
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Sunday, June 1, 2014


Hello to all, I do have pics to share with you all but things have been happening in my life and the lives of those closest to me that have really made it hard to count our blessings over the last few days. I considered putting Fluffy on hold for a while but after taking all things into consideration I decided not to as sometimes the act of writing things out really helps me to clear my mind and put things back into perspective and to realize that even things are not where I would like them to be or as much as I wish that I could protect those that I love and make everything better and all evil go away I cannot..and in reality it will serve me no purpose to shut down and quit living my life because of really bad decisions made by someone else, even though these decisions and the consequences will affect not only this one person but all that love them to some degree or the other..actually it has been going on for a while but things are really coming to a head and to put it bluntly it hurts like hell and makes you want to stick your head under a rock and wish it all away but unfortunantly things do not work like that. There are others out there making really good choices and advancements in their lives and I have to be strong for them and not take away from the positives that are happening..the fact is..everyone has choices, making mistakes are a part of life but it comes to a point where you have to make changes because when you keep making the same bad choices over and over it no longer becomes a learning opportunity but a time to pay the consequences..sometimes we have to hit rock bottom to see that and then hope and pray to God that he brings us out of it intact.
At any rate, I am spending this afternoon doing my homework for my language class tomorrow and writing some letters, did some online work for maintaining my nursing license that I am not currently using..the good news is that I finally recieved the blessing from powers that be here to work as a Nurse in Deutschland..unfortunantly this will not come into play until after October as when I had my 2 interviews and informed them of my schedule they decided that until I will not be gone so often that they are not willing to hire me..totally understand the reasoning behind this, and know, in the scheme of things and what my calendar does look like this is completely husband, who has the patience of a Saint keeps telling me I need to ''come down'' and I try and try again but all of this terrible shit keeps happening..makes it VERY hard..... far as Fluffy being Fluffy..started a 30 day Ab challenge today, which will be for 16 out of the 30 days just that.. a challenge as I will once more be on the road..or in the air if you will..but from looking at it by the end of the 30 days with my regular workout I should have some major definition to my mid section..with age, stress, and not really following a particular eating method my abs have definantly seen better days..will be packing a 1 piece to take with later this month instead of a bikini..that has NEVER happened..and fact of the matter is..I don't like it, not one little bit. Have been ramping up the salad and veggie intake though..along with lots of lemon water.....
So, if you have the chance today, hug someone you love and tell them what they mean to you...sometimes others do not get that chance often enough..

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