
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Enough already...

Good morning all..I just wanted to let you all know that due to overwhelming personal issues that have left me with absolutly nothing positve or uplifting to write, say, or think for the time being.. Fluffy will be taking a break until I have once more gained some sort of positivity in my life.

Monday, October 28, 2013

What for a Monday...

 Good morning to you all, as you can see from the pictures below we are making progress as a fuzzy faced family and can now sit together, The fall is definantly here and arrived today like nothing less that a lion in full roar is cold, it is greay, it is windy and it is raining non stop. Tried to avoid lighting the fires this morning but finally broke down and did so. 
Went grocery shopping on Saturday and found this falled themed display, thought it was pretty interesting and wanted to share it with you. 
As far as life with a teenager..well 18 in full out rebellion status, it has not gotten any better but I woke up today after speaking with my parents and a really good friend in the US , crying my eyes out and dealing with some of the grief last night and realized that sometimes in life people have to learn lessons the hard way, being a parent and exercising tough love does not make you a bad person but maintains sanity in a bizarre way. It is always hard to stand by and watch your children make horrible decisions with their lives when all you had ever wanted was the best for them and for them to be happy and successful in this game of life but I realize now that stepping back and letting them sink or swim is sometimes the best way for them to learn what they want to be and do in their lives. So, I have made the decision to start this day anew, not full of grief, worry, regret, and yes..even angry ..but fresh, knowing that we have done all that we can in this moment of time and pray to God that all works out for the best. So, there you have it..all is not always rosey posey here in this life but what are you going to do other than keep pushing through..I hope that none of you are dealing with some of the same feelings but if you are just keep praying, because our God will never give us more than what we can bear in this life..even if we cannot see it at the time.

  I hate to let you all down, and myself as well but honestly, I do not have the strength this morning for my usual workout...maybe a break now and then is okay. I hope you all have a blessed day.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Why do parents of teenagers have to live through hell?

Good morning to you all. I hope you have lots of fun stuff planned for the weekend or nothing at all so that you can just relax. I am posing a question today as once more, after surviving several years of stress, heartache, and struggles with my oldest son..who is now doing well I must say I must now repeat the same crap with his brother who is old enough to know better and who you think would have learned after watching everything his brother has gone through..what the hell is wrong with some of the members of this generation? Why are they so non motivated, disrespectful, and determined to be on the fast train to self destruction? For years I was in the mindset that all was due to the fact I had been a single parent and due to the life that that entails I took the blame and almost let it ruin my existance and goodness knows there is no freaking parenting instruction manual...we do what we think is decent job and heaven help us we all make mistakes along the way..but in this case there are 2 parents, life at home could not be easier or better and yet here we go again. Except this time I am stronger, have a wonderful helpmate, and even though I do not have a great church I can go to my faith is strong..made it a point to start a prayer and gratitude journal this morning to help through all of this mess..I realize that teenagers do not have it easy in these times but why must some of them make such crap choices?? Especially when they have every opportunity and option wide open to them? I just do not understand. Hopefully through my daily conversations with God I will find the peace and strength 1 day at a time until this also passes. As we all know it will, God will never lay more on us than what we can handle this I know, have lived, and can testify to 250%.
At anyrate, the show must go on and that includes taking care of myself mentally and physically so onto the treadmill I go..and then off to purchase healthy food items. 
Have a wonderful Saturday..Bis dann.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

It's Friday!!

Good Morning to all, the weeks seem to go by so quickly is already time to set our clocks back an hour this weekend..did we not just do that like, I don't know a couple of months ago?? Well, once more a hurdle to jump before I can get ajob here, I must submit all of my school paperwork to an office so they can make sure I am qualified as a nurse before I can get a job here, but the good news is that the people I interviewd with at the hospital will definantly put me to work once that is done..but here is the kicker, I personally could not help to find this ironic..after my interview I had some time before my Deutsch class so I went to a bookstore in search of medical journals so that I can start increasing my medical vocabulary here and what did I see..a Playboy magazine with actuall nurses from here on the cover, complete with boobs hanging out, bare butts and all, not to mention that they were wearing cute little nusing hats like they sell in costume first thought have to be kidding me, and my second was no wonder this job is not really looked at as a profession here. Needless to say, I was nothing less than disappointed, what a way to demoralize nurses everywhere.
At anyrate iI will not let this discourage me..head up, feet forward and jump..through however many more hurdles I have to..
Okay, time to workout and get the day started..hope to find something fun to get into this weekend so I can take some pics for you all..PS..the weight loss plan, exercise is apparently working..Opa says I am getting too thin..not so but if he can see a difference that is a move in the right direction!!
Have an awesome Friday!!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

And let the creativity flow....

