
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Es Weihnacht schon!!

 Guten Morgen to all! Today we will celebrate Thanksgiving the front door a couple of special friends will greet everyone..the teddy bear was my mom's when she was little and the rocking horse is Matthias's..the older I get the more sentimental I become..not always a bad thing!! The pic under is our dining room ready and waiting..I would have never thought I could fit 13 people around the table but with the additional leaves in it worked! Under that you will find pics from my 3 days of smoothies--notice the green ingrediants..but all of them tasted good..just remember 60% fruit, 40% green veggies..and NO iceberg lettuce does not count as something green as it very nutrient poor and is composed of mostly water. Have already worked out this morning and cleaned the house ..the turkey will go in the oven when we are looks super..stay tuned for pics..the preparations took the better part of 3 days but that includes shopping for everything also so not too bad if I do say so myself..
 Since I was not going to cook for us yesterday I compromised and made homemade Hummus and Guacamole (sp??) for something fresh and super healthy..of course the guys ate frozen pizza..what are you going to do?? But I think Dalton did eat some Guac!! Turkey in..I must take a shower as I was caught with company yesterday morning in my PJs, and had not taken the time even to brush my teeth in the middle of the house  and food prep..note to self..Be more time organized..alright have a great blessed.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Bah Humbug...just kidding :D

Good morning all, I woke up in a terrible mood this idea why, was going to skip the workout but decided NO..then I would really be a super bitch all day..and I must say, after sweating it out I feel about 85% better..I think after a shower I will be back to my normal, charming, ever nice self..okay..those of you who know me personally can totally stopping laughing now!! So, okay..the truth is I am a bit self centered and somewhat moody but for the most part a decent person that is not so bad to be around..
I however, must confess I did not do so well on the green smoothie day yesterday, had to break down yesterday evening after baking goodies for people who do consume animal products and ate a tofu hot dog was however..LOADED with fresh, crisp veggies so even though I failed at the only green smoothie thing I did keep the greens going..right into my mouth!!
I am heading to the local weekly market after my shower and before delivering Opa's freshly ironed PJs to see what I can find in the way of sweet potatoes or other veggies I can use in this Thanksgiving production I have decided to put on because I do not have enough to do on a day to day will be fabulous I am sure but after my husband suggested this morning on speding the day before away from the the whole day here folks..I realized this poor man has absolutely no clue what goes into entertaining a fairly large group of people or how much preparation and work it entails..I know what you are thinkng as you read this Mom..he might as well plan on hightailing it to the garage say starting..yesterday!! We did however come to a good compromise on how to not only entertain but also fit in not 1 but 2 Weihnachts Markts in before the weekend is over..
Okay, shower time, then a bit of shopping then get the picture..welcome to the holiday season international style!! Took pics of day 1 of the smoothies, will add to it and post for you guys either later today or tomorrow..and get ready, will be taking tons of pics of the various festivities for you all to enjoy also..for those of you who do not live in Deutschland I think you will enjoy seeing the various places we will go!!

This is what happens when you study wayyyyyy too hard!!!

 Good morning to all! Marli had apparently exhausted her brain while learning Deutsch with me and had to fall sleep on top of my homework!! Too cute for words almost..ah, the life of a cat in a dog's world..not bad!!
It is already beginning to look like Christmas at our house..have limited myself to the entryway so far but with Chriistmas Markets opening and all of the goodies out already I cannot help myself!!
Posted pics of the chair and rug we found yesterday for a steal..I adore saving money and when I can bring more warmth and personality into our home it makes me happy! Things do not always have to be expensive or brand much as I like to shop I always have conflicting feels over that even a real word?? I prefer to recycle when I can..buying good second hand items vs brand idea, the world already has too much stuff and people are so used to just throwing things away.

Today I start my 3 day green smoothie challange, camera is downstairs within easy reach for yummy (I hope) pics of preparation and finished thinking I need to start with Christmas baking already, have already 2 parties to bake-cook for within the next 3 weeks outside of Thanksgiving..we will see how motivated I am after walking the dogs and workng out this morning, I must say I love to bake this time of the year but it is hard to really get into the mood when you cannot taste what you are baking!! Will have to see what for vegan ideas I can come up with..So, I am off this morning to get some blood pumping..have a great Tuesday and be blessed because our God is AWESOME!!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Thanksgiving shopping in Deutschland...I'm not so sure about that!!

