
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Oh baby it's cold outside!!

 Good Morning all! Wanted to finally post pics of what the weather was when we left Ostfriesland on Wednesday..but as you can see below the sun was starting to shine and it made for a gorgeous day!..these pics were taken between Thusday and Sunday before we left but the snow was still there on drive day! There is no snow here a little further south but the day yesterday was GORGEOUS..about 4 Grad and sunshine! However, as I am doing my normal cannot sleep at the hotel dance this morning when I looked outside at about 0300 I can see that it attempted to spit a little frost onto the cars below! Got Dalton up at 0500 yesterday to go to the gym, we got there about 0530 and it was already we will have PT-physical training with the usual with team building activities it will be fun and full of some good ol competition and lots of laughs..does a body super duper good! We did splurge yesterday after filing my taxes..yes, one more to do block checked off!! We ventured onto Ramstein and ate dinner at Macaroni Grill- I was so full that when we got back I think I pretty much went straight to bed..after reading of course..
New book..auf Deutsch mind you...Ostfriesen Killer..this is one of the series I wrote about earlier by Klaus-Peter Wolf, a writerfrom the area where we live that bases all of his books from there..I , as usual have lugged all of my homework with other need to books and notebooks..both for continues Deutsch lernen and upcoming PA to make the time between events to get some of it done..As we only have 1 packet of coffee in the room I ventured down to the lobby this morning and got a cup of is much better anyway, the coffee in the room is pre measured in packets and tends to be American style..hard to drink for a girl that is now used to strong, dark energy giving coffee..that is ummmm..Euopean style..sorry Folgers..I was a fan for many years but my tastes and needs have changed!! Thank goodness waiting at work will be good coffee also..thanks Trey!! Below are pics of the beautiful flowers my sweet husband brought me a few days before we left..he is getting to enjoy them now!! and my baby dog Max feeling warm and happy to be indoors with one of

his new toys from Christmas..actually this one was one of Marli's but Max just assumes all toys are for him..while Melissa has developed a love affair with the remote is safe when it is on the table but when on the floor or sofa she just knows it is a toy for her!! We can't be upset with her though, she was a Straßenhund and is just now learning to play...Okay, it is almost 0430 now..time to get the day blessed and enjoy your friday!!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Noch einmal....

Good morning brings yet another day of driving to...drumroll here...Kaiserslautern. I am excited because not only will we be at my second home but then we head to 2 new places also..Wesseling, Germany and then to Brussels, Belgium..Dalton will be traveling with me to see the ROA side of the house..not just what I do when I am at work..wearing clothes that make me look like a man!!..No offense but just how attractive are combat boots really? i must say I was never really a PINK girl before I joined the military but now after several days of wearing green and beige I tend to girl it up more so now than previously. Am excited to see people that I met last summer while in Brno, Czech and meet new ones. At anyrate, have some pics to download for you all but they will have to wait until we are settled into the hotel this evening..I wish you all a great Wednesday..cannot belive an entire week has gone by..time flys when your having fun!!..or at least super busy!!

Sunday, January 26, 2014


Good morning to you all..sorry haven't been on Fluffy for a few feeling a bit overwhelmed and as a result have spent some time totally just vegging out on the couch.Am getting ready to head back to Kaiserslautern and then 2 other stops within a week & a half period of time , then home for a few days and then off to go skiing!! Very excited about that as we need a vacation pretty bad in this household..lots of stress last year..time for some fun, along with lots of hard work and some pretty major changes this year. As, the snow began a few days ago, we have been spending quite a bit of time shoveling the white stuff, not only from our driveway but also from my husband's grandparents driveway..I had previously not had the need to do this very often and find it interesting that it has the same effects as kind of get into a rhythm and it makes it..okay..this sounds crazy..a bit relaxing. okay, since I am a bit older back does not always thank me afterwards but there is something about the serenity of the white, calm, quiet landscape and the fresh air..and I have to say, yesterday as I was walking the dogs..the neighbors who usually just turn their noses up at me when I say Hello actually responded back..maybe that it the secret here..snow on a Sunday morning!! or maybe it is the fact that we were all industrious enough to be outside when we really did not have to be..who knows, I will take whatever it was and be happy with it.
Saw on facebook this morning that some of our soldiers will be leaving..some to go back to the states, a couple on deployments..that is the hard thing #1 about living so far from the don't really get to stay in touch with what is going on in the military community and #2 the longer I am in the military..esp the reserves I am learning how quickly thew face of our unit changes, people who you grow to like and respect, whose families you get to know..most of them will go on to other assignments, to live in other places..I am finding the older I get these changes affect me differently..maybe it is because most of these soldiers are younger and as I get to know them I feel protective of them, as they are our responsibility..even though most of them have way more knowledge and a lot more time in the military than I anyrate, I stand in awe of them and the choices they have made to be so young and so brave, with young children and their entire lives in front of them and the awesome opportunities they have..hat off to you guys..this includes the girls..know that you have all made a difference and we are proud!!
So, once more to put some warm clothes on and start this day..with the snow of course!! have a great Monday and be blessed!!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

It snowed!!! Finally!!

