
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Time to fly....and oh, what pretty toes you have!

 Good morning to all! Bags are packed, well almost except for what needs to go into my carry on. Wanted to share just some flat out fun pictures with all of you..for example the yummy Margaritas in a can I talked about the other day..they also have a strawberry flavored on the I will have to try when I come back early next summer! Next is one of the old time standard fun places to eat in Sherman, Texas..City Limits..looks not so fabulous on the outside but man o man is the food yummo..see pic below for Veggie Nachos.
And below that are the results of our pedicures..pretty toes! I just had to go a little over the top for a couple of flowers to match my dress  and hat that I will be wearing home today.
Needlass to say I am a bit sad to be leaving but also very excited to return home..this summer has been a crazy ride to 3 different countries and not a whole lot of time at home. All trips have been successful in what I had hoped to accomplish and I was super happy to be here to get Trevor set up and off to college, not to mention to visit with my parents and Oma..but I bet they are also a bit relieved to see me go as they are super busy also and having someone extra in your house is always a wee bit matter how much you love that person. Anyway..hope that you all have an awesome day..will touch base again most likely on Sunday once I have settled back in to life in Deutschland!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Almost home...2 more day till take off!!

Hello to all of you..sorry it has been a couple of days. Trying to wrap up my last couple of days here in Texas and at the same time plan out FY14 in my Army life..trying to get everyone seen and deal with the guilt that is sometimes almost overwelming for having a new life in Germany while the rest of my family is here. Was in Dallas last night to visit my dad, will have a busy day today fitting more visits in with other family members, got to Skype with my wonderful husband this morning as I am sitting in Panera Bread drinking Hazelnut coffee and taking advantage of their free WiFi service,needless to say with all of the craziness here and the schedule that is taking shape he is without a doubt my rock at this point..our Skype sessions help me to regain a sense of balance and grounding. Have not taken the time to adhere to my workout plan for the past couple of days and in all reality probably will not for the next couple of this point I am exhausted from lack of sleep and a bit stressed with winding everything up. I must say though..night before last my mom and I looked at each other and just knew that we needed Margaritas for a pre dinner cocktail..I must say for canned buggers they were pretty darned tasty..Thanks mom!! Cannot wait to wear my travel outfit..100% Audrey Hepburn style..will definantly post some pics!! Pedicure was postponed from Monday till in the morning..looking forward to the time with my mom. Okay, until tomorrow..have a great hump day!!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Starting college dinner!! Texas style...

 Hello to you all! Today was a great day, spent the majority of the afternoon with Trev and then for dinner my parents made him a totally yummy steak dinner. After all of that they got a tour of the new apt.(see pics below!!) Good stuff. Am so excited and proud for him on this new journey and page in his life..those who know us know that things have not always been so positve but with lots of prayer and faith great things do happen!!
Started the day with a brisk walk that was 6,598 steps or5.93 kilometers. and 20 push ups. I took a day for myself yesterday and went to the local was a much needed break from the past few months of non stop going. Tomorrow is T's first day of classes, will see him off and then visit my Oma, to round the afternoon off my mom and I are going to get pedicures..sometimes it's the small things like this that make me wish I lived a little closer than 6000 miles away..I miss being home but this makes me appreciate family and the way of life in small town Texas quite a bit. But one thing is for sure..just as we cannot leave our home in Deutschland you can bet your britches I will be home no less than once a year from now on!! Okay, time to wind down my evening..sleep well to all..

Friday, August 23, 2013

Breakfast and dinner..and a little bit of blood in between!

 Good evening to all. Had a great day..started with a skype session with my fabulous husband..although I cannot figure out why people in the Starbucks in Sherman, Texas look at you so funny when you are speaking Deutsch..huh, keine Ahnung..;D Of course if I was going to be in Starbucks I had to have a Skinny Vanilla Latte..only 160 calories in the Venti size! Then proceeded to continue the home decor items for T#s apt..found some good prints that will brighten the walls up. Went to visit my all time favorite Cardiologist today, he was one of the first that I worked with as a relatively new nurse and now is my mom's doctor. We keep up with each other 
through her but it is always good to be able to have a face to face. Found out today he drives a Passat also! My day proceeded to include donating blood..see sideways pic of shirt below..always cool to get a new tshirt for doing something good for others, not to mention just the feeling of helping others in times of need..Rounded out the day with a nap, a long walk, some push ups, and this yummy dinner of Natural Greek Yogurt with strawberries and blueberries..all in all I must say the day was pretty darn good!

I have to say that I am sad that my visit here is winding down, did not manage to do all that I had planned or get to see everyone that I wanted to this trip but the next trip will be in less than a year..did however spend some much needed time with my oldest kiddo and that was priority number 1 and of that I have no regrets. I am however, ready to be home and see my husband and youngest, not to mention my babydogs. The crazy schedule will not slow down for another couple of weeks after I hit ground but it will make me appreciate our somewhat rooutiene and very domesticated lifestyle even more!! Now, to read some and get some beauty sleep..bis morgen!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

One new apt..almost furnished...