Hello all, went shopping in preparation for our quasi Thanksgivng meal..thought as this would be the last one where we actually have a child living at home we should do so..wish my oldest was going to be here too..maybe when he finishes school...or better yet they can fly in together for next christmas from the states,,at any rate..was super happy I found a turkey, for Thanksgiving in you know how rare this is?? #1 we don't have Thanksgiving in Deutschland..okay..I know they are here for Christmas is 3 days before THANKSGIVING!!!! plus..last year I couldn't find one for Christmas either..maybe I should have bought 2 come to think of it!! However..sweet potatoes or dried cherries, not to mention strictly American items such as whole berry cranberry sauce are NOWHERE to be found..crap, time to re think and start substituting. Have been on 2 walks with the dogs today , am starting to take different routes now that Melissa can slowly become more socialized and not so afraid of noises..she has come a super long way and we are daily amazed by her. Found some goodies at a second hand store today and started decorating for Weinnachten (Christmas) I can't help myself...will post pics in the morning! 
I am starting a 3 day green smoothie challenge in the morning, no food after 6pm this evening and only green  smoothies for 3 days..good way to head into the holidays season..may actually do this again the third week of December also..okay..Deutschkurs this evening..time to review..Bis Morgen!!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Thank you God for..well..EVERYTHING.

 Guten Morgen liebe tut mir sehr leid für die Pause! Life has been busy, have given you guys some fun pictures of Emden, one of the small cities close to is the day the Christmas Markets open pretty much all over Deutschland..these pics were taken on can see the Christmas trees waiting to be put up along the Harbor excited, LOVE this time of year here!
The 3 bottom pics are were we go the our C1 Deutsch an old WW2 bunker..I personally find it pretty amazing that we get to do this in such a structure..such a peice of history. The 2nd picture of the bunker includes a mannequin dressed in the typical seamans outfit for this area..kind of creepy..well, yes, but cool to show the history also :D.
Okay, have a confession to make..we went out to eat last a chinese buffet, not so much to choose from for a Vegan bt I managed..but, almost everything was fried and pretty darned salty..tasted good but after eating so healthy and almost raw for a period of time now I must say my body is paying me back this morning..upset stomach, sluggy feeling, and yes, even some diarrhea to go along with I learned my lesson ..YES. Indeed I have. Funny when you eat processed foods all of the time you do not realize just how crappy they make you feel but once you
start the process of cleaning all of the junk out of your system and then eat that way again you can REALLY feel the difference. At any rate..refused to let it stop me this morning..powered through the workout and even increased my running spped on the treadmill, call it what you will, I am calling it repentance for eating so badly. 
Have started working my way through the book of Corinthians this week, for those of you who do not read the Bible, I must say..I am enjoying the time I take to do really is life's instruction book as I had frequently heard but never really took the time to discover for myself. 
I hope that you all have a blessed day..we will be attending a birthday party tonight for one of my good friends of my very few friends here but I think as we get older it becomes not so much about quanity..but quality..and if that is so..than I am truly blessed..because those that I do consider to be freinds are fabulous women! blessed, be positve, and share your smile with someone never know who is going through what and it really does make a difference!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

It's Wednesday..we are almost there!!!

Good morning to all of you..WOW what a morning I have out done, happy happy happy to report that I got on the scale this morning and what did I see?? A little number of 64.9 kilograms looking back at me..super motivation my heaviest here in Germany I was at 69.9 kilos, when I started writing Fluffy I was at 68.9 far that is 11 pounds or 5 kg down!! I have started as an unofficial lifestlye coach with a friend of mine today and also an working with my son on a training program in preparation for his entrance into the Army. This can be NOTHING but positve. not only motivation for the 2 of them but an increased dose of motivation and responsibility for myself.
Have signed up on facebook for a 30 day green smoothie challange, am hoping they will send a link or instructions as the time draws closer..if not I can always wing any rate, plan on seeing LOTS of green pics next month. Have tons of homework today for this evening and tomorrows classes, I plan on taking my B2 exam in stress here, just need to give it lots of gas..the book auf deutsch is a slow work in progress, cannot say that is relaxing like reading a book in engish but that will come.
So, Fluffy readers, positive things are happening here..prayers going up everyday..because I do not think for a minute that all of this is my doing is 99.9% God's work and the 0.01% is from the motivation he has given me to move forward no matter what.
Have a wonderful day..we will talk again tomorrow!!

