
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Sorry for the lack of writing!!

Good Morning to all of you..sorry for the lack of blogging for the past couple of days..I have returned to Kaiserslautern and as always between the travel day here..takes about 6 to 6.5 hours drive time, getting settled into the hotel..with all of my creature comforts that I bring with me..having to check in with the office, and then loading my baby fridge up with goodness the first day is shot and then getting back into the swing of things on the 2nd day is productive at work but for me afterwards a wash..but we are now here on day3 away from home and the routiene can begin!! Happy to report yesterday was a very productive day with getting things done that I was not able to do from my computer at home and of course seeing co workers that I had not seen since May was thing about doing what I do..we are more like a small family vs just people who work together. I am blessed enough to have a husband who realizes that even though my being away from home for work ,even though stressful for us sometimes is really good for my have the connections with the people here and to be productive, and to be part of something that is so much bigger than myself.
At is 0430,woke up early to get my run on but was suprised to see that it is still dark outside..when I am home and the sweet Marli wakes me up this early it is usually light enough to go outside..but good thing is, that it gives me time to drink a cup of coffee and write this!! So..when I was in Texas what a year ago August my mom and I spent some time shopping..okay..a little more than I had to buy a second suitcase to get everything home ..but that is completely besides the point..the point is that during this shopping spree I purchased the cutest running outfit ever..of course today is the first time for me to wear it, as I usually only run at home indoors, on the treadmill..and wear my old exercise clothes as my workout is generally followed with cleaning the house or yardwork ..but the point is..with putting this bright colors, peppy outfit on my energy level is already through the roof..that and maybe the coffee..but let me tell you..what a difference the clothing can make..inspiration to go see what more I can find!!
Well, I just discovered that I have a roomate this morning..for those of you who are not familiar with the windows in Germany..they usually do not have screens, so when you open them there is no way to keep the critters as I am writing I feel something bumping up against my are, look down and it is a little bee..not sure why he found his way into a building, maybe looking for some shade as it has been warm here..but as long as he keeps some distance we can live together peacefully..when I am back I will open one of the windows all the way and maybe he will find his way out again..
Alright..light or no light outside I must hit the pavement..early report time this morning..for all of you..have a very blessed positive and an inspiration to someone else!!

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