 Good morning to you all, sorry I did not get these posted sooner..but wanted to tempt your tummies with some super healthy veggies and homemade sunflower seed bread this morning!! Along with pics of Miss Marli helping me in the kitchen..loading the dishwasher and then when I was getting stuff out of the fridge for dinner she found a new place to sit and explore..crazy cat, she is something else and absolutely a constant source of entertainment for us here at home. For those of you that read Fluffy on a regular basis, you know that one of my goals this year is to read 8 books 'auf Deutsch' am happy to report first book is finished and we are not even to the end of Jaunuary yet..Kleiner Veganer Bibel was written by a vegetarian who wanted to learn more about being vegan, well wriiten and interesting..would recommend it, note here..this book was wriitten for those from or living in Deutschland. My plan is to begin reading the collection by Klaus - Peter Wolf today, an author from the area where we live that bases
his books off of the area..criminal mysteries..or Krimis auf Deutsch..these type of books tend to be my favorite to read but I have been trying to incorporate other types into my daily reading habit this morning calls for a trip on the treadmill and then we will be heading to the animal shelter to walk some of the pups who have yet to find their forever homes...and then home to walk our babies..Max likes to wait till after his mid morning nap to venture out..oh the perels of being an old man!! So, here is to enjoying being out in the snow, getting some fresh air and being with the pups !! Enjoy your Friday..

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Hump day already??

Guten morgen all..I must say, everytime my husband comes home from work and says he has had a $%&%$§"(/&%% day and then plays country music on the internet I can feel the waves of change coming over our household ...I must say, even though we may be 40 something years old maybe the time has come for some life changes for our mental and physical well being..this goes along with my post from the other day..not being everything to everyone..but making ourselves happy and finding that source of peace within..I know that I have definanatly gone through this particular struggle and have had to learn to distance myself and say no..basically to set boundries no only with others but also with myself, the fact that I have learned that I must not jump everytime the phone rings or that if I just do not feel like going to an event, whether it be family or acquaintence related I just don't a result I am calmer and not so pissed off all of the time, because for a while there I was a raging bi%&$§(?!!h..for sure. needless to say, home is a better place to be since I got a grip on myself and regained control of my life..even though it is super busy, it is super busy on my terms..and I have as a result ended up meeting some great people recently and other paths are opening up to not only me but to us as a to motivate him to join me in some new activities!! But..all is not hopeless, last weekend and the theater was a great start place for trying new things!! I think the keys are having a strong base of faith, a safe place to call home where you are unconditionally loved, finding what you are passionate about ..incorporating this into your life if not everyday at least on a very regular basis, eating healthy and exercising regularly, laughing often, being grateful for what you have, helping others, and as we are big fans of fuzzy critters here..cuddling with a pet..this has been shown in studies after all to bring down blood pressure and reduce sXs of depression and anxiety..and as I continue to walk on this path of growth and self discovery I have become a super big fan of realizing that I (or we) if you.. will should maybe not only think outside of the box but maybe think like there is no box..that all is possible with a little courage and a whole heck of a lot of faith..So, Fluffy readers..I invite you all to dance like nobody is watching and to have an awesome Wednesday..PS..starting the day with a run is a great way to release all of those feel good hormones and chemicals too..and I will get back to posting pics this afternoon..Marli helped me fix dinner last some great..totally out of the box cat pics!!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Lessons learned....