 Good morning all. Wanted to get these pics posted before my day takes off..lots of homework to do still before I leave for my interview at the hospital. Hopefully all will go okay. 
Anyway..the door I dropped while carrying upstairs last week..behind the paper images is a mirror which is cracked..but what are you going to do?? throw the whole thing out or let is sit there and be messed up so you can be irritated everyday when you look at it can have some fun and make it a bit more idea it will be sort of a work in progress,when I see a picture I really like, one that makes me happy I can add it to the collage..and I thought what a perfect postcard to have at the very top..for those of you who do not speak Deutsch it translates into- The 3 most beautiful words in the world..I'm going shopping!! At anyrate..when handed lemons..make lemonade..that's what I have done with this piece of furniture. I have already been pretty busy this morning..had alot of work to do for an upcoming event for the professional organizatin I am a member of..and you know I had to do a bit of housework too! Now for a walk with the pups, and a couple of hours of studying and then off I go to Leer..Hope you all have a wonderful day..

Monday, October 21, 2013

Can I lead this life too????

 Good morning to you all..started the day out folding and ironing laundry and wishing that I could justify hiring someone to help me clean this house..the busier I get the more my daily cleaning routiene seems to get on my nerves..I need to make time to just sit and relax for a few minutes everyday..and no I do not count the 20 to 30 minutes I stare at the TV some evenings as relaxation, I call that being too worn out from the day to do anything anyrate, wanted to post pics of my furry kids leading the life I wish I could!!
Actually, I do not think it is in my genes to sit still for a significant amount of time..always, always there is something to do! I do however, have super duper fantastic news..I , as you all know had my interview for acceptance into the Physician Assistant Program in the Mathias Hochschule Rheine yesterday and..insert drumrole here...I was officially accepted and start
the program in March of next year, I think actually that is what has become part of my problem..I have been here now for a little over 2 years and have lost a bit of what defined me in the states, that is careerwise..Nurse..always learning, always growing, having a purpose everyday other than vacumning the floors..
I totally do not mean to sound ungrateful that I have a wonderful husband who makes it possible for me to stay at home , I am so blessed and lucky here that I do not have to work..but I miss working, I miss being an individual with an identity here..that is other than American..for once I am finding that being so and my education and training and work experience is to actually pay off and open some very positve and exciting doors for me here..that and first and foremost that it is in God's plan for me..I am so excited about this new path and look forward to tomorrow to see if I will be able to go to work in the hospital in Leer to help prepare me for school and my future career. All will not be easy, I know due to the challanges in the language differences but I have several months to prepare to hopefully learn new vocabulary and terms for life in the medical world..ookay, it is nw almost 8am..behind on my schedule as I must do what needs to be done here and be at Oma and Opa's by 10am time to run..literally..for about 30 minutes..will touch base with all of you later today!!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Motivational Monday!!

 Guten Morgen!! I hope that you all had a great weekend, I personally learned something..never, ever take your husband with you to a craft show, it is no fun for either of you. he will be diinterested and you will be stress and annoyed due to his disinterest. 
However, on a a happier least I am hoping it will turn out well, I have my interview today with the Matthias Hochschule Rheine for a spot in their Physician Assistant program which starts in April of prayers up and fingers crossed please. I started the day with a super sweat session, a super healthy smoothie made with soy yogurt, frozen bananas, a pear, an apple, and a splash of soy rice now waiting for the sun to rise so I can walk the pups and hit the books for a bit before I have to leave.
Posted some colorful pics this morning of the soy products that I was lucky enought to find here in this area, my 2 new cookbooks..I adore cookbooks!, and my very own workout oasis. Makes it easy to get in shape and stay motivated when all is at the end of my fingertips and I don't have to drive to a gym..this method works especially well for me and I hope all of you other fitness junkies out there have found your key to more energy also.
Okay, must start a loaf of bread so my husband has something in his lunch this week and then off with the dogs..I hpoe all of you have a wonderful Monday!!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Frühstück!! or in plain ol English..Breakfast is served!