Good evening. Trev's apt is almost done..need a couple more small things and some pictures and stuff to make it look like home..stay tuned for pics tomorrow. I plan on hitting some garage sales in the morning and am hoping to find some good buys and cute stuff..won the battle today of bedskirt or no bedskirt..I won since I played the "I'm paying the rent card"..yes, gentlemen out there..I totally went there,( ladies, esp already understand and are nodding your heads) and his bedroom looks sharp!! Steps for today were 8,667. I am tired and feel like being lazy the rest of the evening..actually, I am washing clothes, so not completely vegging out..pretty darn close though. Okay, so until tomorrow. Have a great rest of your day!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Day out with my and that really is the good stuff!!

 Hi there!! Spent an awesome afternoon with my mom, even though I am staying at my parents house I have been so busy with my own child that I have not got to spend so much time with my own parents..would not change it but I quickly figured out that being here for only 20..well not counting travel 18 days really would not be enough but it has definantly made me realize that I need to come back at least 1 time a year..not over 2 years like last time I had been home..WAYYYYY too long. Anyway, we had a yummy, late lunch at Olive their salad and we both got entrees off of the light lunch mom Apricot chicken , me Mushroom pasta..see pics to make your mouth water!! I could not resist a Citrus Margarita..I have to say it was delish..much better than the ones in Poland in June!! We did a little shopping..saved so much money it was crazy!! By the way..had to buy a new rolling, carry on bag for the trip home..I just knew when I emptied all of the gifts out of my suitcase I would have tons of room..would have if it were not for the pesky thing called a weight limit on flights..but by golly I figured that out..just buy a larger carry on bag..wah la..problem solved!!

My entire day was not spent shopping and step count for the day..only counted actual exercise steps was 11,757.Food and activity journal is in full swing..yes,the Margarita is included in my writing for the day!! Tomorrow is super busy with moving and furniture shopping..will touch base in the evening!! Bis morgen..sleep well!!

What a morning..I love to sweat!!!

Good morning to you all!! What a morning for a workout..crunches, push ups, jumping jacks and a walk-run of 6.34 kilometers. I feel great! Wearing some of my new workout clothes purchased after I first arrived, I must say besides the sweat I look pretty sporty..or maybe it is becasuse of the sweat! ;D Okay, spending the day with mom and then catching up with my son later to plan our day tomorrow of furniture shopping and putting the finishing touches on his apt..full day but planning on another workout and pic posting session with all of you..enjoy your day and stay hydrated!!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Okay, do over..I can do that?? right.....?

Good morning, so sorry for not touching base yesterday evening but for those of you who have kids, no matter how old they are things do NOT always go as planned. Spent the first half of the day with my mom since I have been using their house basically as a hotel since I arrived in country and had a darned good time..yes, I did walk over 5 kilometers in the morning and did push ups, even started working on my food journal..however as the day progressed I slid way off track..however, I treated my mom to her first Chicago dog at Sonic..hold on, not so bad..I did order a Route 44 DIET Ocean Water to go with it!! Man, was that good :D The evening saw my drinking a Starbucks Mocha Frappacchino..did I even spell that correctly?? And once was yummy! So, needless to say, we are starting over again today. I am welcoming the morning with black coffee and will steal one of my son's spiral notebooks to use just for that purpose...purchased yesterday at Office Depot for a whole 1cent!! Great price right?? I adore back to school sales! Did manage to go shopping at my favorite consignment shop here in Texas, found some way cute stuff and a sexy little dress to wear on a romantic date night with my husband when I finally do make it home for more than 5 days at a, to knock his socks off in the dress I must ramp up the exercise and journal what goes into my more Chicago dogs this trip..cannot say I regret the fun we had eating them thoough!!

Monday, August 19, 2013

And the fun continues....but I am worn out!!

 Hello to all! More fun pics..the one on top is me with my 2 favorite women in the mom and my Oma. We had a family gathering over the weekend, it was good to see my relatives that I had not seen in over 2 years. I have put myself kind of on the back burner trying to get my son organized, I knew from the get go this trip was going to be busy but I must say, I am just tired at this point. I am, however going to take the time and go running this morning.
The pic of me in the big truck was on one of our furniture moving, finding adventures..I had previously
driven a SUV when I was living in the states but I must say..this was a bit difficult to drive. But it got the job done and I will most likely be driving it again over the weekend when we are trying to complete the apt..if nothing else my wallet is loosing weight..but it is all for a good for success!!
The cute Uncle Sam was found on a front porch on one of my walks last week..I thought he was pretty darned cute!!
I am going to start a food diary today, I am finding that with being so busy over the last several weeks..well going on 3 months now, I am tending to 
do a lot of mindless eating and with the increased stress my body is holding onto the weight like never before..of course my increasing age has nothing to do with itI am sure!!
Will touch base this evening..need to stay on track with all of you to stay on track with my goals!!
Have a great day..Bis später!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Life can be so good!