Guten morgen liebe Leute, I would like to say I feel confident that I passed my second level language exam but I cannot..I was so nervous that during the verbal part I could hear myself sounding like I had only lived here 2 months and not 2.5 years, my letter that I had to write was a disaster but as we say.. it is what it is..there is nothing that I can do about it now, and when I talked to my mom she said that if I did not pass this exam that maybe it is for the best as when I pass it I will be able to work, her idea is maybe I already have too much on my plate and with going to school in a couple of months it would really be too much..maybe she is right..with all of the time I spend at my non german job with the military, going to school full time and trying to run a household with 3 critters..we will see how it all works out..Matthias says he thinks I passed it regardless but he was not was almost downright embarrassing. So, needless to say, I have taken a couple of days to lick my wounds, wallow in self disappointment but today is Monday, a start of a new 2 week time period for me and time to start to concentrate on getting ready for a return trip to Kaiserslatern, Wesseling, and then Brüssel..that sould give me more than enough to concentrate on..oh, and Dalton and I will start spending a few hours a week at the animal shelter walking the dogs there..tomorrow at 0900 will kick off this new venture. So, my husband and I actually went out on a date last night, he had bought me tickets to see 'Majic of the Dance' for Christmas and the group was finally in Aurich ..a dance (Irish style tap) group from New was a lot of fun and really opened my eyes to the fact that we have gotten so caught up in our day to day living which for us equals quite a bit of stress that we rarely take the time to do something fun, esp just for us as a couple..that need has been moved super high up on my list of things to do better..for us to enjoy us and take a break every now and again from our long list of have to's and should do's which 99.99999% of the time involve others and what we feel is our responsibility as adults,homeowners, employees, parents, children all get the picture and I am pretty sure most of you over the age of 35 know exactly what I am talking about...point blank..WE NEED TO PUT MORE FUN BACK INTO OUR LIVES!! and for goodness sake, if you are married...DATE YOUR SPOUSE!! It may sound silly but from what I learned last night, this is important, we all need romance, we all need a break, we all need to feel like more than a work horse..either in the workplace or at home..this life has a lot to offer, we need to take it upon ourselves to find the good and make the best out of it..esp in this day and age..Note to self today..put some music on, dance like nobody's watching..complete what I need to do with a smile on my face and a prayer sent up to God to thank him for all that we have..which may not be everything but it is everything we need! and..have some fun today..laughter is healthy!! I wish you all a great Monday, be positive, be blessed, hug someone!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Keep calm..Learn Deutsch

Okay, liebe Leute..tomorrow is my B2 Deutsch Prüfung..I have studied, studied, studied and studied some mind is full..why why why is it that I feel so unprepared for this test, for B1 I was ready, I was confidant..but for this one I feel like I need 6 more months to prepare. Everyone says that it will not be a other words..You got this..or out of the mouth of my sweet husband..when not you, who then?? In reference to me being ready.I guess because this time I have alot at stake..without the nice little certificate saying I have passed this blasted test I cannot get my nursing education and license approved to work in Deutschland..No stress here, no stress at all!! Luckly, I am a bit of a Schwatzliese (I learned this word from the means Chatterbox!!) so maybe I can impress them with my constant talking if not by my vast knowledge of the f&%$$§"!$%%.. German grammatik!! Which for anyone who has studied Deutsch knows is a bugger and especially hard for us..lets say..more mature learners..!! Okay. enough venting..back to the books, internet sites, notes, and maybe I will even throw a little TV in there for the fun of it!! PS..for those of you that do not already know..this entry is written in the colors of the German order!! You know know what you may learn at any given moment..Strive to be lifelong learners!!

How Great is our God by Chris Tomlin (+playlist)

A day for worship....

Good morning to you all..I have had an absolutely amazing morning..the sky is still grey here in Germany but with alot of help from God the world is for me a little brighter today..we continue to have struggles in our house, decisions to be made..choices that are not so easy, possible upcoming changes..big changes... but while listening to praise and worship songs this morning I just felt this feeling of calm wash over me..that it will all be okay, that God never opens doors for us that he does not want us to take..I just need to quit fighting against things and give my life and issues over to him and he will lead us to where he wants us to go as a family..maybe not the path that we had thought we would take but one that is better for humans giving this so called control we think we have over to God is so much easier said than done, I know that even with the best intentions I struggle with this every single day but sometimes on days like this he makes it easy for me. Today, I think he really showed me that I need to be with other people that be able to worship with others..and for that I thank him. I encourage all of who to take a few minutes to listen to what he is wanting you to hear could change a few minutes, a couple of hours, a month, or maybe your life!! Be blessed and share your posive outlook with eveyone you meet, you never know who has major struggles that just a smile could make an enormous difference to..

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Poor poor baby girl....

