
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Rise and's Monday!!

Guten Morgen..noch einmal..0430!! Once more on Marli duty..Sometimes I try to be irritated at her for waking up so early but then I come downstairs and Missy is also so excited that we are awake that it just doesn't work..some people say 'Alle ist für die Liebe'..that is so in our house..where now that we have no kids at home critters rule!! Today is the day that I will finish writing a paper I have been assigned for a course I will be attending this summer..I am trying hard not to procrastinate with things like this anymore..for example I knew this weekend I had 2 online courses to do and until I finished them I could not feel free to move onto something else..this is how this paper is..hanging over my head. I did however start a new deco project yesterday..I will be decopauging (sp???? ;D) 3 pictures for when we finish the hall and bathroom in our part of the house...part of the house that was under construction when we bought it that has remained that way..obviously I am not the only one in this family with a procrastination problem!!..anyway..this part of the house is where our bedroom and office is..what is finished is done in varying shades of pink and the theme for the 3 pictures..Fashion in mostly black and with the cookbook (wine) rack..will post photos of the various phases.
In my fruit and veggie shopping spree the other day I bought some peaches..they are sitting next to me in bowl as I write and smell so yummy..I think I hear a smoothie calling my name for breakfast!! Had a really hard time getting motivated yesterday with my workout as the weather continued to be nothing less than crap..but I did push through it and then managed to spend the rest of the day doing pretty much nothing but laying on the couch..that is the one thing I must say I miss... the longer I live here and the fact that the weather is not so good most of the time..places to go indoors for example a good old fashioned mall..not even so much to go shopping but just to get out of the house when it rains for days on end and doing something..brouse books at a Barnes and Noble, drink a coffee at Starbucks, meet up with friends..yes, I know it sounds horribly American of me but hey..what can you expect?? So, today Matthias goes back to work,I resume my life as a housewife routiene..and once more hope for sunshine so we both have more energy..clean house, workout, write paper, play with grateful for what we have..this is my plan for the day..Have a wonderful Monday..Bis Morgen!!!

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