Urge Taiwan Not to Inject Puppies with Rabies - The Animal Rescue Site

Urge Taiwan Not to Inject Puppies with Rabies - The Animal Rescue Site

Hello to all of the Fluffy readers, asking you all to sign and share to stop this practice, Thank you.

Monday, November 18, 2013

How good is our God??..our God is soooooooo good!

Guten Morgen liebe Leute! I am back at home after a little over 4 days of being in Kaiserslautern, took our APFT..Army Physical Fitness Test on Sunday morning, and those who follow Fluffy know that I like to work out in comfort, indoors for example while watching Fashion 1 on the television. Well, it was about 5 Grad outside and I thought my lungs were going to explode while running my little 2 miles, less than I run at home but the cold was something longer will I train strictly indoors..what a way to not be prepared! but all was okay..for an old lady of 44 I did 44 push ups 40 sit ups and ran a painful 2 miles in 19.06 minutes. I believe we do it again in March or April and I will be kicking up my running in prep for the half marathon in June but at the same time want to push the push ups to 55 and the sit ups to 60..will shoot for a run time of 16.45.
But that is not the highlight of my weekend, when I talked to my husband on Sunday evening he told me our 18 year old who had lost all good sense for a period of time was at the house and had apoligized for everything..and then last night when I got home he showed up again and we had a long talk..end result, he will be coming back home today and plans on joining the military within the next few months..ask me how super proud I am? Not only because I am in the military but because the futures for the young men and women who make that decision have such a plethora of never ending, education, life long relationships, travel , not to mention the self confidence and discipline the military instills in a person.. nothing but a greatr decision, it will not be easy but it will be oh so worth it! And what a relief for us as parents..a son in college doing well and one with a plan..happy happy day!!
I hope you all have an awesome Tuesday and please keep everyone affected by natural disasters in your prayers.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Veggies glorious veggies!!

 Good morning to you all, sorry I did not get back to you all yesterday but seeing as I am in Kaiserslautern and yesterday was crazy busy I came back to the hotel, took these pics of what my fridge contains here and read until I went to sleep..I am telling you guys, this dark at 5pm is killing my efficiency level..I must say though,  it is super good to be back with all of my coworkers and we are getting new unit members every month..growing growing growing..good stuff. 
So, is super easy to eat a raw diet when I am here..I have just what I brought..veggies, some fruit and bags of raw going out to dinner with a friend after work tonight..seeing as she lives in the states and we don't get to see each other so much now I guess I can interrupt my sleep patterns for her!! Am curious to see how I will do in a restaurant with the food choices..Okay..alarm just went off..time to jump in the shower..head to the offices..have a great Saturday and be blessed!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

It's Friday..or in my case Monday!!!

Guten Morgen..update from journeys of the book..27 pages down,and even though I did not understand every single word I understand the content so far. Am, however going to have to keep a pen and paper by the bed so I can jot down words I have never seen before so I can look them up at a later time. And, yes..even though I went to bed super early last night I must say I am awake before my alarm and I feel great. Time to hit the floor for some training of stomach and arm muscles..will take some pics today and post this evening..not sure of what but something other than just words for all of you..have an awesome day, be fabulous, thank God for all that you have, and don't forget to share your smile....


Good evening to you all..I cannot believe this day is over, okay..not exactly over but it is dark outside and my brain says since it is dark you need to put jammies on and go to bed..nuts right but thats just how it goes..I personally cannot wait to be 80 something years old so I can go to bed in the middle of the 5 o'clock news and no one thinks anything of it!! I am slowly but surely learning to speak in front of people, actually it is morelike being forced but is good friend and mentor Teresa will be so proud!! No, really it ispretty much an actual phobia with me to have to stand up in front of a group and speak but right now I have 2 awesome german instructors who are making me (and the others) do just that..I thought it was horrible just in English..try coming from Texas and having to make presentations in German..but it is helping, my self confidence is growing a bit each time..still have a ways to go but hopefully by January when I take my B2 exam language level certificate..I will feel much more confident..I am setting a goal for myself starting this evening to read David Baldacci's The Players..und auf Deutsch..Die Spieler...auf Deutsch or in paperback, not on my no built in dictionary..but I think I am ready..okay, time to find my jammies, my blanket, and go relax..Gute Nacht.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Today is a bit rushed...

Good morning all, today is super cram packed with stuff to do and places to be..will catch up this evening....have an awesome day!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Motivation..where are you?