 Good morning to all, now who does not think these 2 photos are great..imagine sitting on the front porch or in front of the house..drinking tea or an iced coffee and talking to your neighbors, kids, spouse..or just reading a good book or maybe even just watching the people go by..sounds like a little ol' slice of Heaven to me personally..okay..throw a couple of dogs in the it is perfect :D Sometimes..well, most of the time  it is the small things that make our lives so good..take a quick minute and thank God for a way to start a day or continue the one you were having..hope it is just a smidg better!! Today is a super exciting day for me..going with my son to buy college textbooks, get a student ID and today is also moving day into his own apt!!Not so many small things for us today but fabulous things that will help him to start a new life..housewarming gifts you ask..a very loud alarm clock and a plant that he has to be responsible for! I will be starting early so workout will be included in the moving and climbing stairs today, I figure that will be okay. Will have new pics of  our progress from today ..see you tomorrow, have an awesome day!!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Walmart, Iced Tea, and Big ol' Houses!!

 Good morning to all!! What a fabulous few days this has been and what we have accomplished! My son is now not only enrolled in college but we were able to find him a cute apt that is quiet..he is currently living with 2 other guys..not so quiet..or tidy..!! We are able to move him in on Friday, he will have a week to get situated and then school starts..I tried to explan that a mother waits for 3 things..the first day of kindergarten, high school graduation, and then the enrollment in college and helping to set up a first apt!! So excited to be doing all of this. Most women cannot wait for grandchildern but I am pretty nontraditional and can wait for that for a good long
           time. After raising two boys alone I am all about the both of them getting their educations, traveling if they want, building their lives so they have no regrets before settling down where they do not have so many options..because we all know once that happens life is not so fluid anymore..Don't get me wrong, I am definantly happily married, own a house, have 2 dogs and all that go with it but things would have been alot easier if I would have accomplished some goals before starting my real life way back when..but all works out and I am a super proud mom of both boys..all is not always easy but neither is this ol' life we are living...As I have told my oldest..I am helping you obtain the tools and what you build with them is up to you. today..Walmart..had not been to one in over 2 years so had to snap a pic..I must say I was a little overwhelmed once I got inside but soon got my bearing and found what I needed. 2nd, iced tea with lemon wedges..a Texas staple. I am not so much a sweet tea drinker but love a good iced tea on a summer day! Bottom pic is of a sweet house in the neighborhood where my parents live.. Love this pic..American Flag  out front, kids bikes in the yard, a couple of labs in the back.                                                                              

Good stuff all the way around!!
Steps for yesterday were 16,106. 15 push ups in the morning. Will have to defer my morning workout thoday until this evening..we have early appts getting more set up for a bright future!! Have an awesome day and eat more fruits and veggies!! Went out to eat with my parents last night and as tempted as I was to eat chicken fried steak with gravy I thought about all of you and ordered a salad instead..see what great motivators you all are?? Thank you for that!!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Images from Amsterdam, Oma's, and Main Street USA..other good stuff too!!

Good morning to all!! As promised pics from travels so far..above is in the Amsterdam Airport waiting to depart for Dallas, airport was great but the flight had about a billion small, screaming children on board so it was a pretty long 10 hour long flight..however, service was good and food was tasty. Oh, and earphones for seat back entertainment system were of charge!! I can definantly recommend KLM airlines. Next is photo from Oma's room ..most specifically for the gorgeous crochet item that was sent from my husband's Oma in Deutschland to my Oma in Texas..handmade of course!! The 2 pics below are of a typical old style hamburger drive in decorated still in 1950s style..have to love it, just seeing this makes me happy!
The house below is also fun..comes complete with American flag not know who lives here but thought it depicted the area well!
Steps related to exercise yesterday were 9805, wore a dress for the rest of the day so could not track the remainer of my steps but feel that I did indeed reach my goal..about to head out again this morning..have lots of energy so we will see what the day brings..plan on having a waistband today so can track my activities for the entire day. seeing already an increase in my bicep muscle definition with the daily pushups also!!
Best news so far though is that yesterday I went with my oldest son to enroll in college proud and happy!! Textbook shopping is tomorrow!! Stay hydrated, give someone a hug today and stay positive!! Bis morgen;D 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Good Morning....