Good Morning to you all, today Marli decided to help me prepare the dogs breakfast by testing it to make sure it was okay for them to eat.What a little turd we have on our hands, we were up this morning at 0430 , but it wasn't her fault..pap was snoring like a freaking what better time to get up and make homemade Plum Marmalade with redwine and smelled so good, warm like a roaring fire in a ski lodge!! But as it is super hot still I am eating my trustty Cheerios with Rice milk and patting myself on the back for being healthy so early in the is now about 0600 and I must say, I am enjoying the time to myself..all of the fuzzyfaced babies are always super smoochy and sweet this time of the day, esp Max..he is like his mom..not so nice after about 5pm, it comes with the age!!
Went to the craft show yesterday, it was on a much smaller scale that what I was used to in the states at the height of the arts and crafts rage about 20 years ago but still good, bought a picture for the living room  and will head out to the one in Aurich today to see what is I was in Emden yesterday I went to a grocerystore that I usually don't go to and was super happy to find different flavors of soymilk along with soy yogurt, and soy happy to get to have a small chocolate fix every n ow and again..I am sure Matthias will be super grateful too! I need to run the washing machine and vacumn  but I guess I will be nice and wait till the house wakes up seeing as it is Sunday and instead I will get a head start on my Deutsch studytime this morning..have an awesome Sunday..our God is nothing less than amazing!!

Friday, October 18, 2013

oooppsss..switched my days around..

Correction from previous and tomorrow..Ostfriesische Hobby-Börse in Emden, tomorrow Hobby und Freiziet Messe in Aurich..Ich wünsche euch viel Spaß..I love creativity!!

Okay, okay is cute cat day!!

 Guten Morgen !! I have decided after downloading these pics of Marli that today should officially be cute cat least in our house it is!! Who would have thought such a small critter would take over this house?? As you can all see this cat leads a life of pure luxury and after only being here for ..let's see..10 days now.. she is a happy, content spoiled brat!! She has discovered that watching the birds out of the window is great fun and that lying in front of the wood burning stove as well as an the arm of the couch are great places to catch a beauty nap! 
Today started early and as excited as I was about getting to relax with Matthias today he, unfortunantly has to work for the better part of the day..we will be so happy when 2013 is over, it has been a super busy year for him as far as work goes..which is good in the big picture but he needs some time off and a chance to relax.However, the show must go on and I mean that in Aurich there is a
hobby and crafts show and then tomorrow there is one in after having a pretty stressful week I am going to take some time out of both of these days and go see what's up and what new ideas I can get inspired by..have spent the morning organizing the office and doing some small household tasks..I need to get it in gear and workout..I hope all ofyou enjoy your Saturday!!


 Guten Morgen..yeah! It's friday..I know..all of you are don't have to go to work everyday Fluffy..what is the difference between Friday, Wednesday, and a Sunday? The difference is I get to actually spend time with my husband, I don't have to make sure my son leaves the house in time for his classes to start, and I do not have to be on a schedule of sorts..making lunches, cleaning the house...all is just a bit more relaxed! Now, ask me on a Thursday mornng when my husband has taken the day off of work and I will be all out of sorts because he has disrupted my weekday routiene!! Woke up this morning feeling blessed, not only for this life I
now but also because when I was feeling down yesterday several friends reached out to me from both here in Deutschland and from back in the states, so I have made it a point to always remember that even when I cannot see the people I want to as much as I want to or to do the things that I used to do so very often that I am indeed a very lucky girl that i am really close to 45 years old I guess I should say woman ..but age is all in how you feel in your heart and I choose to feel about there..lucky girl!! Wanted to share a couple of pics to brighten your day..pretty flowers from our yard and a pic Matthias took while I was doing none other than writing Fluffy..I thought it was pretty funny. Workout for the morning..check, 1 load of laundry done..check, dishwasher unloaded..check, now to eat something, shower and take the pups for their morning sniff fest..and I must say..with this new baby cat in the house you would think we have a real baby in the house, one of us is always taking a picture of something she does..will download and post later today..heads up, smile, and be positive!!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Well, I don't really know what to say...

