopping..oh..and a finish to the Christmas shopping ..but today..let us just say that this morning came early..thanks to Missy's new habit of wanting to have company at 0300..but instead of grumping about it I turned on the coffee pot, grabbed a cup..added a little ol' shot of Baileys and started baking..oh..the joys of being a housewife!! I am getting everything I can out of the status since when next month rolls around I will no longer be able to say that!! Today saw 2 kinds of muffins, and 3 different cookie varieties come out of the oven..some were given away to neighbors today, some will be distributed this weekend, and and what is left will be frozen and put into yummy Christmas packages. You ask..Fluffy, what about the scale?? Oh, the good thing is after baking all of this yumminess, the person who did all the baking doesn't want to eat it..It is kind of like working around food all day..for example, if you work at KFC I can bet you don't eat KFC..same theory here!! Am happy to report that now the kitchen is back in order, and the washing machine is busy cleaning the towels and hot pads used in this evidence left except a freezer full of baked goods! Now is time to hit the computer for a couple of online courses, and a couple of post on Have flips flops will travel for all of you who follow my adventures there also..and then time to break out the wrapping paper and get busy with the gifts. I wish you all a blessed, happy, healthy Tuesday!! Bis Morgen!