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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Voting day??? On a Sunday??

Good Morning to all..yes, it is 0330 and I am awake, along with all of the critters..this time it was not from Marli but from sleeping next to a man that sounds very similar to a bear, chainsaw, train, whatever you want to call it. At anyrate, we all all awake..except for the sleeping bear  everyone has eaten breakfast and done morning business..time for the 3 to settle back in for a little more sleep but since I had already started the morning coffee consumption routiene and turned on the computer I will not be doing the same anytime soon..
I wanted to thank those of you who responded to my last post and was pretty impressed to hear a man's point of view on the whole subject, pretty sad when the opposite sex notices how ''catty'' some women can be when it comes to undermining each other..heads up ladies..others are watching!! But what is sad is, that with the entire media jungle out there this issue of infidelity is not one that will be improving anytime soon, my thoughts on it is that it will only get worse. For example, the is a jogurt commercial that runs here and it is all about a couple cheating on each comes home with an..of course.. younger female, tells wife it is not working and this twit is his new love, she in turn tells him there is no room in the closet for her things because the guy she is cheating with is hiding in there..jogurt commercial here people..and we are disappointed in today's society and lack of morals?? Just look at all of the '' reality'' TV programs out there..shit..absolute shit.. but people eat them up and believe that that is real life. My thoughts on this..we are in trouble.
So, today is voting day in all of Europe. I find this very interesting as it is taking place on a Sunday..for living in a country where the stores are closed on Sundays my question is why are they holding an event such as this on a Sunday?? Don't get me wrong here..I am all for stores, etc..not being open on Sundays so that people can be home, go to church, or whatever they do..personally as coming from the states I feel that the ''time out'' is good for people.. it doesn't matter if you are single or have a family..the over board need to purchase daily mindset of our lives is definantly not a good thing.When I first moved here I myself went into a withdrawal phase for the fact that I could not just go shopping on a Sunday..or after 1600 on a Saturday in some cases.. but after almost 3 years here I have adjusted and am actually pretty happy knowing that there will be no errands to run after Saturday afternoon. And for all of you that have to get your Walmart fix on at say 0200 forget it..nothing but the discos are open at 0200 and then only on the if you are out in your car at this time of night out partying or not you will most likely get pulled over just because..well, just because. for fluffy update..have been headng outside with the dogs everyday..usually early mornings to walk and when they are done I go back out for a really enjoying being able to be out in the fresh air to exercise..not that I do not appreciate my treadmill..have been taking my bike if I just need a few things from the store or need to go to the post office and am planning on going to the new swimming pool in Aurich next week..we went grocery shopping yesterday and came home with fruits and veggies enough to fill the kitchen counters..saw that my husband had snuck a package of store bought cookies into the mix so I broke out the baking gear yesterday and made bran muffins with raisons and dates, a peach cake, and ginger snap need to eat chemicals if you have to satisfy a sweet tooth!! Put two thirds of what I made in the freezer so it would be available for the coming weeks. Am waiting for strawberries to fall to under 1 Euro a package so I can make homemade strawberry jam.. Have been drinking lots and lots of water and choosing jogurt over ice cream..satisfied my must eat something after dinner reflex last night with a fresh the quest for a healthier me continues..I refuse to ''diet'' as I want this to be a lifestyle..not a temporary fix..the healthy eating for me is not the hard part, it is the no snacking in the evenings and getting my rear in gear on a daily basis..even when I have absolutely no desire to do so..
Will post pics this afternoon, early evening..we are planning on taking a bike tour, so be prepared for green inspiration!!

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