Good morning to you all, after a messed up day yesterday I must say today has started out much better..but probably because I am taking some time to breath and be grateful for what God has provided instead of rushing thru this day like I did yesterday..funny how he has a way of telling us to slow down don't you think? The weather here is stormy today but I managed to take some homemade cucumbers and onions to Oma and Opa and the pups for a walk before it has started to rain..would like to say we are gong to get by without it but the sky is becomng darker by the minute. Little Marli is now all over the house, we still do not leave her alone with the dogs when we are gone but she can definantly hold her own while we are here..she has learned the paths that give her easy access to height! Well, for the mirror I broke in the door yesterday, I have begun putting my creativity to work and will post a pic when it is done..for what I have started I am actually pretty happy with. 
Today started with a good workout, am adding some speed to my run every 3rd day and must say i am loving my shoulders with the workouts that include for the flabby chicken wings to go away..then I will be estatic! Have got some bread going in the bread machine..I have started to add walnut oil and extra nuts and seeds to boost every loaf's health factor..super yummy with somew homemade marmelade!
Today was the first day in a long time where I have really missed some of the stuff I used to do back in the states..for example taking my laptop or a good book to Panera and drinking a cup of hazelnut coffee or going to Hamilton place Mall in Chattanooga and shopping at Bath &Body Works, Victoria's Secret, or New York & Co, or just sitting outside with my neighbor all grundgy after running or doing yardwork,sharing a juicy cheeseburger with a good friend, or sharing a bottle of cheap, sweet wine while sitting on the back porch with girlfriends..I don't know why all of these images came rushing into my mind's eye this morning..maybe because those were the things I took shelter and peace in when the world got crazy like it is shaping up to in this timeframe..maybe I am coming to the point where I just want to be me and have fun..not worry about how I speak, or dress, or laugh (because I am too loud for this area, or so I have been told)..or how clean my house is, or how I cook or choose not to, to be able to flat out function, or it I drink tea or not, how I want to go and visit relatives without it being a stressful production. Would love to hang out with my mom and be silly, not to have to justify my thoughts, my actions, my goals in life..Don't get me wrong, I am happy here, my husband is amazing but sometimes I just miss the times when life was simple, when I was self confident in where I was in my life..if something went wrong I could handle it sometimes with help and sometimes without but at anyrate without having to use Google Übersetzer and hope that it functions correctly! Ahh, yes the rain has arrived..time to gather my books, dictionary, and my laptop and study my tail off..enough of the reminiscing and wishful thinking..back to reality I go! I wish you all a wonderful Thursday, as for me..head high, positive thoughts, prayers throughout the day, and lots of snuggles with the fuzzy critters in this house!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

What for a s..§%/&$"!!!! day I have had.

Leibe Leute..I have had such a total crap day today..I have next week 2 very important meetings that can very well define my career future here in Deutschland and in all of my complete OCD personality glory in the attempt to get everything that I can possibly fit into 1 day I have managed to break 2 things..while rushing to get the bathrooms cleaned I broke a glass soap dispenser and then while trying to help my son and husband with the assembly of a wardrobe I managed to fall up the stairs and broke the mirror in one of the doors and not only the process I managed to damage one of the corners of the same door..uuuggghhhh.. now to put my creative juices to work and figure out a way to make this a work of art and not a brand new item that I alone have ruined..all of this because I needed to have my nose in the books learning all of the medical terminology (auf Deutsch) that I can in the time span of 1 week or less if you want to be I am just completely frustrated..want to eat about 3 pounds of chocolate but no... since I am now living the vegan lifestyle I think I will have a couple of animal product free cocktails instead!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Colors of the Rainbow..kind of like Skittles but way healthier!!

