
About Me

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Faith, Belief, Serenity..these are the things that keep me going..Hello there, my name is Tiffany..or aka as Fluffy..I am 49 and counting, child of our amazing God, Mimi, wife, mom, daughter, nurse, and am on a not so straight path to make this life the best it can possibly be. Not only for myself, but I hope by sharing my personal journey to inspire other women with a daily infusion of God's Word, positivity, and a few health and wellness tips along the way!! Be Blessed and make the day as amazing as you are!!!

Sunday, October 6, 2013


 Guten Morgen liebe Leute! Once more I find myself wide awake at 0330..except this time it was due to not only the dog needing a drink of water  (of course he sleeps with me!!)..the small one..but also my husband I decided to take advantage, blog a bit, blog a bit, wash some clothes, and do the ironing..oh, and drink some strong, black coffee. Today is the day my treadmill is set to so excited. No longer will my running or lack of be based on the weather..I know, I know..all of you hard core runners out there are thinking how lazy I am when it comes to running and you are exactly right..I like to run in comfort.
Yesterday proved to be a super successful shopping day at Ikea
Oldenburg, the last large trip for furniture that we need to make for the house..the rest will be small things such as rugs,large pictures, etc..but man oh man was it crowded, after the first 3 hours wee were both a little stressed but we dug in and accomplished our mission..of course once we got there Matthias was like okay, we are here..lets go find that 1 dresser we came to buy..silly boy, who drives over an hour to buy 1 dresser?? Long story short..the rest of what would not fit in the Passat will be delivered on the 15th!! :D
Picture explanations of the day..roses..for my birthday, super sweet pink and I am loving Owls this season..they are everywhere here from linens to bags, a great craft idea with the hearts..lots of lace and ribbons,
a cuddly sheep happy to be out of the way of all of the activity at the Moor museum on their open house day, he and 2 others were happily lazying the day away!
Below is the inside of the house that I posted a pic of Sautrday, this is how some of the houses here looked not so terribly long ago, my mother in law says she can remember when she was a child there were still houses like this being lived in. And the very last pic may look like just a bunch of grass in a hole but if you look carefully to the side were it loks like it has been dug out ..this is what is called turf or is used sometimes even today for heating (dried and burnt like wood) and the upper layer of the earth is super light..almost like is used in the garden..
When you think of all ofour modern conviences now it is pretty amazing to see stuff like this. Hope you all enjoy.
This morning will be one of adventure..Lidl has their skiclothes on sale, that means for the best selection I will have to be there at 8am and fight with the other crazy shoppers to get the sizes I need..the people are usually super rude actually pushing others out of the way to get what they want..normally I avoid going shopping on Monday and Thursday mornings due to this but on days like this it cannot be avoided..maybe they will also have a Xanax salt lick on special so that my mood will not be trashed for the day..because generally after dealing with the rudeness I am pretty pissed of for a good time after...for all of you living in the US..imagine Walmart the day after christmas except on a much smaller scale. Super annoying right?
At anyrate, will get busy with the ironing now so that is out of the way for the week..have an awesome Monday!!

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