Good morning..have you ever had one of those mornings where you are just totally and completely unmotivated and have no desire what so ever to do anything except for maybe sit sharing at the the TV while holding a cup of coffee in your hands as it grows cold?? Well, today is one of those days for me...but this comes as no suprise with the grey skies, wet, and cold..I have experienced this every November since I have lived here..depression brought on by the weather..only 2 more weeks and hopefully it will be better..for those of you who live in places where it is wet and grey most of the time..more power to you, it is nothing for this girl. Am however super happy and proud of my oldest son, he is a new college student and when I talked to him yesterday he told me that he made an 100% on his last math test..way to go!! My youngest son continues to hate me and all that I stand for but there is nothing I can do about that except pray that God keeps him safe while he tries to figure life out on his own..this generation is something else I must say.Why is it that with 2 they cannot have their shit together at the same time?? It is a shame that some teenagers have to go through this stage where they know it all, hate thier parents, screw up their lives in the process but we have a saying in our house..It is what it is.I am personaly a huge fan of the Serenity fact, as I went through some really trying times a few years ago and God saw it fit to give me another shot to make this life better I had a couple of the words tattooed on my back..and I must say, with God all things are possible, even though somedays we feel like we cannot make it through yet another day filled with stress and sadness..I have been finding my strength thru prayer quite a bit recently and am better for it.
As for yesterday and following a raw diet I did okay..but I must say with quite a bit of fiber consumed my stomach was a bit upset last night but as with every extreme habit change for the better I am certain our bodies go through a period of detoxing..chemicals out..healthy nutrients in..I even went so far as to go through my cabinets and threw out all of the chips and other crap food..even though what I got rid of can be eaten on a vegan lifestyle it was all full of other crap that I cannot even thoughts are if you cannot say it when it involves food it cannot be good for you..
At anyrate..I must get this day started even though I would rather do anything but..maybe after some pushups I will feel better!!
I wish you all an awesome and blessed Wednesday!

The morning so far....

So far this morning....workout..check, walked the dogs..check,  banana, soy milk and soy jogurt smoothie..check....fuzzy faces with full bellies and to keep up the gute Laune!!

Monday, November 11, 2013

What a way to start a day..cute animal alert!!

Guten Morgen liebe Leute! Today we start the day with sweet baby animal faces..does it get any better than this? This morning I can relax..a little..seeing as how I cleaned the house from top to bottom yesterday and the laundry is even finished! That means I will actually have time to hit the treadmill this morning and walk the dogs..all before it when the day starts like this. Gives me super energy all day long and get the good mood endorphins flowing..With the stress we have been given recently I started, as some of you will remember, a prayer journal a couple of weeks ago, at first I thought that I would just write in it as I started each day but I have found myself turning to it at various times throughout the day, for example I was feeling particually rushed and frazzled yesterday as I had about 3 places I needed to be and 24 things on my to do list..I stopped myself , took a deep breath and wrote it all out..asking God for patience and calmness...of course it should go without saying but I will say it anyway..the rest of my day was just as productive as my earlier running around but I was able to complete it with a calmer soul. Prayer works.
Am considering adding more of a raw food focus into my already Vegan eating habits..I still find myself with the nasty habit of craving some processed foods and then feel like crap after consuming..I am actively focusing on removing the chemicals from my diet, this includes OTC (over the counter medications)..thank goodness I do not have to take any prescription less this to worry goal for the day is to eat raw,I have read alot about this in the internet and it calls for elimnating caffiene also..I do not think I am ready to go that far..the withdrawl headaches are terrible..but cutting the alcohol out is not a problem....I cannot keep up with the way the people in this region drink anyway..I am way too old to feel like crap everytime for 2 days afterwards..but it is because here they mix their alcohols everytime..start with beer or wine then throw in shots, and then more shots, and then more beer or wine...sorry call me a lightweight but I just can' I have made the decision not to consume alcohol from here on out period..but..back to the raw food diet..but I do not like to use the word diet, it sounds goal is to develope better eating habits to last a today, focus is on being grateful, thanking God, moving my body more, cuddling with the critters, expanding my knowledge base, and comsuming the rainbow!!Have a blessed day and we will meet again tomorrow!! If any of you eat raw I would love to recieve some tips..

We went where????