Guten Morgen world..a picture of our poor Marli after she returned from being spayed yesterday, the poor thing did not understand why she could not run and play like normal and finally gave up and went to sleep under Dalton's watch..happy to report she is better this morning but still a little sore when she tries to jump. But, she is spayed, one more step towards animal population control. A step every responsible pet owner should take.
Anyway, today will be busy, class this morning, and studying the rest of the day..test on Saturday morning..being in Kaiserslautern really threw me off of my preparation schedule but as we say in this house..It is what it is..pick up, keep going, and do the best you can. Okay, short and sweet this morning but will get back on track in a few days..promise..have to finish living this 2 week time period out!!

Monday, January 13, 2014

So ready to be home!!

Good morning all, once more I was up and out of bed before 0430, what is not so bad at home seems different here because I have to do things like work (for a paycheck!!) and be accounted for all day..I can't hang out in my sweats all day and snuggle with the critters if I need a break ..will be happy in my sleep deprived state to return home. But I must say the time here was good, esp with my friend and yes coworker being here from the states, made the time go by quicker than usual..We had dinner last night with some other friends and that was also alot of fun but I did not get into bed until about 2300 and for those of you who know my sleep habits that is super late! At any rate..I am heading home later today to be back with the 2 goofballs at the top of the page, am ready to be there, even though they can rarely pose like 2 normal people for a picture. 
For those of you in the states or are able to shop on a military installation I discovered these snacks while I was here this time--Jalapnos that are like fried onions..Wow..what for a not eat and then go straight to bed..just need some time for these little buggers to be well adjusted in your stomach or the early morning hours may not be so good! Of course since they are meant to be used as a garnish for veggies, salads and I ate them straight out of the bag after a long day may have something to do with that! Anyway, if you like spicey..try these!! Okay, need to finish some laundry, pack, and reorganize the hotel room ...we will talk again a day or so!! Be positive and blessed!!

Saturday, January 11, 2014 this is a bit extreme...

Guten Morgen liebe Leute..last night I was basically awake after 2330 and this morning I am up at 0330..the positves to this are as follows..I am getting to blog, I am washing my clothes, I have time to drink coffee without being in a hurry, I can respond to emails and get some paperwork for work filled out before reporting this morning, I can attempt to make room reservations on campus for once school starts..since I apparently did not do this correctly the first time, and have a decent length inspirational break this morning....the down side about 1030 this morning I am going to feel like something the cat drug in, I am going to have circles under my eyes, and this evening when I am finished with work I will have no energy left to do much of anything outside of eating dinner..a veggie wrap..and crawling into bed all while hoping to get a full nights sleep...but the good news in Sunday and that means that I am almost done and will be able to head home on Tuesday..only to face a small Marli cat that is going to be mad as the dickens at me come Wednesday morning because after 1800 Tuesday she can have no food or treats due to an appointment Wednesday at 0900 to be mind you, this is the little angel that wakes us up every morning between 0400 and 0500 because she is hungry..amnot so sure how this whole episode will play out...because if she can't eat than the dogs can't eat or I guess they will have to eat outside because she loves to eat dog food too!
At anyrate, we had an awesome team building workout at the end of the day yesterday, a bit sore this morning but actually wishing we could do it way more often, I am in pretty good shape but that would really get me to where I want to be a lot sooner...however, incorporated some ideas into my at home we will wait and see if I get a few results sooner than expected! Okay..time to get off here and make the most of my early morning time..we need to be out the door NLT 0615!! I wish you all a blessed Sunday..

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Energy up!

Good morning wonderful is 0430, have been up and out of bed since 0400..heading out to the gym this morning with a good friend of mine who is in this week-weekend from the states. She is also here for work but it makes the time seem a little less like work when you have someone to hang out with and talk to that is more than just a co worker! Only 2 days left for my class and then for 4 days of regular reading everything I can in my spare time for my German language test that is a week from Saturday, my thoughts are if I can read a regular book and listen to the radio and maybe not understand every last word but about 80% of everything I am doing okay..another thing good friends aree good for..encouragement and boosting confidence levels!! Thx Teresa!! :D Have been taking my workbooks with me to work on during lunch but the instructor also stays in and we always end up talking instead of me I am abandoning that idea for today..will hit the workbook after class since my workout will already be completed for the day!! Started reading through the bookof Peter yesterday morning..thought I would share this with you all..Peter1:2..May grace and peace be yoours in abundance..great way to start a day blessed!

Monday, January 6, 2014

9 days away from home....

