
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Monday, February 9, 2015 want to see my day...

My days involve lots of reading..lots of writing..and for now lots of sitting...and lots of being frustrated that the numbers on the scale keep creeping up..did some reading on the internet this morning re different eating plans, have contacted a friend about a company that she is involved in that offers health related products, and have been doing what I can exercise wise with no cardio involved, thought about keeping track of my steps but all that gets me is pain and a swollen foot...ugghhhh..I will be so happy to put on a pair of tennis shoes in about 3 weeks and just go for a walk outside with the pups!!!! I understand the running portion will have to be very gradually eased back into but I would give anything in this moment to be able to hop onto my treadmill and just run and sweat and try to sing while out of breath!!!! A girl can dream can't she??
I have to say that God works in so pretty amazing ways..over the past couple of weeks I have been a bit stressed about what the future holds as we all know I live a 50/50 life..and for those of you who have done this know it is nothing short of a challenge, and for those of you who haven't..well, it is not something  I would is stressful, for a short time okay..but long term, just sucks. Anyway, doors are beginning to open..on both sides of the world..were I was worried about now seems that there are more than a couple to choose from. The winds of change are also blowing for my husband..and where the leaves in his world land will determine what decisions I make in the near future..but for now I am just super happy that God has shown me that there are choices out there..whatever culture we end up in!!..Speaking of, I read in a Facebook post last week that there are 3 things those experience success do on a regular basis and the first item on the list was "They invest in themselves"..this has been an area that I have been concentrating on the past few days, by updating a professional networking site, becoming a member of professional organizations, attending webinars, and signing up for courses that relate to my profession but are not connected to obtaining my MSN..yes, granted I seem to have in moment more time on my hands than I know what to do with but I feel strongly that all of these steps are important..if you are going to have a career, something more than a job..Not to mention taking time out to invest in your health by exercising, eating right, and for me my stress reduction comes in 2 journaling and exercising..lets just say for now I journal..a my exercise possibilities are for the time being lacking..seriously!! ;D
So..readers of Fluffy..I continue the quest to not be so..well..Fluffy..and to grow spiritually, emotionally, in knowledge, and my have more patience, more of God's grace, and to be thankful for this crazy journey that is our I write the song by Casting Crowns ..Praise You in the Storm.. is on internet chance?? maybe??..but I think not!!
  I wish you all an awesome, amazing, blessed day..


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