
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Why am I awake?

Guten Morgen...or shall I still be saying Gute Nacht? anyrate, it is early( 4am) and I am drinking my first cup of coffee, washing clothes and writing!It reminds me of when the boys were small and I was working and going to nursing school full time, this was always the best time of day to study because they were alseep..and later when they were older and I was finished with schoool and working 12 hour shifts I used to clean the house right about now, well because I had no other time to do it..needless to say, it has been awhile since I have been productive with my time so early in the day for quite a while. Well, in all of my Vegan eating glory I have found myself to be addicted to Banana soy milk smoothies and raw almonds, where I used to eat chocolate or gummy bears in the evenings these 2 items have become my go to evening treats,I still need to get a hold on my evening munch attacks but if a girls gonna eat in the evenings there are far worse things I am sure.
We ordered a treadmill for my birthday and for the fact aas I have mentioned before that with the fall and winter now upon us I have no desire whatsoever to be outside to not only jog for my health but also to train for the half marathon in Duisburg in would not be so bad but due to our proximity to the North Seathe wind blows here quite a bit and basically, I may be a really hard worker with a lot of energy but when it comes to running, well it is not super high on my to do list so me being the wimp I am am trying to make it as comfortable on myself as I can..horrible right? but lets face it, I can not stand to have my eyes water and snot dripping out of my nose when I am running, not to mention fighting the wind the whole way..honesty..that is the best policy right? As you al lknow by now I am flesh and blood and I am not about to tell you all that I run everyday no matter what.. I am now..uuggghhh 44 and enjoy my creature comforts way too much.
Well, I started out yesterday super motivated as we were going to be bringing our new family member home so I worked out in the yard and planted everything we bought at the market, cleaned the house, went grocry shopping..did all before 2 pm so we couldhead to the animal shelther..well, long story short..she has to stay until Wednesday so she can see the vet there to get her final shots and I can pick her up that afternoon, a bit of a let down due to the fact her kitty paradise has been ready and waiting now for almost a week but I am happy  to see that they are well taken care of  there..well, I knew that part already but as far as the shelter being so consciencious about immunizations and of course she will have to go back and be spayed when she is 6 months old..we decided on a young cat due to the fact that with the 2 dogs she may be better able to adjust a bit easier..if I could they would all come home with me but thank goodness I have my husband to rein my desire to save the world in..
I will download the pics I took on my birthday today for you all..the camera is upstairs with sleeping beauty and I do not want to disturb him..just because I enjoy this time of day I realize not everyone else wants to be awakened ..I have a couple of craft projects downstairs I can work on for now so the morning will not be Bis Später.

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