
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Exercise is not only good for the body!!

Hello has been a completely TV free day..very happy to report that as when I am not at work and in my Life as a German Housewife Role I am sometimes very guilty of watching what I would normally consider an absolute waste of my time soap operas or anything so horrible but things like Shopping Queen, Mieten Kaufen Wohnen...blah blah blah..things that do NOTHING to enrich my brain's learning I do have to admit that I do have to watch NCIS on a very regular basis..So, today I have attended my Deutsch Course, and then read ahead 2 chapters for my first course in my MSN Program..feeling pretty intelligent right about now (this feeling is generally short lived..:D!!)..of course the learning never stops..especially when learning a second language..goal is to add 2 more over the next 3 years..French and Italian!! I can carry on a really good conversation in German but am wanting to up the game here..goal for 2015 is to earn my C1 Certificate..have my B1 and B2 so far..but there are really no C1 courses located in my area so it will be an online, purchase workbooks self study kind of endeavor.
Started the day with journaling in my Prayer journal, getting in a good workout and actually being happy that the weather here is cooler and we recieved some rain this poor plants were really looking a little sad..much better now though. Have also gotten the car packed and some laundry done..not bad for it just to be round about 3pm here. 
So..I had mentioned over the last few days that I was working on my 5 year plan..I submitted it to my Mentor and printed out a copy so that when I get a chance to sit down with my boss I can pencial in more goals and ideas..while writing it out I realized that for year 1 I am super well informed about what there is out there and what I want to do but after that my goals seemed to decrease..this is just from lack of sitting down and doing this I have a better idea and know who to ask and where to look..I have found living my 50% American and 50% German life is really proving to be a challenge and where before there would be no question of what my goals were.. things are now kind of muddy..due to distances, possibilities of travel work assignments..not only for me.., and challenges with finding a job here (as a Nurse)..even though I now possess all of the needed paperwork and blessings from the offices that make the rules.. but, I will not become discouraged and will keep putting my faith in God that doors will open and if they do not open it is for a reason.
Okay..need to get back to my studies and spend some time with the pups and my husband when he gets home from work..Have a great rest of your day!!

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