
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

WooHoo..let's get this started!!

Good Morning to you all!! Wanted to share the view of my  dining room table and what it looks like when I am in the middle of writing a paper for my MSN program...I know..I know it is a complete and total mess and I was a bit shocked upon seeing this first thing in the morning..esp. since Max the Wonderdog decided he needed to go outside about 0500!! But a quick trip to the coffeemaker and the realization that I am actually wayyy ahead of schedule on this assignment made it okay..for today! I was able to complete this weeks assignments yesterday morning bright and early and had intended to only do 2 sections for next week but ended up completing 4!! That leaves 4 more to go..plan for today is 2 and then tomorrow 2 as I am now in the "body" of the paper and each section takes a couple to a few hours...Of course I had my Herbalife products to keep me feeling full and energized throughout the day..I must say..when I am able to finally be 100% back up and around watch out..I will be unstoppable..even after only 6, now starting on my 7th day with these amazing products not only is my energy level up, but my concentration and ability to stay focused on a project has longer do I find myself snacking on all of the crap that was such a big part of my evening just a short week ago..tomorrow is my weigh in day for week 1..looking forward!! I have daily contact with my Health Coach Ausha and she gives me hints on not only how to maximize.. what will be my hopefully not too far future as being a Health Coach for someone else but also about the products and the different ways they can be used..for example..this sooo doesn't apply to me.. but did you know for those that need to gain weight that Herbalife has a plan for that too?? I had no idea!!! Awesome!! By the Protein bars arrived yesterday..tried one of the Vanilla Almond ones yesterday for my mid afternoon delicious!! I cannot wait to be able to get back on my treadmill..took the pups for a short walk yesterday..not so far but enough to get us all outdoors and some fresh air into our lungs!!
I also wanted to share this picture of our some she looks like an ordinary dog but to us she is amazing!! Especially for me as this is a picture of her getting prepared to sleep by me..Missy started her life on the streets of Romania where she lived for about 3 years, she was then..thank goodness rescued by an organization here in Deutschland where she lived in the Tierheim Hage..for  another almost 3 years..needless to say by the time we adopted her..about 2 years ago she was a nervous, shy, scared first she didn't trust anyone and you literally had to corner her to pet her, then slowly she warmed up to Dalton and Matthias, and now..finally..with me being homebound after surgery and Papa being on a business trip she has decided that I am actually okay too!! Of course it does not hurt matters that I am unable to climb the stairs to sleep in our room quite yet so I am sleeping on a fold out couch where she has access..we now have our evening and early morning snuggle times and it is doing both of us a world of good!!
So, my dear readers of Fluffy..time to journal, spend some time praising our awesome God, and get this glorious day started..don't forget to share your smile today!! You never know who needs one..

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