Good morning to all! One walk down so far this morning and it is only 0715, my goal was to take lots of pics of small town USA this morning and post them for your enjoyment but after 2 pics my battery ran out of camera is now charging. I will head out for my run and push up routiene and then try the photo situation again later today..have spent the last 2 days with family staying super busy. Going today with my oldest son for him to enroll in college..super proud!! okay..2997 steps so far..goal for today is going to be 16,000..ya'll hold me to it.;D

Sunday, August 11, 2013

landed in and sound!! But the flight was like Romper Room!!

Hello to all, well..made it to Texas after lots of time without sleep! I must say, however the Amsterdam Airport was able to provide about 2.5 hours of amusement without any problem. Got up after crashing and burning last night and went for a run and did some push ups. Not to mention lots of sweating..but that is perfectly ok with me, I have several extra pounds I will gladly give up..even if at first it is just water weight!! You guys know..every bit of movement downwards on the scale is always encouraging!! In just yesterday after landing got to of course see my parents, my grandma, and my oldest I have said before..this life can be sooooo good!.Heading out to do a little shopping today with my mom and son..need some new workout clothes..;D and maybe can find a few other items in the process..after clearing out all of the goodies from Deutschland I have LOTS of space in my suitcase to fill!! Steps so far from running down small town USA Main Street this morning..4634..setting my goal once more for 15,000 day while I am here..should be easy to do! Plus what for an mom has lost about 35 pounds since I saw her 2 years ago and looks awesome!! Okay..bis später!! Don't forget to stay hydrated!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Over 800 views!! Awesome..and pics from home!!

 Hello to all! So excited to log on today and see that we have had over 800 views to Fluffyseeksfirm!! What more could I ask for an inspiration to have?
I am including images of fuzzy faces and of some our gorgeous flowers due to the fact that I fly out for Texas very early in the morning..and have to leave our house even earlier due to the location of the airport..only about 3.5 hours drive time:C. Tennis shoes, pedometer and old workout clothes are packed..had 3805 steps this morning before my pedometer landed in the suitcase..Will blog again once I land or if I can find a Starbucks in the airport will see you all sooner! Enjoy your day..and remember..stay hydrated!!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Images from Brno..

 Good evening!Wanted to share these gorgeous pics from Brno in the Czech Republic with you all. My only regret over this trip is we did not have near enough time to explore..but almost all work and not so much play did not make us made us better informed and lead us to meet lots of great people. From today until I leave for Texas this weekend my wonderful husband as taken time off of from his nutso work schedule for us to spend time together..happy happy about that! Spent part of the day in Aurich shopping for goodies for me to take to our family members in Texas and then had Tee with Oma and Opa..would like to say I ran a few miles but I do not like to lie..instead I enjoyed the evening vegging out watching NCIS with my man and dogs!
Okay, enjoy your day, evening, morning..whatever time it is where ever you are!! Bis morgen;D

Food pics from Czech and !!%%&&$§ weight and measurements...

Hey everyone!! Amazing..finally able to download pics from my trip, I think my camera likes being home as much as I do:D Pics are a sampling of some of the yummy food I ate for a week, a gorgeous cheese plate and the pic under is a sample of what I found on the breakfast buffet every morning..cheese creams, aspics with ham and wonder I have maintained staus quo with my weight and measurements..was not so happy this morning but had to be realistic, with the crazy schedule we had and wanting to enjoy myself..
So, here goes..fluffy wins out this time but today is a new day!!!
 Weight: 69.3 kilo
upper arms 30 cm
waist 79.5 cm
hips 99 cm
thighs 58.5 cm

Okay, will download more pics and post for you all this evening..have good ones of the pups from yesterday too!

PS..steps worth 6.21 kilometes yesterday.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Sorry..things have been a little busy!!

Hello to you all..sorry I have not blogged for a couple of days. The wind down portion of the Czech trip was crazy busy and then I was on the road for 2 days..Czech to Kaiserslautern and then at 5 am the next day from Kaiserslautern to home. Spent today cleaning the house after being gone for over 2 weeks..ladies, you know how it is..poor men, they try really hard to clean but it is just not the offense guys, we know you try and we love you for it but we are really excited when you leave the house and we can get down to the nitty gritty with the mop!! Good news is on the trip out of Czech we did a little crystal some goodies for the house and a jump start on my Christmas shopping! Did, in the mist of walking the dogs early this morning and cleaning the house don my pedometer..6424 steps today up until about 3pm. Will get back on the wagon tomorrow and hopefully a sense of normality will return to my life..for a couple of days anyway.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Last day in Czech..

Good morning all.Well, all I can say is I have mixed is the last day of the Summer Congress and as happy as I am to get to go home in a couple of days it has really been a great experience here. I have met so many people from all over and have learned so much. The hospital tour yesterday was very good, got to speak with several physicians and pick their brains on the education structure and patient care.Yesterday evenng was spent at a reception at Spilberk Castle. Today will be spent in presentations and a formal closing dinner will make up the evening...So, until next time(maybe tomorrow morning). Have a wonderful day!