
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

I hope you all have a very Blessed Sunday!!

Good Morning all, am sitting out on my back patio enjoying the morning and a break from what is my every other day morning schedule..we went to the Aurich Wine and Gourmet Festival last night and did not get home until almost 0200 this morning..but what was so cool, besides the fun and friends that we got to visit with was the fact that here we were able to ride or bikes to and from..and had no second thoughts for any possible danger as here it is a perfectly normal thing to do. Sorry I have not been to touch the last couple of days..on Friday I was at the Auricher Tafel most of the day..this is where I wrote about last week ..where I have started volunteering..we collect and distribute food to those who are in need for a little extra help..and once more the fellowship and common goal between the workers was great, I will be sad to have to miss it as I will return to work next week for a period of time..also made it to the animal shelter from where we adopted Missy and Marli and took a sweet dog for a walk..I have got to make it a point to get there more often to do so..they do an amazing job with the animals there, and cannot forget when I went to take egg cartons to my friend that has chickens I got to go shopping (not really shopping..all were gifts:D) in her garden for homegrown tomatoes and peppers and then for fresh delicious!! Thank you SWD!! As my regular readers know, with some of the issues that have been going on I did not have a lot of contact for a period of time with anyone other than Matthias but am making a point to get out there and resume my social butterfly hat..and I must feels really good..sometimes we can get so wrapped up in our own "issues" that we forget that there really are people out there that care and celebrate the fact that we are who we are..and love us despite our quirks and sometime selfish this I am referring to isolating, licking our wounds alone...but when we lucky we have those true friends that will understand and will be there when we are ready to come back..I am blessed that way..with amazing friends that no matter time and distance..this handfull of women will be there..what a gift from God!!
As usual when I am writing I have musik on and as we speak..Chris Tomlin.."Our God is Greater" is playing..great song to start the day with!!
Am happy to report..from the blueberry bush that I planted last year I found 6..yes..count them..6 yummy ripe blueberries this morning, there will be more to come in the next few days from the looks of it. activity for the past few days..Thursday morning-normal workout, Friday-took my bike to Aurich and then lost my way home, as I thought I would be clever and avoid riding along the main road..after 3 hours of riding I did, amazingly make it home..have no idea how many kilometers I rode but whatever 3 hours at a decent pace equals out to..Saturday- regular workout, bike to run errands, and then to the Wine Fest and back..Sunday- I think I will have a day of rest!! Especially since I have homework for my language course, am able to start reading for my first MSN course and need to get busy with completing the task of packing for more than a couple of days!!Oh..and my 5 year plan..must finish this also..So, I hope you all have an awesome day..Bis Morgen!!

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