Hey guys, sorry..the time completely got away from me yesterday and I have to seems to be doing the same thing today..It is already almost 2pm and this is the first moment I have sat in a chair for over 3 minutes at a time today..and people think being a housewife is a life of relaxation, manicures, lunches out, and spending the afternoon shopping or watching crap television..I must say, my life resembles nothing of the sort! There is always something to do or learn and when not here at Oma and Opa's house..spent a couple of hours there this morning working in the yard so it is ready for the winter to use the saw and got my hands that was actually alot of fun and a good way to close out the morning after working out and taking the pups for a little bit longer walk this morning.
Wanted to share pics of my breakfast smoothie from this morning..fresh fruits in all sorts of colors..and also one of the flowers that is still in our flowerbed..not much longer so I thought we should capture the colors while we can. Well, we are adapting to a schedule with our newest family member slowly but surely..Max is okay with her but we are still not so sure with Melissa..we keep them separated when we are not here and moniter closely when we are, Marli has little to no fear and in true cat fashion wants to rule the house so we are always on our toes nowdays.
Next week is shaping up to be a busy one, not only do I go back to my evening classes after a 2 week break but I also have 2 interviews, 1 for the Mathias Hochschule Rheine for the PA Program and 1 at the hospital in Leer..for a real job!!..about 40 minutes from us..I must say what was always a breeze in the states is making me a little stressed here..all is so different and even though my Deutsch is pretty good these areas are new to me and that means a whole new vocabulary..but as always I function best under stress and a little good ol' Baptism by Fire never hurt anyone!! 
As for the shopping trip to Ikea about a week and a half they will be delivering what would not fit in the car..the house is almost fully furnished..super happy about this developement..I am sure Matthias is also happy that there will be no more long shopping trips to Ikea..everything else that might possibly need to be purchased will fit in the car and I can lift myself!! Wink fear Ikea..we are far from finished ;D
Have a wonderful Tuesday..Bis Morgen...

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sunday..a day of rest? Really??

 Hallo..hope you all are having a great Sunday so far..we hit the ground running and have yet to stop..we are not home so often during the day together and seeing as how we took some time and played yesterday today is our catch up day..I was finally able to get a good catface shot of Marli and wanted to share it with you all..she is a cutie I must say..and a brave little turkey at that..she has a healthy respect for the pups but still like to explore and discover her new home..She loves to watch TV and play with the computer..see below..quite a with a cat is quite a bit different than with just the 2 dogs..
We went to Leer yesterday to the Gallimarkt, it was a bit cool and grey outdoors but that was okay because it was not as crowded as it would have normally been. Drank our first Glühweins of the wine with spices served hot..super dooper yummy!! I tried to get Matthias to drink about 6 of them so he would ride some of the rides with me but it was a big no we watched instead and ate some
goodies that taste the best at the festivals in the fall and winter ..outdoors of course Soft Pretzals served warm, sausages with crappy, cheap french fries that you would never in a million years eat at home but the are fabulous served with mayo or in my case mustard!!, and of course you cannot forget oriental noodles with cabbage and maybe some carrots if it is your lucky day..I am saving the marinated mushrooms that are to die for until the Herbstmarkt in Aurich later this month..I adore the fall here,not for the grey skies but for all that there is to many markets and never has to be bored here just because the weather is changing..Okay..have worked out, cleaned the house up, made a hearty Sunday morning breakfast for the guys, now time to shower and see what more I can get into's not raining and the sun is shining..looks like a outside kind of day!!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Bahhhh..this weather sucks!

 Hi there..this weather today is horrible... rain, strong wind, cold, grey....Am hoping I can get by without leaving the house today. The pups do not like going outside in this either..the can actually potty in their own backyard today..I promise, when we walk I always use poop I think it is horribly rude to leave my dogs poop in someone else's yard.
As you can see the treadmill has a nice home..perfect for my morning runs that I am fast becoming addictd to..did not run yesterday and I have to tell you I felt yucky all day..I attibute it to not working out..seriously..yes, I too am shocked.. who would have ever imagined I would have become that kind of who is addicted to fitness?? I was always one for copious amounts óf coffee and ice cream but fitness?? I guess stranger things have happened ;D Posted a view of the inside of my fridge..thought it looked quite colorful and pretty darned healthy..below that is the salad a made a couple of days ago before 7am..3 different kinds of lettuces..what a vitamin boost!
Below is a pic of some home grown veggies my freind Sandra gave me..used a chili last night in sauteed Veggies..what for a kick of heat..Super good! Thank you Tante Sandra..she is designated Aunt for all of my fuzzy faces! and also Vegan.
Anyway..have already worked out and ran this morning so the day is off to an awesome start..outside of the s,fjrtfbvtttt weather..looks like a good day to finally catch up on emails, letter writing, and other computer related issues..ROA, online Deutsch classes..oh,the neverending to do lists!!!!
 All critters are doing good today..Marli is sleeping in my lap after a burst of kitten energy this morning and the pups are
sleeping in the livingroom..what for a life!!
Happy friday to you all, enjoy!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Hello World..Ich bin endlich da!!

