
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

It's nothing less than a great day!!

Good Morning all!! Just wanted to say first thing that you guys are AWESOME and that this will be a great day!! So far this morning the pups and I have been on a walk, is the BIG news of the day..Missy (rescue out of Romania)..who NEVER comes up to me for a pet did just that this morning during our alone time out on the back patio this morning..and stayed there for about 5 minutes!! Yeah..after 1.5 years progress!! Thias is great news for me because she normally only allows my son and husband to pet her without a leash on!! Then after our walk we did the usual brushing and then I probably ruined the whole good will feeling by trimming nails this case I will take what I can get!!
Got on the scale this morning and did not like the results..a bit frustrated this morning with that as I have been diligently working out and drinking my diet shakes and lots of water..hoping that the 1 kilo is muscle weight and not more flipping fat!! But, I will NOT give up and or get discouraged..I read that it takes about 4 to 6 weeks before we see a difference and even more than that for the rest of the world to notice the transformation of our bodies through a diet & exercise plan..or should I say lifestyle here`s to a few more weeks!!
For my regular readers you know that I have been on a rollercoaster of an emotional journey over the past few months..(okay for a couple of years)...due to stressors completely out of our control I kind of lost myself, my faith, my self confidence, my desire to go further, my passions..everything..I was just sort of floating from day to day..event to event..always with an outer shell that said, yeah, I'm okay, all is good but underneath all of that really not so much was okay....I was existing but not really living my life. BUT..through making it a point to reach out to God and by him placing amazing people in my life..some that had always been there..and some that are brand new..things have and continued to turn around in amazing, wonderful ways..where I had become this negative, always complaining, and yes even bitter person that even I did not old personality is once more emerging, life is falling into place, great..and I mean great things are taking place..don't get me wrong..somethings are still a long way from being where we want them to be, there are lives that still need some changing and polishing BUT I can just say God is working in crazy ways and doors are opening..NEVER EVER discount the power of works. Something else that helps me when I feel the stress level rising is to turn on some praise and worship music..never fails to make me feel better!
So..fabulous people..have a day as wonderful as all of you are..if you see someone without a smile give them one of yours!!

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