
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Time to play a bit....

Good Morning to you all, today here in Deutschland we are celebrating 2 occasions, one is a religious holiday, Himmelfahrt..the 40th day after Easter when Jesus traveled to Heaven and it is also Vatertag..or Father's Day here..basically here (in Ostfriesland) father's day is a day where people (generally the men)..get together and go on a bike tour and drink alot. We saw a coworker of my husband while we were out the other day on our 37 kilometer bike ride and when he heard that I go on the bike tour with Matthias on Vatertag that it was for men..thank goodness my husband and I prefer to spend our not so often freetime together!! At any rate, it is always great fun to see all of the people out and about and the antics that go along with it in broad daylight..we still talk about someof the stuff from last year!! If we lived further south here the day would be more on the religious aspect of the day with the much larger Catholic population. 
Today is also the start of a festival called Matjestage in Emden..a small city not very far from us that is directly on the water (also home to Volkwagen Emden!!), this festival lasts several days and is all about a small fish called a Hering..and all of the yumminess that is involved with this little actually it is about the livelyhood that the fishing provides for the fisher(men) and the people in the surrounding communities and the history of..lots of good stuff to eat drink, fabulous music filled with traditional and modern sounds..Tons to do this weekend, which makes me super happy as the sun is shining again..hopefully it will holdout for the weekend..I had the wood burning stove going all day yesterday as it was grey, cold, and rainy!! great for the plants, not so good for the spirit.
Happy to report my husband has FINALLY gotten on the spring cleaning and organization boat with me..he is sorting through and advertising on EBay things that we no longer use or the money we make can go towards our large vacation which we have planned for later in the year!! I am excited about this because I am a total organization freak and cannot stand clutter, seen or unseen by long as I know it is there I have a small tick in my brain that says..clean, organize, sort, sell, donate..for those of you who do not have even the slightest OCD tendencies be drives those around us crazy but our houses are always presentable!! So, time to get up and around and see what things the day holds for us..sure to be fun and interesting..and as always will post pics in a not so future post.

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