 Hello to you all..thought about posting cool pics of a treadmill and super healthy food but decided to take the cute animal pictures route this morning. Let me introduce Miss Marli..our new family member the way gets car sick.  :C
We were finally able to bring her home yesterday I must say she is a funny little thing, besides having a healthy dose of respect for the dogs she has no fear and is into just about everything. And as you can see in the bottom pic she is quite the little ham. Hopefully over time it will all work out with the pups, for now they have to be outside when she is exploring downstairs and her new home has been set up in the office which is super girlypink so it is definantly okay for a little princess.

My schedule has been thrown off a little this morning so my super productive time will have to come this afternoon..hate it when that happens, as I am a creature of habit at home. But as we say at work..flexibility is a have to have personality trait!! I am not only a new cat mommy but also a piece of spagetti or better yet a rubber band as I always seem to bounce back no matter what!!

Okay, I must do some online work for the Mathias Hochschule Rheine..I have my entrance interview on the 21st of this month..excited but a bit nervous also, hope the language barrier is not a problem..I do okay in day to day but am really going to have to give it gas for this program!! But, no fear..I love a good challange! Okay, will post pics of yummy food and the treadmill later today..enjoy all of this cuteness for a bit first!!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Just wanted to share this awesome feeling I have right about now listening to Chris Tomlin..a little loud, and worshipping our fabulous God! Thank you for all you have provided..we are so blessed!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Today is the day!!!

Guten Morgen all! Today is the day that the new baby kitty comes home to her new house with her new family..all is ready (has been for over a week)! Just a I have posted this already to my facebook and twitter sites..October is adopt a shelter dog month..for those of you who are thinking about a new family member!!Just a thought.
Went to Mathias Hochschule Rheine information seminar for theeir Physician Assistant Program yesterday super excited as even my husband who was a bit negative about it a couple of weeks ago is now for it and fully on board with me. Finally got to meet with one of the instructors who has been my contact person over the phone and via email..super nice and helpful. From the looks of the parcipitants last night I will be one of the oldest in the class but that is okay. It is not like in the states where people of all ages tend to be enrolled in college, it is definantly an oddity here for age to be a student. But as it is I have gotten used to being kind of out of place and different in the region where we live, what used to make me mad, sad and very uncomfortable I just find amusng..let the people look and talk it is now just the fuel I need to push harder to be better, do more, and grow to be even stronger than I was before.
Started my morning making a huge, colorful salad and chopping fresh veggies for a curry that we will be eating this evening..made with coconut milk and in 2 portions of course..1 with meat for the guys and 1 without for me. yummo!!
Okay, time to hit the treadmill and do my floor exercises as it is still dark outdoors and the pups are not huge fans of walking before daylight..will take pics today and post for you all this evening..have a day as awesome as all of you!!

It's Tuesday!! Man, what a great day so far!!!

Hello wonderful people! I hope that all of you are having such a good day. Woke up this morning roaring and ready to go..God is so good!! Had my first of many mornings to come on my new treadmill, ran 4 km, did a ton of crunches targeting upper and lower abs, some jumping jacks, lifted some weights..and then went to my husband's grandparents and helped them around the house for a bit. Now, a few minutes to clean up this house, do my nails, get dressed and we are off to Mathias Hochschule rheine to attend an information seminar over the Physician Assistant Program that starts in April..fingers crossed please! plus my husband took the day off of work today so that makes this day even better! ;D Okay, must go..until later today or in the morning. Have a great day.