 Hello to you all, sorry it has been a few..well, okay..several days since I have written..however..have included several cool pics that will give you a bit of entertainment to make up for it..We took Saturday to take a drive a do a little shopping..and i do mean a little..mind husband was with me..if I had a ton of money I would build a husband day care in every shopping area in the world..someplace where they could hang out, drink beer, eat something, and do other manly things while us women could go shopping in a relaxed manner..but anyway..we had to stop along the way and take these first 2 pics..mind you..we are in Germany but there are 2 small towns about an hour from here..1 named Russland (Russia)  and the other America..who would have thunk it??
Next are a couple of pics from last weeks what's for dinner moments..a veggie curry and oh..yes..not super healthy but still on the Vegan menu..fried eggplant..needless to was had salt on was super yummy!! Of course my sweet husband who is obviously NOT from the south proclaimed he had never seen or heard of fried would think by now he would know that those of us with southern roots will fry everything and then prceed to eat it..we are not so picky..rattlesnake, catfish, okra, green tomatoes, snickers...doesn't matter..we love it all!! and so did he by the way.. he talked about it for 2 days afterward!! ;D
The next picture may just look like a piece of paper but my liebe is the official acceptance letter for the Physician Assistant program that I have been talking about for is official and in writing..I am soooo ready for March to be here....excited as all get out to go back to school and back into a hospital setting!!!!
And last but not least is my wonderful husband who made dinner for us last night..of course 2 separate dishes as he is definantly a meat eater..was a great help as I had a ton of homework to finish for tonight's language class. 
Novmber is definanly here in Ostfriesland..grey skies, was the first day we have a bit of ice on the car windows...
The sweet baby Marli cat is a little hellion..she thinks she is a dog and HATES to be left alone..we are faced with a wild cat everytime we leave the house..but her personality is great for the 2 dogs as she has no fear what so ever and has claimed her place as the boss of the house! Okay...time to get ready for my class..have a great evening..will see ya'll tomorrow!! 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Did I really just think that??

Guten morgen..trying to shake the cobwebs out of my head and get motivated to start this day. I must tell you all about my morning yesterday..I woke up feeling pretty motivated, the sun was actually November here that is way I thought, okay, before I walk the dogs I am going to cleaning all of the windows and mirrors in the house and clean out my closet..these tasks did not include the regular morning activities of putting away the laundry, feeding the critters, making the with all of that accomplished by say 8am I took the dogs on a long walk to stretch our legs and get some fresh air..and for those of you who have been reading Fluffy for a while you have picked up on the fact that the women in this area of Germany are not particurally friendly..normally they are just pretty flipping rude..but anyway..on winding the walk up I passed on of the neighboring houses and low and behold the woman who lives there who I have repeatedly spoken to only to recieve dirty looks every single time was guess her windows first thought was 'wow, you are really slow I have already done that this morning' and my second thought was 'oh my goodness, I am becoming so critical' so in my determination to keep the motivation flowing I decided to say hello..only once more to be met with a hateful my third thought for this 3 minutes of time was 'bless your heart, why do you always have to be such a bitch?' because we all know that when you come from the south you can add 'Bless your heart' to any sentence and it is still polite..sort of.;D So needless to say the rudeness got stuck in my thoughts for most of the would think after 2.5 years of living here it would no longer come as a suprise but it still does everytime it happens which is almost on a daily basis when I venture out and decide to do something like go to the grocery store..I personally find it super sad that I actually feel like opening a bottle of champagne when I come across someone here who is genuinely friendly and polite. now, do not misunderstand me..this does not included every female here..but a remarkably large percentage...and when I go to other areas of the country it is not like this, maybe it is because of the weather in this area..who knows. I just know that sometimes I would kill for some good ol Southern Hospitality.
So anyway, today is another day..I will once more start it with positive intentions..head up, smile on, and a big ol 'Bless your Heart' stored right there on the tip of my tongue!! 
So, enjoy your really does make a difference!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

I don't think we have enough coffee...

