
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Lessons learned....

Guten morgen liebe Leute, I would like to say I feel confident that I passed my second level language exam but I cannot..I was so nervous that during the verbal part I could hear myself sounding like I had only lived here 2 months and not 2.5 years, my letter that I had to write was a disaster but as we say.. it is what it is..there is nothing that I can do about it now, and when I talked to my mom she said that if I did not pass this exam that maybe it is for the best as when I pass it I will be able to work, her idea is maybe I already have too much on my plate and with going to school in a couple of months it would really be too much..maybe she is right..with all of the time I spend at my non german job with the military, going to school full time and trying to run a household with 3 critters..we will see how it all works out..Matthias says he thinks I passed it regardless but he was not was almost downright embarrassing. So, needless to say, I have taken a couple of days to lick my wounds, wallow in self disappointment but today is Monday, a start of a new 2 week time period for me and time to start to concentrate on getting ready for a return trip to Kaiserslatern, Wesseling, and then BrĂ¼ssel..that sould give me more than enough to concentrate on..oh, and Dalton and I will start spending a few hours a week at the animal shelter walking the dogs there..tomorrow at 0900 will kick off this new venture. So, my husband and I actually went out on a date last night, he had bought me tickets to see 'Majic of the Dance' for Christmas and the group was finally in Aurich ..a dance (Irish style tap) group from New was a lot of fun and really opened my eyes to the fact that we have gotten so caught up in our day to day living which for us equals quite a bit of stress that we rarely take the time to do something fun, esp just for us as a couple..that need has been moved super high up on my list of things to do better..for us to enjoy us and take a break every now and again from our long list of have to's and should do's which 99.99999% of the time involve others and what we feel is our responsibility as adults,homeowners, employees, parents, children all get the picture and I am pretty sure most of you over the age of 35 know exactly what I am talking about...point blank..WE NEED TO PUT MORE FUN BACK INTO OUR LIVES!! and for goodness sake, if you are married...DATE YOUR SPOUSE!! It may sound silly but from what I learned last night, this is important, we all need romance, we all need a break, we all need to feel like more than a work horse..either in the workplace or at home..this life has a lot to offer, we need to take it upon ourselves to find the good and make the best out of it..esp in this day and age..Note to self today..put some music on, dance like nobody's watching..complete what I need to do with a smile on my face and a prayer sent up to God to thank him for all that we have..which may not be everything but it is everything we need! and..have some fun today..laughter is healthy!! I wish you all a great Monday, be positive, be blessed, hug someone!

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