Sunday, October 6, 2013


 Guten Morgen liebe Leute! Once more I find myself wide awake at 0330..except this time it was due to not only the dog needing a drink of water  (of course he sleeps with me!!)..the small one..but also my husband I decided to take advantage, blog a bit, blog a bit, wash some clothes, and do the ironing..oh, and drink some strong, black coffee. Today is the day my treadmill is set to so excited. No longer will my running or lack of be based on the weather..I know, I know..all of you hard core runners out there are thinking how lazy I am when it comes to running and you are exactly right..I like to run in comfort.
Yesterday proved to be a super successful shopping day at Ikea
Oldenburg, the last large trip for furniture that we need to make for the house..the rest will be small things such as rugs,large pictures, etc..but man oh man was it crowded, after the first 3 hours wee were both a little stressed but we dug in and accomplished our mission..of course once we got there Matthias was like okay, we are here..lets go find that 1 dresser we came to buy..silly boy, who drives over an hour to buy 1 dresser?? Long story short..the rest of what would not fit in the Passat will be delivered on the 15th!! :D
Picture explanations of the day..roses..for my birthday, super sweet pink and I am loving Owls this season..they are everywhere here from linens to bags, a great craft idea with the hearts..lots of lace and ribbons,
a cuddly sheep happy to be out of the way of all of the activity at the Moor museum on their open house day, he and 2 others were happily lazying the day away!
Below is the inside of the house that I posted a pic of Sautrday, this is how some of the houses here looked not so terribly long ago, my mother in law says she can remember when she was a child there were still houses like this being lived in. And the very last pic may look like just a bunch of grass in a hole but if you look carefully to the side were it loks like it has been dug out ..this is what is called turf or is used sometimes even today for heating (dried and burnt like wood) and the upper layer of the earth is super light..almost like is used in the garden..
When you think of all ofour modern conviences now it is pretty amazing to see stuff like this. Hope you all enjoy.
This morning will be one of adventure..Lidl has their skiclothes on sale, that means for the best selection I will have to be there at 8am and fight with the other crazy shoppers to get the sizes I need..the people are usually super rude actually pushing others out of the way to get what they want..normally I avoid going shopping on Monday and Thursday mornings due to this but on days like this it cannot be avoided..maybe they will also have a Xanax salt lick on special so that my mood will not be trashed for the day..because generally after dealing with the rudeness I am pretty pissed of for a good time after...for all of you living in the US..imagine Walmart the day after christmas except on a much smaller scale. Super annoying right?
At anyrate, will get busy with the ironing now so that is out of the way for the week..have an awesome Monday!!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Happiness is..a Banana smoothie served with my favorite spoon!!

 Guten Morgen! Pics from my, the Market in Aurich, fun times at the Moor Museum..the houses the people lived in earlier..with their animals, and Dalton threashing wheat, and finally wind energy at its best in a clear Ostfriesland sky!

Last night my sweet husband made me a Banana PB and Soymilk you all know I am totally addicted and he brought it to me with my favorite long, skinny used to be reserved for BlueBell Homemade Vanilla ice cream but as we don't have that here and I no longer consume any animal products it is well used for my nightly smoothies..but I personally find it really cool that he knew that small but very important fact..;D
Today is one of those days where I woke up totally energized, found some great workout tips on twitter, an drinking an all fruit smoothie as we speak, and did not forget to take my multivitamin! Way to start positve. Now all that is missing is a small progressive church like I used to go to in Georgia where we could raise our hands in worship while singing Chris Tomlin songs, un fortunantly churches like that do not exist in my part of the world. So I have to do it in my car, my livingroom, wherever the urge strikes..
So, as it is Sunday and all stores are usually 
closed today is a special day as IKEAin Oldenburg is drving and shoppng we will go! 
Anyway..time to put the sports bra on and get my rear in gear..sweat and a little pain to start the day..along with prayers of thanks that all is good with my family!
Have an awesome day and we will talk later!                                                                          

Friday, October 4, 2013

Why am I awake?