Good Morning to you all, I arrived in Kaiserslautern on Sunday and will be here for well over a week. I must say it is always a challange to fit everything in that I normally do and be at the specific place for more than 8 hours a day..things like getting in a workout, blogging, studying..they all fight for space..of course if I was able to stay awake past about 2030 every evening I could add a couple-few hours to my day but that is so not going to the juggle begins..and the coffee brews.Now to figure out how to make American coffee prepackaged into the stronger European brew that I have to have daily to function at optimal levels..But for this morning, I have already put a load of clothes in the washing military housing..washers and dryers provided!! Will get motivated here in a minute and do my core workout..have to save the run till after work as I am not a fan of running outside alone in the matter where I am..and even at 1700 in the evenings here I am pushingthe dark it begins to hit dusk about 1630 here in the winter...okay,  so ready set go..welcome to your Tuesday .Be positive and be blessed!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

It's Friday!!

 Hello to you all! Wanted to get some pics up first thing this morning..some of healthy food and others just for fun! For example the pic to the left..Max on New Years Eve..poor dog, he was so not amused!Above is the bouquet from my husband with good luck symbols..thanky hon..need all we can get!!
Below is yesterday's smoothie ingredients and then the finished product, added a slpash of multi vitamin juice and used about 5 pieces of the frozen bananas, that made enough smoothie for all 3 of us for breakfast and then one for my lunch also..I am totally addicted to the sharon
fruit, had never eaten one before about 4 months ago aand now I cannot get enough! Under pic is weißkohl (cabbage) and carrot salad..super light and good for you! So, got tons done yesterday in our office, lots of computer work for getting my nursing license approved so I can get to work and I even rearranged to offce for a better energy seemed to work! However, I must actually get dressed and leave the house today, have soome errands to run and must get ready to leave for Kaiserslaurtern on Sunday, will be gone for over a week which is good for me but sad for us as Matthias will still be on vacation for part of that time..but as we say very often in our household..It is what it is. So, need to get in gear, hit the workout area, address my problem zones and get this day started! Have a good one and be blessed.

Day 2 2014..time to shake it up!!

Good morning all! After a day of cruising on the couch I am ready to get busy and sweat it out this will be about eating RAW and moving every chance I get..will start the day..with okay..not in the authentic RAW food list..strong black coffee..won't give this up..sorry, but it for the protection of those around me..and a vitamin bomb fresh fruit smoothie..will begin photo journaling what I eat for all of you..maybe we can exchange some smoothie reciepes..looking for some green smoothie posted previously my weight goal for January is 65 kilograms..start weight is 66.5 kilograms. It looks like the clouds are moving in this morning..but am determined to remain positve today, not only to begin the detox and renewal of my body but also of my body and soul..that is my greatest wish and perhaps largest goal for this remove myself from the surrounding negativity and stress of the everyday life that we lead, to not let those who are critical or stress producing effect my life, to obtain a positve self image..not to always criticize myself because I do not have a model thin body, I am no longer so young and body parts are not where they should be in this day and time..but as a clipping I found in a magazine a few months ago says..In mir steckt noch viel mehr..that means to me..what you see on the outside is not all that I am and what I am currently doing is not everything, I am strong, my life is complex and I can always dig deeper into myself and come up with something else..
As I woke up and was getting ready to come downstairs I decided to make my mantra for the day 'think positve' to all of you..have an extremely positve and blessed day..will fill your next post with lots of color..and remember..2014 is a brand new, blank book waiting for you to write!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014..finally here!!

Happy New Year to all of you..sitting here eating grilled eggplant from our grill fest last night and it is super yummy! Happy to report the dogs and even the kleine Marli made it through last night and all of the fireworks here pretty well, there are still a few going off this morning which made for a pretty intense walk but hey, from having to hold on tight to the 2 leashes I don't have to do arm exercises today!! I stayed inside with the babies during the midnight fireworks but Matthias said it looked like the 4th of July outside and after my walk this morning and seeing all of the empty firework boxes, rockets, etc I can totally believe it. We had a pretty laid back bringing in the new year at home..grilled lots of good food..(I don't have to cook today..), had 1 of Matthias's old friends and his son over..our 18 year old proclaimed we were too boring and went to a party with friends..just kidding, but he did go out..we are totally NOT boring!!, neither one of us woke up hung over, and the house is not a wreck.. we are going to take today and just chill, we don't have many days to do this and before this year gets off to a running..more like a sprinting start.. we need it!  So, tommorrow we will begin..enjoy the day, enjoy your families and friends..relax a little!!