Happy Monday..I only say that because I am trying to convince myself that I am not totally exhausted after this weekend of being away from home and driving for almost 7 hours yesterday only to wake up and face unpacking a a house waiting to be cleaned..have already cancelled plans for today and tomorrow..trying to get recentered on myself..not on running around like a mad woman and ending up as we women sometimes do..resentful because we do not know how to say no to anything..committees, misc other things for work, the non essentials for day to day living.. and end up exhausted and just plain ol pissed off..Matthias and I discussed this morning how we always seem to spend our time focused on others and not so much time on ourselves, not to mention us as a couple..time to make some big changes in our house..we have made it through a lot of very stressful situations over the past couple of years and after this latest issue with the 18 year old in our lives we have seemed to reached our stress limit..enough is enough!! I personally am thinking of an island with fruity drinks with umbrellas, sand and clear water as far as you can see would be totally appropriate right about now but seeing as that is not possible we must find other ways..and saying no to some of the time and energy demands seems like a good way to start. I know that we need other people in our lives..but sometimes we need to step back and take a break, at least as much as we can. Unfortunantly some of the people that we have to cancel out out on are friends (like tomorrow..sorry Sandra..)but those that know us and understand will be there when we are fresh and will appreciate that we will be better company and more focused on them once we have taken a small break..that is the great things about really good friends, they get it and will be there for you without question when you have shaken the dust off..I am lucky enough to have 3 such women in my life..not to mention my 4..and a fabulous husband who totally understands it when I say that I need to spend the entire day in my yoga pants and tshirt..without doing any yoga what so crazy as it sounds..this morning will be spent in the yard, in my yoga out my flower time limit, no phone, no email, no facebook, no twitter, no one to ask me questions, no stress over my eating habits..just me, time to talk to God, and the I hope each of you also find some time to locate your inner peace today..

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Sunday..almost time to head home...

Guten is already early Sunday morning and time to get dressed, repack my suitcase, finish out this half day of events and head home..and as always when I come here I bring my homework for my Deutschkurs and it NEVER gets done, everything gets all arranged on the desk and I look at it every evening that I am here and think there is no way, I am super now to figure out a way to get it all done with my schedule once I get home between meetings, spending time at my husband's grandparents, and all of the other duties and events that daily life entails..but it will all work always seems to do so.I know one thing, I am ready to be home to my husband and the fuzz faces for sure. Plus to be on the treadmill once more will do a body good, but I must say, after being here with the food on the normal buffet I did not gain any weight this weekend..that is always good news when away from home! At anyrate this weekend has been good, have met and talked to some intestesting people and reconnected with those that I had not seen since July in the Czech Republic..time well spent overall.
But..also, after not wearing heels for quite a while and now wearing them for several days in a row..bring on my fluffy houseshoes please!! Although ladies, when traveling next time and business dress is required again i will most definantly be packing my wrinkle free dresses made out of..I know..yuck..polyester and spandex..but I must say, when traveling they are a dream, no worries about wrinkles, you can wear them a good 12 plus hours and they still look to find a couple in colors other than black ;D
Okay..must go..Thank you God for this day you have given blessed all of you and Bis Morgen!!


Friday, November 1, 2013

Okay, head up, deep breath..everything will work itself out!!

Guten Morgen to all of you..sorry for the break in Fluffy but I needed to take a few days and just..well, just be a bit sad, a bit angry, and yes..even isolate myself and my fuzzy faces in the house and binge out on really bad TV shows. But, after some tears, some french fries in bed and TONS of prayer I feel better, do not know that the situation at hand is better but I realize that even as parents we have to let go and accept that our children are not small and it is 'normal'?? for them to come to an age where they will be stupid and make horrible decisions and hate us in the process..this to shall pass..right??!! At anyrate, all of this has lead to me reading my Bible everyday seeking a form of peace and day before yesterday I found what I was looking for. Matthew 11:28 Come to me , all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burden; and I will give you rest. How amazing and how perfect is that? I think I have read it about 20 times since then and guess what..I must say..just reading these words has helped me so much. I have also learned in this process due to a second issue that my oldest really is doing okay and shaping up to be a fine young man..we also went through our trials but he is and will be fine..
Now enough of my family issues..I find myself once more in Kaiserslautern, Germany for the weekend, here for a professional seminar and I must say just after 1 meal of trying to eat off of a buffet for a world filled with meat eaters I think I will be starving by the time I leave here on Sunday afternoon..but on the other stomach is pretty flipping flat this morning!! Great for the side view in my business attire;D.  Met some new people yesterday evening and caught up with a friend-coworker that I was in the Czech Republic with in July..thought my new for her that I was going to PA school would be big until she informed me that she had adopted a baby super happy for her!! Congrats! 
As for the hotel, as always when i got here I was in such a rush and did not take the time to read all of the small writing on the wall by the door, you know the writing that says insert keycard here so that things like the lights, ceiling fan, and oh yes..the hairdryer didn't read that and spent my first getting ready session sweating a bit and working with wet hair..but happy to report upon my return to my room I discovered that sometimes reading the instructions..on the wall..really does help make life a little easier!
So, I am starting today feeling at peace, very hungry, but so thankful to God for what he provides in our lives..enjoy your Saturday.