Guten Morgen...or shall I still be saying Gute Nacht? anyrate, it is early( 4am) and I am drinking my first cup of coffee, washing clothes and writing!It reminds me of when the boys were small and I was working and going to nursing school full time, this was always the best time of day to study because they were alseep..and later when they were older and I was finished with schoool and working 12 hour shifts I used to clean the house right about now, well because I had no other time to do it..needless to say, it has been awhile since I have been productive with my time so early in the day for quite a while. Well, in all of my Vegan eating glory I have found myself to be addicted to Banana soy milk smoothies and raw almonds, where I used to eat chocolate or gummy bears in the evenings these 2 items have become my go to evening treats,I still need to get a hold on my evening munch attacks but if a girls gonna eat in the evenings there are far worse things I am sure.
We ordered a treadmill for my birthday and for the fact aas I have mentioned before that with the fall and winter now upon us I have no desire whatsoever to be outside to not only jog for my health but also to train for the half marathon in Duisburg in would not be so bad but due to our proximity to the North Seathe wind blows here quite a bit and basically, I may be a really hard worker with a lot of energy but when it comes to running, well it is not super high on my to do list so me being the wimp I am am trying to make it as comfortable on myself as I can..horrible right? but lets face it, I can not stand to have my eyes water and snot dripping out of my nose when I am running, not to mention fighting the wind the whole way..honesty..that is the best policy right? As you al lknow by now I am flesh and blood and I am not about to tell you all that I run everyday no matter what.. I am now..uuggghhh 44 and enjoy my creature comforts way too much.
Well, I started out yesterday super motivated as we were going to be bringing our new family member home so I worked out in the yard and planted everything we bought at the market, cleaned the house, went grocry shopping..did all before 2 pm so we couldhead to the animal shelther..well, long story short..she has to stay until Wednesday so she can see the vet there to get her final shots and I can pick her up that afternoon, a bit of a let down due to the fact her kitty paradise has been ready and waiting now for almost a week but I am happy  to see that they are well taken care of  there..well, I knew that part already but as far as the shelter being so consciencious about immunizations and of course she will have to go back and be spayed when she is 6 months old..we decided on a young cat due to the fact that with the 2 dogs she may be better able to adjust a bit easier..if I could they would all come home with me but thank goodness I have my husband to rein my desire to save the world in..
I will download the pics I took on my birthday today for you all..the camera is upstairs with sleeping beauty and I do not want to disturb him..just because I enjoy this time of day I realize not everyone else wants to be awakened ..I have a couple of craft projects downstairs I can work on for now so the morning will not be Bis Später.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Tag der deutsche Einheit und..mein Geburtstag!!

 Guten Morgen ! I wanted to post so sweet baby pics this morning and decided to throw in a pic of my second favorite pair of absolute favorite are a grey knee high pair..these however are super fun and are from Tamaris..this is my new favorite brand , outside of Coach of course..
Today is the last day for us to be a 2 dog family, ass of tomorrow we will be a 2 dog, 1 cat family..we found a sweet Calico when we were at the shelter the other day..of course for those who know me well, you know that if I had th room I would bring all of the homeless critters home with me, as is while we were there I cried because they have to live in a shelter and not in a loving home..but I must say, the shelters here in Deutschland are no kill and the shelter--Tierheim Hage does a fabulous job so it makes it easier to accept. Anyway, somewhere between the visit and my crying my husband decided a cat would be okay for us to have..all is ready for her..a small cat apt, toys, litter box with cover and food and water to wait until tomorrow!
My family was great and I recieved all bithday cards before today..all is closed today because it is a very important day here..Tag der deutsche Einheit..representative of the remerging of east and west Deutschland. A proud day here.

I recieved flowers and perfume from my normally not romatic husband..makes for a perfect morinng..that and we have 4 whole days together..that is far and few between for us so I am going to savor every minute. cake for me, instead I think if we can find a bakery that is open or maybe a stand in the Marketplace in Aurich..a Laugenbrötchen..pretzelroll..made with no animal yummy. Today they are having a flower market in the that is where we are headed this morning..fresh air, a few flowers for the flower beds..good stuff. Will take pics and post some either later today or tomorrow morning..goal reached by the way..67.2 kilograms this morning!! Goal for October..65 kilograms!