
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Ja...Es ist endlich passiert !!

 Hellooooo!! Let me tell you all about my day..I have been putting off purchasing these 2 CDs forever...and finally today thought..I am about to spend quite a bit of time..okay..a lot of time..driving around Deutschland and much to the amusement of my husband I am such a deutsche Schlager fan..needless to say I have been singing my little ol' heart out this afternoon..suprised that the dogs aren't howling!! And have had my own dance party in my tell me..those of you who are in Deutschland ..who can resist Atemlos durch die Nacht?? Ich nicht!! ;D As for the Revolverheld this is just good music..
But..that is not all..I have done 2 other things today that I said I would never, ever do as a deutsche Hausfrau..German housewife..I would by all means NEVER iron sheets..guess what did it this morning while making the guestroom bed up..what more you ask?? I swore that I would NEVER be that person who left her laundry hanging out in the rain after washing..for this I have a justification my mind anyway..since I am now one of "those" women....It really was pretty much sunny when I left the house..I promise!!!!

 See.. I have proof that the sun was shining at some point in the day..spotted my sweet flowers coming to life out front and wanted to share them with all of you..who by the way are spread all over the place!! I was amazed to see that some of you are reading Fluffy from places like  Slovakia, Poland, Kazakhstan, Malaysia..and of course my readers from the US and all give me such energy..Thank you for reading!! 
So, not only have I completed 2 nevers..I also had a perfectly charming conversation with an older man while shopping at Aldi regarding the price of carrots in Emden vs the price of carrots on the islands ..which by the way is significantly higher!! ;D
Reloaded the fridge with some fruits and veggies and since I treated myself to a lunch out..including a stop by the bakery for a pastry..and it was yummy!!..but since I had a Herbalife shake for breakfast and will have another for dinner and I am drinking my peach tea while writing I felt totally okay with doing this!!..Usually this treat would have me kicking myself for at least 3 days..but since I am getting such great nutrition no worries!! 
So have included a picture of the rain that has returned..even the birds are staying away this evening..but I have to tell you I will so take what sunshine we can get now..
 The very last pic is the result of my closet cleaning action from yesterday..good thing as I found a few cute tops today!! and some new make up,  new smell good, and...just kidding not too much and sometimes my inner girly girl comes out and must be satisfied..I am sure my husband is going to read this and think how happy he is to be on a business trip..and as for my mom..she is either noding her head or laughing or both!! ..
So..time to wind this day up..maybe add a touch more blond to urge the spring on..
I wish you all an amazing rest of your day!!

Don't forget to share your smile..and ..
Be the change you want to see in the world!!


  1. Yes, Tiffany, I am laughing! This is a really good post - energetic, positive and informative with a bit of humor! In your bags and stacks of closet clean-out stuff I don't see a single flip flop - maybe because they are getting ready to travel? HA! Love you. MOM

    1. Get rid of flip flips?? I have only done that once in my life..well..unless they were falling apart..the one time when they weren't was to move here..Never was painful..;D

    2. Sorry..not enough coffee yet..flip flops!!
